When You Two Become Closer

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You buried your head in your hands. Recently you haven't stopped thinking about food. Period and your food had been coming up. It was awful. Nothing satisfied you in the least. You actually went with the confusion you were pregnant. Of course it was a stupid idea because you hadn't had intercourse with anyone.
"Maybe I can go see if Naruto is at Ichiraku. Hm. Maybe Ramen is the thing I need..." You think before standing up and walking outside with your stomach making the rumbles.
The walk to Ichiraku wasn't far but it wasn't close. Within moments you say your butt on the stool before signing to yourself.
"Hey (Y/N)!" Shouted an excited voice next to you. The teenage blonde sat closer to you which made you grin to yourself. "You hungry?! I'll pay for you!" He offered so you just shrugged. Part of you did not want to make him angry.
"Uhm. Can I get a Misu Ramen? Extra broth.." You whisper, weakly. Part of you just hoped it wouldn't come to haunt you later. "Anyway so how have you been?"
"Good. Just been thinking. How come you haven't run away from me yet? Don't you know who I am?"
"Naruto Uzumaki. The jinchuriki of the nine tail fox. I like when people are different." You say with a smile. The ramen then got set right in front of you so you grin happily. "Thank you." You then dug into the ramen before hearing sniffling next to you. Suddenly you look at him to notice that he was crying. "N-Naruto?!"
"Your the first person to not judge me for being this way. I'm so glad I met you... Thank you." You smiled toward him before bringing him into a caring hug.


You rolled your eyes as you notice your least favorite stalker following behind you with a smirk across his lips. Without warning, you felt an arm around you. A scream escaped your lips but it was soon muffled under a hand.
Shock filled you when a hand got stuck into your pants so you let tears rolls down your eyes.
"I know you like it~" The molester whispers into your ear as you feel his hand roll circles over your area. Without warning he suddenly fell back, making you fall to your knees and holding your body with a very scared look on your face.
"Oh my god.. Are you okay?!" A worried voice said.
You slowly look up to see Sasuke who was now kneeled in front of you. "T-thank you..." You whisper great fully.
"Oh my god.. Let me walk you ho-"
"So that you can molest me too?!" You shout but suddenly regret it. "Sorry.. Go ahead.. Not like anything is stopping you. I'm offering you to walk me home. Not molest me."
A hand helps you up so you walk next to Sasuke who was looking around for anyone that could pop out at any moment.
Moments later you arrived at your home. A light shining over ahead to signify somebody was home, your mom and dad.
"Thank you again for saving-" you got cut off my a hand stroking your cheek. Apart of you wanted to slap him but part of you appreciated the touch.
"Call me whenever your in trouble or just need a friend.." Sasuke whispered, shocking you. "I'll see you some time.. Loser." He said before walking away leaving you with a blush spreading across your cheeks in anger.
"I'm not a loser!! I can run circles around you!!" But it was all muffled in his mind before you just decide to walk into your home, still feeling the tingle of his touch.

Rock Lee

You lift your head up from the tree you were leaning against. This was the second part of the Chunin Exams. Your teammates were all unconscious from an explosion they were involved in.
A team had decided to attack you guys at the wrong time when you were all chewing on some dangos that your one friend had packed. Sadly she was unconcious and honestly made your heart hurt. She meant so much to you and you knew she was only trying to be sweet.
Anyway back to what was happening before, you hear a snap from behind you which causes you to snarl and bare your teeth toward that direction. A fat kid, a bald boy, and a handsome boy with blond shaggy hair which stood on all directions came out with a sort of snide looks on your faces.
"Hey look boss. Weaklings. HAND US YOUR HEAVEN SCROLL!!!" The fat one says making your eye brow quirk in dissatisfaction with his rude manors.
Your jutsu would kick in at any moment to heal your wound but all you had to do right now was wait and stall them.
"Fine. We'll just take it by force!" The bald one shouted, taking out a kunai. Part of you wished you could make your jutsu work faster but it doesn't work that way. You wished it did but it didn't. The baldy then threw his kunai but it lodged itself in the bark which caused you to smirk slightly.
"Can't even aim correctly?" You taunt evilly. "How'd you even get in the Chunin exams? Was your father the sensei? I pity him for having such a sorry excuse for a son!"
The kid screamed before launching at you. In his hands he held a mace the size of a human which made you laugh lightly to yourself. The boy then sent it down on your head but you rolled out of the way.
A warrior call filled the hair as a familiar bowl cut haired boy came in with a flashy sort of smile. He landed on the ground proudly.
"I am Rock Lee! The handsome devil of the leaf village!" He shouted, causing you to giggle lightly.
You sort of thought that he came for your pretty friend but when he looked at you, your heart melted as his eyes filled with love.
"I'm going to protect you. With my life if I have to!!" He announced, looking back at the fatty before launching at him. He ended up destroying the fat one quickly though.
The blonde launched toward you. He placed his lips on yours so You gasp and push him off before feeling you body tingle all over. "What kind of jutsu was that!?"
Rock Lee sent a rough kick in the blondes face causing you to gasp out in pain as the sensation filled your whole body.
You didn't understand any of the things happening but you knew it definitely wasn't a good thing.
"(Y/N)!" Neji shouted, swinging a fist at the bald one who quickly fell unconscious.
The sensation felt horribly unbearable but you didn't know it was actually your jutsu. You didn't even get the chance to say thank you to Rock Lee before you fell unconscious.

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