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I spend a good chunk of the day in my office refusing to do any work for Max or the other leaders. Instead I punch the walls or kick my desk, by the time I'm finished with my tantrum I had flipped over my filing cabinet, tore off every picture on the walls, and my desk lays on its side.

I plop down in the middle of my mess and brood on how unfair life is.

I could kill her. And, make sure no oner knew it was me, seeing as I could ask Four to delete the film evidence.

I nod my head contiplating but eventually give up on the idea.

Finally I have calmed myself down enough to breath normally and jerk my door open. Heads snap up from working and stair at me, or the wreckage behind my back.

"What?!" I scream it at their faces making them look away hurriedly and storm off to find Four.

We're would he be right now, its not to late so maybe he's still in the control room working.

I peep my head in and look around seeing Zeke but no Four. "Hey Zeke, have you see Four lately?" He looks up from his screen with a dull look on his face and I realize I had just woke him from sleep. "Wha- oh, uh no sorry. But I'll let him know you came by." He smiles weekly. " thanks."

I wish my job was napping all day, smff.

I need to get all of my frustration out of my system and quick. I head to my apartment and change into some athletic clothes so I can run.

I'm standing in the train stretching my legs and arms waiting for my stop at the amity faction. I've always admired the Amity's land, I would get excited when Max told me we had business there and I had to join him, knowing it was only for security sake.

The wind was chilly with the sky overcast with clouds allowing little light to coming through. Is it going to rain?
I stand gazing up when I knowtice I can now jump.

I land with a graceful thud not even having to roll anymore to absorb the impact.

Alright, If I start on my usual trail I should be able to make it back by here when the time the train passes back by.

I see it in the distance becoming smaller and smaller and begin to jog into the forest. I keep my breathing steady as I run as well as my pace, listening to the wind blowing through the trees leaves making them rustle. I forget about everything that's happened today and let my legs carry me along the path, jumping streams and skipping over fallen limbs.

Too soon I'm back at the tracks, the day faiding as night creeps closer bringing the cold with it. The rails shake as the train approaches. Darting by me I sprint by it jumping into one of the open doors expertly. I stand in the doorway looking towards the caboose of the train and see a head dart back into another cart.

In the same moment I hear a shuffle from the shadowed corner behind me and turn myslef around into a fighting stance. "Who's there?!" No response. I strain my eyes to look and barely make out an outline of someone when something hard hits the back if my head sending my falling to the floor.

A body holds me face down and I can tell there male by the sheer force there putting on me. "Let me go!!!" I rear my head back and hit them in the nose hearing a snap. They release me and I jump off the train tumbling into the coarse grass.

I groan and hold my head in my hands.

That was close. Who was that?

I look up and see their silhouette hanging out of the train cart door. There too far away and its too dark to see who it could possibly be. I pull myself up and walk the tracks to the the Dauntless headquarters probably miles away.

Whoever it was can definitely go die in a hole.

I keep my guard on high as I walk back. Lights come into view and slowly grow larger as I approach Dauntless. Thunder claps in the sky every now and then then suddenly cold rain comes pouring out of the clouds soaking me in seconds. I Sprint the rest of the distance to the buildings and run inside panting and soaked.

Water droplets make my eye lashes spike together and fall from my hair leaving a train as I walk through the hallways.

Should I tell Max about being attacked?...I guess it isn't a threat to Dauntless, just me being careless. No I won't, he'll just lecture me about being more careful and don't go out by myslef.

I walk into the door of my apartment and immediately strip out of my wet clothes, shivering as I step into my shower. Hot water washes over me sending dirt into he drain along with a little blood from the injury on the back of my head.

I dry off with a plush towel and lay in my bed setting my alarm to wake up at 6:30 to go and torture some initiates.

If I'm going to be miserable, then there going to be miserable me.


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