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I used to talk. I used to respond. I used to smile. Specially after I met it, but not for long. Then I knew what it is exactly. What it can do, never to mention what it has with me. I know everything. Long years ago, when I was 8 years old we met. On the last month of the year. I didn't call it, 'it' then, because knew,I thought I knew 'it'. We were friends. Before I figured out who 'it' is and everything collapsed.


"Heather! Heather! Are you alright?" 

My mother shook me few times. I was sitting on the doorstep staring at no where. lost in thought -or flashback. I saw my mother's honey suckle coloured eyes gleam in sunlight. Her hair smells like honey, Brown and thick. As she bent towards me, I caught a glimpse of a person walking towards us from the gate. I blankly kept staring at that person pass my mother. A frown crossed her face as she turned to see who it was. The frown faded to a crooked smile.

 "Mr. Homer".

 The old man came towards us in his ever ellagent way. His black coat patchless. He is my counceller since my accident those years ago. 

"Lily, May I have a word?"

 He guided my mother across the garden, far away from my earshot. Different emotions passed mom's  face as he spoke. Some were too quick to notice. Nevertheless one was clear as the moon in a cloudless full moon. Fear. 

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