Rock Lee X Reader (Fluff)

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Request made from someone in the comments.

The crisp spring air had just made its way to Konaha on the last week. Often you would waste long hours of your weeks training till you bled. That wasn't an understatement. Each arm had an infinite number of bruises and blisters that completely made your whole entire arm to your whole body. Another thing that contributed to the markings was your chakra level and it's nature. It often took over your body in a purple color and it would hurt you so bad that you'd have to give up training or you'd wake up covered in blood from head to toe.

You walk down the side walk of Konaha, passing every single person that went by you. A few turned back to look at how deformed you were from the night prior. Every inch of your body was a pinkish color. You were starting to get sick and tired of the way that everyone looked at you and you were sick and tired of the pain that would coarse through your whole entire body when someone even slightly grazed you. As you walked down the road, a boy came up to you with his bowl cut hair. You had to count so many times that Rock Lee mentioned your skin, every time you not telling him why.

"Hey Y/N! Where are you going?" Rock Lee asks, walking beside you. The male had aged quite well from his younger age and he was more mature. He had always been mature for being 14 when you had met. Ever since you too had met he would comment on your skin type while he worried every single time. You often tried to console Neji so that Lee would have a way better understanding of why your skin was like this but every time Neji would try and explain, Lee would drown him out and attempt to talk to Sakura.

"The hospital." You mumble, taking a turn into a fenced up alley way. The bowl haired boy stared at you with a stunned expression. You didn't know why he was shocked. "Lee. This isn't my normal skin tone. It's very much treatable. My chakra levels are just extremely high and they burn me due to the nature." You tell him, making your (h/c) out of your face. You avoided touching your face.

"So you don't normally look like this?" Lee asked. That was right, Lee had never seen you without the blisters on. He would just catch you the day after. Meaning, you would get your face and body fixed and then go and train again and ruin the doctors work. "Can I come with you?"

"People will think we're dating Lee. Aren't you concerned of what Sakura will think?" You ask, looking up at your friend. The male opened his mouth but nothing came out. "If you want to come, go ahead."

Lee's face contorted to a happy expression. You often bent backwards to make sure that Lee was okay and happy. To be honest with yourself, you had a thing for him. He never got angry, he never swore, he never went out of his way to avoid you, he would bend plans just to see you, his expressions gave away that he was a very expressive person. Those were things that you loved about him. It's just, you planned to never tell him how you felt. There was just no need to.

The two of you walk into the hospital and the nurse sighed as soon as she saw you. "Y/N! Again? You know if you keep doing that to yourself it may permanently.... Lee." The nurse flared her nostrils when she saw Lee. You knew exactly why so you walked to the ER section. Every person waved at you as you walked. You held your breath as you used the hand sanitizer and held in hisses of pain.

"Ah! Sweetheart!" A voice shouted. The voice was none other than your mother. "It's getting worse and worse. Honey, you know that you need to stop trying to master our chakra. It poisons your body every time you try it. I mean, if you can figure it out then that'd be amazing- LEE!" Your mother shouted, wrapping her arms around the boy. He tensed underneath the hug but didn't speak anything to address to stop. They stopped hugging and you walked with your mother to the exam room.


You peaked your eyes groggily open. The exam had gone well but you didn't listen to the warnings that the nurses gave you so you went to train again. This had been the first time in the while that you didn't wake up in absolute pain but your hands were covered in bleeding cuts. Progress. You attempted to stand up but your legs were way to weak and comfortable against the dirt ground. You felt happy though, knowing that the blisters and temporary whole body sun burn wasn't there. That's when you remembered what Lee thought when he saw you after the curing process. His eyes had widened when he saw your clean (s/c) skin cured from the blistering. He opened his mouth to speak a simple word that made you gasp out. "Gorgeous."

Again you attempted to stand up but nothing motivated you to. That's when footsteps approached you and Lee stood over you with a disappointed look on his face. That was a new expression that you had never seen on him. He scooped you up bridal style and carried you to a bench. His eyes didn't meet yours and you were curious why he was silent.

"Lee?" You ask, bringing your fingertips to his cheek. They caressed the soft skin to move his head to look at you. There was softness in his eyes when you too stared at each other. He stared for away while he carried you. His build was muscular with broad shoulders and a thin waist with the soft muscle that wasn't like laying on a hard rock.

"Why do you have to push yourself until you're bleeding and can't move?" He asks, walking down the path. It seemed he was leading you to his apartment but you didn't mind because you had stayed at his house before.

"I feel like I have something to prove. I'm sick and tired of people calling my clan the cursed chakra clan. We try to master it but it just gets wild when we attempt to and it burns the skin. It's not that it's poisonous or cursed. It's that we have so much of it combined with the nature of the chakra." You ranted, not realizing you snuggled your head into his neck. Lee held you tighter.

"You've never had to prove anything to me. I know you're stronger than any kunoichi I've ever met and that says a lot Y/N." Lee says, unlocking his door with one hand. Someone he was strong enough to carry me with one arm.

"Lee. Can I ask you something?"

"I don't see why not."

"Do you actually love Sakura?"

Lee tensed up at the question. "Let me place you down for this." He mumbles, placing you on the couch to sit up. "I don't love her." He says, rubbing his thumb over your knuckles as he sits on the coffee table. "You see. I think I fell in love with someone at 14. Someone who wanted to prove herself and the only way she could figure out to do so was to attempt to master something that could kill her. And every time she would hurt herself on accident, I'd come and take care of her and wash off the blood and take care of her."

You stare at him and see that he's not looking at you. He clearly expected a rejection but you felt the same. You wanted to show that you felt the same so you reached both of your hands to cup his face and you leaned into to kiss him. His lips molded gently against your own and you feel his one hand hold your one wrist while he held your waist. His eyes were closed in content. The both of you pulled away but you didn't want to.

"Thank you for being such a good person to me." Lee whispered, laying his head on your lap.

"I should be thanking you."

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