~Game Plan~

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Were stopped now, in a dark hallway. I whisper to Four, " like what?" He's quite for a moment. "I think...she's trying to kill....Divergents."

I look at him confused. "Divergents?" The word feel weird on my tung.

Divergents are a myth...right? I remember hearing about them back in my old faction, Erudite. But they where just stories then, they can't possibly be real.

Four looks at me, there's worry written everywhere on his face. "Four, Divergents aren't real, what are you trying to pull?" Four covers my mouth with his hand and looks around quickly. "Quite! If anyone hears you where both dead!" I start yelling at Four but it comes out muffled. Four exhales frustratedly and drags my off to his apartment still covering my mouth.

"Sorry, sorry-" Four whispers to me as we approve his door. As soon as were in he let's me go. "Holy shirt Four! What's going on?!" He's pacing in front of his door with his hands tangled in his hair. "Four?" He finally stops and turns towards me. The look on his face is enough to give me chills.
"Jeanine has been planing something, I've seen it. Shipments come into Dauntless ever other day from Erudite." He pulls something out of his pocket and tosses it to me, "that's a serum and from the looks of it, it's a control serum." I hold the tiny vile up to my face and stair at the yellow liquid inside of it.

"Incredible," I wisper,"back when I was at Erudite there was talk about this kind of serum, mind control basically. But they were never supposed to actually make it." I hand it back to Four.

"We need to get to the initiates soon or ells people will get suspicious." I nod and we start to the training room.
Were the last ones to enter, everyone ells is circled around Eric. We join the circle and listen in.

"Today will be your final day of stage one initiation. For part of your final test, you will be fighting." He flips the board over showing everyone's opponents. "Winners are guaranteed to move on, but losers will he judged harshly and we will decide who will stay. There are ten of you, only seven will become Dauntless. The only thing that will determine wether or not you make it is how badly you want it." He glares at everyone, sending chills down my spine. I wondering what he did to become Dauntless.

"Now get ready you fight in ten minutes." He walks away leaving the initiates nervous and scared.

The fights go by fast leaving many bloody and bruised. Ella and Jake were paired to go against each other, and even though they are friends they still beat the shit out of one another. Ella has improved enormously since the first day but in the end, Jake won.

All of the fights are over before lunch so we release them and tell them to be on the train tracks by 5:30 for the game of capture the flag, the final part of stage one.

I go to my apartment and sleep, I'm still exhausted from lack of sleep. By the time I wake up it had just turn 5:00. I stretch and slowly get up since I'm not in a hurry, I even take a shower then throw on some black clothes to blend in with the night later.

I'm at the train tracks now waiting for our ride. Four stands to my right. There's twice as many initiates with us because the dauntless born are also allowed to play.

Finally the train passes by and we all jump in. "Alright everyone listen up!" Everyone shuts up and turns to Eric. "Were picking teams, Four, Blake, and I are captains, Blake choose first." I'm surprised for a second then speak, "Ella." She looks at me and smiles. Eric smirks rhetorically, "I choose Kevin." Kevin stands next to Eric, he's a massive dauntless born with plenty of muscle.

Crap- I would hate to have to compete with him in initiation.

We call on people till there's no one left. Most of Eric's team consist on dauntless born, with the exception of the best transfers. My own team is made up of the smarter transfer as well as Fours. We each have about 5 people.

Eric's and Four's groups both jump out and finally it's our turn to go. We land in a field about 300 yards away from an old amusement park. "OK guys everyone gather around. We need a game plan, where are we going to put out flag and how are we going to get theirs?!" Everyone instantly starts speaking at once.

Ella stands in the middle of the group quietly but you can tell she has a plan. "OK OK! everyone shut up!!!" The group goes quite. "Ella what do you have planned?"

She looks up at me with a devilish grin on her small face.


Sorry it's so late I've been really busy lately. Hope y'all like it. I really appreciate all the likes and comments!!!

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