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Junhoe didn't do this. Not usually. Today wasspecial, he performed miracles at work today,and he deserved a treat for it. He deserved tounbutton his jacket and loosen his tie a fractionof an inch over a glass of bourbon. The fact thathe found that bourbon at Club iKon was acomplete coincidence. It had nothing to do withthe male go-go dancers that littered theplatforms and stages around the club's dancefloor. No, absolutely nothing.It was especially unrelated to the ten o'clockshow on the Club iKon mainstage featuring theteam's best dancers in a different routine everyweek. It was Friday, the unveiling night of thenewest dance and Junhoe's fingers tappedanxiously against his glass. It had been twoweeks since he last came to the club; he'dmissed last week's routine completely. As muchas he'd like to say he was unaffected, it wasmuch more painful making it through a week ofwork without the memory of it.So here he was, indulging himself in thisexploration into homosexuality and the eroticclub scene that went with it. He was sure if anyof his employees saw him here, it would be thetalk of the office for weeks. Still, he sipped hisbourbon and kept his head low, checking hiswatch impatiently as it clicked closer to ten. Heavoided eye contact with the flirty bartenderand squirmed in his seat. The pounding housemusic slowly faded and the lights in the clubwent dark. Junhoe spun his barstool around atwicked speed and watched a single spotlightcome up on the center of the mainstage. Themusic began, and Junhoe could barely hear itover the pounding in his ears. Three dancerswalked into the spotlight. He recognized two ofthem immediately, but the one in the middlewas new. Did they add him last week? Is thatwhat he missed?Junhoe's mind went blank as the music droppedand the dancers went into motion.The three of them were perfectly in sync as theroutine began. The Club iKon dancers all hadgood chemistry on stage, but this was different.They moved as a single force, a three-prongedassault of sex and confidence. The newer dancerwas smaller than the two he recognized, and notnearly as bulky. His skin was stark white andshined under the spotlight. He nearly looked outof place onstage, but the way his lythe bodyrolled through the air meant he belonged there.The music was nonstop hard from start tofinish, and gave Junhoe no time to recover fromone eight count to the next. As the song cameto climax, the three came together in the middleof the stage, moving against each other almostviolently as if the key to survival was hidden ineach other's bodies. Junhoe was mesmerized bythe expressions the new dancer made and theimpossible sway of his hips. He felt personallyoffended when the song finally ended and thecrowd erupted in chaotic cheers. The two largerdancers stayed onstage while the clubsoundtrack started again, but the third quicklymade his way offstage. Junhoe stared until hispert little butt clad in the tightest of booty shortsdisappeared behind a black curtain at the backof the club."Like what you see?"Junhoe jumped as the bartender giggled behindhim. He turned and shook his head, stillwheeling from the performance. "That newdancer is great," he said.The bartender giggled again, high-pitched andfake. "New dancer? What, you mean Jinhwan?Please honey, he is anything but new."Junhoe finished his drink and paid. He wasn't inthe mood to play any of the bartender's gamesand he'd rather process that performance byhimself back in his one bedroom apartment. Hewent to bed that night with a wide grin on hisface and gold booty shorts bright on the back ofhis eyelids.Junhoe went back every night that weekend.And the next. And the next. Work flew by, hisoffice struggling to keep up with Junhoe'senergy. Fridays were especially bad, as Junhoetore through paperwork so he could get homefaster. He still had to wait until ten for theshow, spending torturous hours at homedeciding whether or not to change. He neverdid, showing up to the club in his suit like he'dcasually just gotten off work, but his colognewas fresh and his hair perfectly coiffed.Jinhwan was performing again tonight, as he hadevery weekend since Junhoe saw him that firstnight.The song of the night was slower than theothers, and had a jamaican feel. Jinhwan stillmatched the beat perfectly, his hips swaying andthrusting in what Junhoe knew must be illegalways. Junhoe paid no attention to the otherdancers, instead raking his eyes shamelesslyover the small dancer's body. Junhoe travelledup his chest and neck until for the first time,their eyes locked. Junhoe didn't recognize whatwas happening at first until Jinhwan slowlywinked and bit his lip, giving a particularlystrong thrust of his hips. Junhoe went red fromhis ears to his chest and looked away. His heartpounded wildly, but he looked up again to catchthe last few seconds of the performance. Onceagain, the other dancers stayed onstage andflirted with the audience but Jinhwan rushed offand out of sight.Junhoe turned back to the bar with his heart inhis throat. Did Jinhwan, gorgeous and impossiblysexy Jinhwan, really look at him? See him? Winkat him? There was no way, the lights were dimaround the bar and blinding near the front,there was no way he could see anything but aslightly Junhoe-shaped blob from the stage.Right?The bartender suddenly clapped and crooned,running over to Junhoe's side of the bar."Bravo, baby! Slayed it again tonight, you know Ilive for you," he giggled."Thanks, Seungri, but let me drink my Mule inpeace." A small, high voice pierced through theclub din."Anything you say, boss," Seungri sighed,pouting as he fixed the drink. Junhoe barelynoticed the man climbing onto the stool besidehim, still caught up in calculating light physicsand club visibility. It wasn't until he felt a lighttap on his shoulder that he turned and nearlychoked on his drink."Hello." Jinhwan smiled up at him, and Junhoe'smind went completely blank. Jinhwan lookedconsiderably smaller from close up and swathedin a large puffy jacket. In the flashing club lightsJunhoe could barely see a mole just underJinhwan's right eye. It was the most beautifulthing Junhoe had ever seen."Hello?" Jinhwan asked again, his smile growingwider. His eyes crinkled into perfect littlecrescents and Junhoe was sure he would goblind if he stared any longer into the brightness."Ah sorry," he mumbled into his bourbon. "Hi."Jinhwan chuckled. It was the sound of angelscrying. Junhoe was gone. "I'm Jinhwan, what'syour name?""Jin-what. No. Junhoe.""Junhoe? Are you sure?"Junhoe remembered how to breath and smiled."Yes, I'm sure. You were very good. On stage, Imean. With the...dancing.""Thanks, I try. How did the crowd like it? I triedsomething new today, I'm not sure how itlooked.""Tried something new?" Junhoe asked, confused.Seungri snorted and Junhoe nearly jumped outof his seat. He had completely forgotten that thebartender, or the rest of the club, was eventhere."How dumb can you be? I told you, this isfucking Kim Jinhwan. The Kim Jinhwan? Ownsthe fucking club? Choreographs every dance thatgoes on the one and only Club iKon stage? Man,the only reason your sorry ass gets to see himdance is because Yunhyeong sprained his damnankle on stage, a day you conveniently missed.""That's enough, Seungri," Jinhwan looked sternbut his voice wavered slightly. The tips of hisears were the slightest bit pink and Junhoeresisted the urge to reach out and touch them."Wow, um...I didn't know," Junhoe stuttered,realizing that every explicit erotic routine he hadseen at the club came from this tiny man'sbrain."I didn't expect you to. Seungri, go away please.Now. "Seungri clicked his tongue and strutted away tothe other end of the bar.Junhoe watched the ice melt in his glass. Hehadn't drunk much, and the shock of Jinhwan(holy shit, Jinhwan ) next to him had soberedhim up quickly.Jinhwan sighed and turned his stool to face thecrowd. "You've been watching me," he said."Um, yes. Your choreography is very good.""No, I mean you've been watching me ."Jinhwan turned to face Junhoe head on. "Not mychoreography. Me .""You- you're a dancer, of course I've watchedyou.""No, because I'm not a dancer. Not like theguys, anyway. Put me next to shirtless Bobby,who is the public going to look at? I'm just afiller until Yunhyeong gets back. But you, you'redifferent. Every night, you're watching me.Why?"Junhoe swallowed dryly. "It's hard not to."Jinhwan went quiet, so Junhoe tentatively asked,"How did you know I was watching you?"Jinhwan took a sip of his drink. "Because I waswatching you," he said softly. "And when Ilooked at you, you were looking," Jinhwancoughed and pulled his coat tighter around him,"Elsewhere."Junhoe panicked. Jinhwan was a person, a cute,sweet, very successful person, and he wastreating him like a piece of meat. An object.Something to jerk off to in the shower when hewas too stressed to sleep. He felt like the nakedone now, his sins laid bare under Jinhwan's softgaze. "I'm sorry if I've made youuncomfortable," he choked. "I'll just...I'll just beleaving now, you have a very nice club, thankyou for your time." Junhoe fumbled with hiscoat as he threw cash onto the bar. "I'm sorry,have a nice day.""Whoa, wait- wait, big guy!" Jinhwan grabbedhis arm, and Junhoe felt like he might cry. Heshould have never come to this club, at leastnow he knows for sure he is very gay, goodbyeforever Club iKon, it's been nice. He waited fora "big guy" sized scolding, but it never came.Instead, Jinhwan dragged him back into theclub, past the bar and behind the black curtain."Please don't beat me up, oh my God, I'm notnearly as strong as I look!" Junhoe blurted asthey walked into a dim, narrow hallway."Beat you- what? No, I'm not going to be youup," Jinhwan smiled. "Trust me, that's the lastthing I want to do.""I'm sorry for staring at you.""Don't be. I'm not mad, just confused I guess.People don't usually look at me like that."Jinhwan crossed his arms tight across his body."It's not that I don't like it, I'm just...confused.""Why?" Junhoe asked. "I'm not the only onelooking at you.""That isn't true.""Yes it is! God, you're beautiful. If someonedidn't stare at you, they would be blind.""Beautiful?"Junhoe took a deep breath. "Yes, verybeautiful."Something in the air changed, the light seemedto shift, and in one swift moment Junhoe wasbacked against the wall with Jinhwan pressinginto his body."What a coincidence," Jinhwan whispered, hisbreath skating across the base of Junhoe's neck."I was thinking the same thing about you."A small high pitch scream erupted somewherein the back of Junhoe's brain and he swallowedthickly. "Is that...is that why you winked at me?""Ah, so you saw that? Good, I was afraid youlooked away too fast." Jinhwan placed a smallhand on Junhoe's chest and suddenly thehallway felt much, much smaller."What is, what, what are you doing?"Jinhwan sighed and patted Junhoe's chest gently."Look, I consider myself a patient man. I run aclub with the most immature of employees, butI never raise my temper with them. I am thepicture of serene leadership. But when some hotpiece of ass stares at my naked body with suchblatant hunger on his face for four straightweeks without doing a God damn thing about it,I get a little irritated with the hot piece of ass.""Am I the hot piece of ass?""Yes, Junhoe, you are the hot piece of ass. Soright here, right now. What are you going to doabout it?""Um. Kiss you?""That would be a good start, yeah."Junhoe wrapped a hand around the back of hisneck and leaned down to press his lips gentlyagainst Jinhwan's. He placed his other hand overthe one on his chest, anchoring himself asJinhwan licked against his lips. The kiss wasdeep, passionate, and Junhoe was drowning inthe taste.If Jinhwan's body was hot onstage, it waspositively sinful against Junhoe's. Jinhwan's hipsrolled into him at an agonizingly slow pace, justenough to get him hard as a rock but notenough to get him off. His hand tighten in theback of JInhwan's hair and Jinhwan moanedsoftly against his lips. The sound dug deep intohis mind, and Junhoe's sanity snapped.He made quick work of the zipper on the parkaJinhwan had on and it fell to the ground with asmall thump. He was still wearing his stageoutfit, just a pair of work boots and bootyshorts, and Junhoe nearly drooled at the sight.He latched his lips onto the pale skin rightunder Jinhwan's ear, and let high pitchedwhines wash over him like a symphony. Jinhwanyelped and then laughed, ringing and sweet, asJunhoe scooped his legs into his arms andpressed him against the opposite wall. From thisangle, Jinhwan's shorts rubbed right against thegrowing bulge in Junhoe's trousers and Jinhwan'shead fell back against the wall in a long, drawnout groan.He wrapped his legs around Junhoe's back andwhispered hoarsely, "Please, Junhoe, God, justfucking touch me." Junhoe hesitated, just asecond, before complying. He pressed the heelof his palm against the front of Jinhwan's shorts,the other reaching down to grab a handful ofhis ass. Jinhwan cried out, and Junhoe prayedthe club music would drown him out. Junhoegrinded into him desperately, his large handclosing over Jinhwan's dick in long, drawn outstrokes. Junhoe littered his neck with kisses andbites, some that would surely show attomorrow's show. Jinhwan made no move tostop him. Instead, he snaked a small handbetween them to grab at the front of Junhoe'spants. He let out a strangled gasp, already soclose to cumming." Jinhwan, " he groaned, "Fuck, I'm so closealready.""Yeah?""Yes, fuck! ""Me too. Cum for me then, cum for me baby Iwant to see it."Junhoe came hard, his mouth slack in shock aspleasure washed over him. Jinhwan put his ownhand over Junhoe's, moving it faster until hecried out and warmth spilled into Junhoe's hand.He slumped against Junhoe's chest, and Junhoestruggled to keep both of them upright. Theystayed that way for a while, breathing heavy.Jinhwan nuzzled the side of Junhoe's neck,leaving a small kiss in his wake. Junhoe wascontent to stay that way for the rest of his life,but wetness started to spill down his hand anda small, "Ew," escaped him.He felt Jinhwan grin against his neck and laughsoftly. "Come on, there's a bathroom backhere," he said, carefully climbing down Junhoe'sbody. "Let's get you cleaned up."Junhoe's employees were sure their boss haddiscovered recreational drugs. It was the onlyexplanation for humming in the office, thesincere compliments, and his relentlessdetermination to bring everyone coffee. Hissecretary finally solved the mystery when shewas delivering him a stack of invoices."Thank you, Jenny, you're the best," he crooned,smiling up at her like a deranged puppy."Sir," she started slowly, lowering her voice,"there's glitter on your suit.""What? What glitt- oh." Junhoe looked down;there it was. A light smear of Club iKon bodyglitter right on his lapel, still there from his firstnight with Jinhwan. Two dry cleaning trips later,and "The Herpes of the Craft World" lived up toits name. "That is...that's nothing.""By chance, boss...did you get a girlfriend?""What? No, that's ridiculous!" Junhoe scoffed.Perfectly on cue, Nicki Minaj blared out from hisphone. He slapped it violently until the musicstopped, cursing Jinhwan with his entire being.He should have never let him choose his ownringtone. "Ridiculous," he said again, trying very,very hard to hide the growing smile on his fac

iKON SMUT COLLECTION: iKON Is Cumming To Town [이콘 은 마을 커밍 인가]Where stories live. Discover now