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-four-jiwon loves jinhwan, he really does. he loves theway jinhwan's eyes crinkle when he smiles, heloves the way jinhwan's cheeks puff up when hetries to hold in his tears, he loves the wayjinhwan's lips move when he sings, and he lovesthe way jinhwan's eyelashes flutter when hefeels jiwon leaning in for a kiss. jiwon lovesjinhwan, he really does.they don't really have secrets between them,having been friends for four years maybe,before they eventually got together. sotechnically they know everything about eachother, and are always attuned to the other'sfeelings and thoughts, always there for theother. a touch on the arm when jiwon's tooemotional to make right choices, a hand on theback when jinhwan's too burdened by hisresponsibilities, a kiss on the forehead whenjiwon's too tired of the world, and a chin on thecrown when jinhwan's too sensitive to ignorevenomous words. all done with wordsunspoken.their relationship is, in jiwon's opinion, smooth,in the sense that there are rarely fights betweenthe two of them, if at all. neither of them arehot-headed people, so there's really no causefor fights. both of them know when to backdown and apologise when they know it isneeded, so most of their fights remained assquabbles. and jiwon's proud of the fact thatboth of them have such a peaceful relationship.but to be honest, jiwon wouldn't want to bewith someone else other than jinhwan, even iftheir relationship happened to be wrecked withmisery, hurt, shouts and cries.still, there was this one particularly ugly quarrelbetween them, both of them too high-strung,too stressed, too agitated, too emotional tothink calmly, spitting out poisonous words andspiteful thoughts that neither really mean. ithad lasted for a mere four days, but jiwon cannever forget those four days void of jinhwan'swarmth, jinhwan's colour, jinhwan's kisses,jinhwan. he can never forget how he had beenso scared at the thought that he might have lostjinhwan for good, that jinhwan might not comeback through the doors of their apartment andinto his arms. jiwon wasn't, isn't, sure how he'dlive if jinhwan really did leave. he's doesn'teven remember the reason they fought, was itthe large, rough hand that rested on jinhwan'snape for a second longer than the previous timeit was there, or was it the long, delicate fingersthat pressed down on jiwon's shoulders? eitherway, the only thing running through his mindwhen he saw jinhwan again, standing behind thedoor to their apartment was just thank god,thank god, thank god, thank god as he rushedto pull the sobbing jinhwan back into hisembrace, his own tears falling as he letsjinhwan's scent and apologies invade his senses.and jiwon has decided then and there, he'snever going to let go of jinhwan, ever.-three-jiwon remembers seeing jinhwan for the firsttime, wearing a denim shirt and black pants ashe stands by a couple of mutual friends,thinking that he's too small to be a hyung, toopretty to be a boy, too different to be a closefriend. jiwon's right on the first two counts, buthe's just so relieved that the third was not trueat all.jiwon remembers seeing jinhwan for the secondtime, on the streets in an oversized sweater andskinny jeans, a pair of headphones covering hisears with hands tucked in his pockets, lipsparted a little as he looks around the streetswith wonder. jiwon wonders how jinhwan caughthis eye in the streets packed full with people.jiwon vaguely recalled his friend saying jinhwanjust moved here, before he passed by withoutmeeting his eyes, thinking there's no need tosay hi since they weren't close.jiwon remembers seeing jinhwan for the thirdtime, clad in a sleeveless top and ripped jeans, acheckered shirt tied around his waist as he looksat his phone, looks up to examine hissurroundings, and back at his phone again,eyebrows furrowing and lips pouting. he's lost,jiwon thought, and that started off an innerdebate on whether he should approach jinhwanor not. but he did went towards jinhwannonetheless, because as much as he isunfamiliar with the other, jiwon isn't the kind ofperson to leave a friend in need. and jiwon'sglad he had done so because that, was howtheir friendship began.-two-jiwon thinks living with jinhwan is quite possibly,the best idea he had ever had, and those whoknows jiwon will agree. in the morning, justseeing jinhwan brightens up his day and clearsup his monday blues or tuesday blues orwhatever-day blues. morning kisses by hismorning angel and maybe for his angel if heever wakes up earlier than jinhwan, jinhwan'speaceful sleeping face before his eyes first thingwhen he wakes up, sometimes waking up to thesmell of scrambled eggs, toasted bread and hamor maybe pancakes, jinhwan wearing just jiwon'slarge white shirt with hair sticking up twohundred thousand different ways after aparticular steamy night. jiwon loves morningswith jinhwan, especially saturday mornings,when both of them get to lie in and cuddle andtease each other, tickling and play-biting, moreon jiwon's part, giggles from jinhwan andguffaws from jiwon filling up their room. andjinhwan will whine about breakfast, draggingjiwon out of the comfort of the bed to begintheir day. and honestly, jiwon doesn't mindspending every morning like this.and in the night, when evening falls darker forstars to shine and jiwon comes home from work,a dark empty living room greets him, but heknows jinhwan's in the kitchen with the radioswitched on and pan sizzling, wooden spoon inhand as he cooks, nodding his head andhumming along to the music playing. an armaround the waist, a press of lips to the neck andjiwon will hop away quickly to the shower beforehe gets hit by jinhwan for distracting him. anddinner, fried rice, bulgogi, jjigae, japchae, orwhatever jinhwan feels like cooking, held overconversations, talks of their day, jinhwan at hispet shop and jiwon at his school. then it's rock-paper-scissors at the end of each meal todetermine who'll wash the dishes, but they bothend up doing it either way because jiwon willwhine and jinhwan will pout. and when they'redone, a movie night maybe, or games, or a quietnight with books and handphones before theyhit the bed, energy seeping away as the clockticks and tocks. but of course, in bed sometimesa playful bite turns to a long kiss, a lick alongthe jaw and more. and honestly, jiwon doesn'tmind spending every night like this.-one-jiwon's friends with hanbin and chanwoo,jinhwan's friends with donghyuk, yunhyeong andjunhoe, and it's no surprise then when theystart being friends that their circle of friendsstart to mingle too. jiwon didn't mind it at allbecause donghyuk, yunhyeong and junhoe arenice kids, and jiwon got to learn of jinhwan'sstories, jinhwan's patience, jinhwan's adorablyembarrassing antics, jinhwan's determinationthat made jiwon slowly, but surely, fall in lovewith. jiwon's life practically revolved aroundjinhwan, but he's not blind to his surroundingstoo. he didn't miss the lingering gazes of hanbinon jinhwan, the special smile that played aroundthe lips whenever jinhwan's near or the handthat seems attracted to jinhwan's nape. he alsodidn't miss the blushes of donghyuk wheneverjiwon talked to him, the little bit of extra carethat jiwon alone received or the massagesdonghyuk offered whenever jiwon's tired. jiwonfelt bad, because he can never reciprocatedonghyuk's feelings, and jiwon felt complicated,because what were the odds that him and hisbest friend likes the same person? but maybethe odds were in his favour, because jiwonsurely didn't miss the way jinhwan brightenedup whenever he saw him, the way jinhwan'seyes naturally went to him wherever he was,the way jinhwan gets him to meet up over theweekends or the way jinhwan depended on himmore than anyone else. jiwon couldn't bringhimself to care about hanbin or donghyuk then,not when jinhwan's eyes held so much promisethat maybe, just maybe, jinhwan's life revolvedaround jiwon just as jiwon's did. and it's true.-zero-"jiwon-ah?""arhn?"they were resting on the couch, jinhwan flippingthrough a magazine at one side of the couch,sitting normally while jiwon plays around withthe television remote control, body stretched outin a comfortable position with an armsupporting his head while his legs hang off theother end of the couch."i love you.""why, why this sudden declaration though?"jinhwan confesses simply as he stops turning thepages to cast a small smile at the back ofjiwon's head. jiwon stops shaking his leg andturns his head as far back as he can to look atjinhwan, heart palpitating at jinhwan's wordsand though thoroughly pleased, he decides thatteasing jinhwan comes first."nothing...just thought i should say it...""awwww, i love you too hyung! very very much!"a blush paints jinhwan's cheeks and ears, hisgaze returning to the magazine and jiwon can'thelp but coo before he pounces onto his smallhyung, knocking the magazine out of his handsand buries his head onto his lap. jiwon thenblows raspberries into jinhwan's stomach amidstshrieks and squirms and yes, jiwon definitelywants this to last forever.

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