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Your POV ~I'm afraid to go to school...Why?B.I.He's the school bully and bully anyone hewants for no reason. I have a BIG crush on him.Whatever I do , I can't just hate him."Hey! Where's my homework I told you do youyesterday?" Yeah , I even do his homework.Oh shit. I forgot."I-i forgot" I answered him. I closed my eyesand look down."Nevermind. Give me the work , useless brat." Igave him the uncompleted homework.He push me a side and went to class. I don'tknow why but tears were formed in my eyes.The school bell rang , that means lessons hasstarted. I ran back to class and luckily , theteacher has not arrive yet."Hey! It's the useless bitch!" Someone shouted.And it's B.I. Everyone throw crumpled paper atme.I looked down to avoid looking at myclassmates. Yup -B.I is in the same class as me."(Y/n)?! Why are you still standing? Go to yourseat now." Everyone stop throwing at me andstart laughing , including B.I. Only one persondidn't laugh nor throw crumpled papers at me ,Chan Woo. He's been my best friend since myfirst day. But now days , he's avoiding me. Iknow I shouldn't trust my 'friends'. They'll leaveyou anyway.The next day , same things happen again. Thistime B.I called me slut. What did I do? Whatdid I do to deserve this? But still , I like him.Rewind ~"B.I , I like you , jinjja. I don't like to be bullied.Please stop this. I can't take his anymore." Icried but all he do is laugh. He grabbed mycollar and push me against the wall."I don't need you to like me slut." Hewhispered.Present ~This is enough. I ran to the level 4th girls toilet.I took out a penknife and -B.I's POV ~Seeing her crying make me hurt so much."Bro did I went to far?" I asked Bobby."I suggest you better stop her from what she'sgonna do before its too late." He suggested.He's right. I ran to every room in the school but(y/n) can't be found. Hope she did not doanything that's totally out of her mind. I'm nowat level 4 there's not much rooms here. I wentto the girls toilet ( yeah , i don't care. ) andfound (y/n) lying on the floor , lifeless. Bloodflows from her abdomen. I couldn't believe this.I hugged her emotionless body tight."(Y/n). Wake up. You can't be..... Gone." I criedendlessly.I really do like her. Wait , I love her. With outthinking I took the penknife that was cover with(y/n)'s blood and 'killed' myself. I might as wellnot live if (y/n) isn't."(Y/n) , I love you. I need you to know that. Seeyou in my after life."

iKON SMUT COLLECTION: iKON Is Cumming To Town [이콘 은 마을 커밍 인가]Where stories live. Discover now