~Cotton Candy~

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The sound of my fist hitting the leather punching bag echo's through the room. I'm covered in sweat from working out for almost an hour now, hoping it won't be anything like the day before.

*WHAP*WHAP* I punch harder and harder switching from linear punches to upper cuts to what I like to call line drives where if the bag was a person I would punch them right in the nose breaking it. "Hey!" I punch the bag hard one last time before I turn around.

"Hey there." Four stands in the door way with his arms crossed staring at me worried. "Everything OK? You seem tense..." I roll my neck to the side and let it loosen up some. "Yeah, great. Why do you ask?" He shrugs his shoulders then walks towards the fighting mat in the middle of the room. "No reason really, you were hitting the punching bag with a little too much enthusiasm."  He says lightly laughing.

I chuckle  a little with him, "I guess you could say that." I unroll the tape from my knuckles leaving them bare and stinging. Four stands in the middle of the mat looking at me sincerely, "you know, you can tell me if something was wrong right. I...." He pauses,"I observed some video footage last night while I was working. It was you and Eric."

I look up at him surprised, I'd completely forgotten Dauntless even had security cameras. I don't know what to say.

"O yeah about that, Eric beet me up and spent the night, I completely for got to tell you."  I don't think so.

"Four listen, I know your one of my  best friends, and I would tell you if something was going on, but trust me I'm fine." He holds his gaze for a moment more then smiles warmly, "Alright, alright." He puts his hands up playfully in surrender and we both laugh the seriousness away.

Initiates start to walk in moments later, the first one to enter is Ella. I smile to myself and walk over to her. "Ready for today?" She looks at me and nods sternly with a sure grin on her face. "Great, were practicing shooting so really focus when we demonstrate in a bit." Ella nods her head again and speaks softly, "uh, Blake....thanks for helping me, I mean really." Her eyes are full of so much gratitude that I can't help but smirk a little. "No problem initiate, just don't let me down alright." "Got it!" I smile then walk away to Four who stands with almost everyone around him.

"The trains almost here, are we about to head out?" I ask Four. "I don't know, Eric still hasn't shown up so we might not make it to the shooting range if we miss the train waiting on him."  I look around and suddenly notice his absence." I glance at my watch, we only have 15 min to be on the roof.

Shit Eric, Hurry up! Maybe I can make it to my apartment and  get him in time, maybe?

"I'll be back in a sec, get everyone on the roof and I'll get Eric." I run off as Four calls for me to wait but he's too slow I'm already jogging/sprinting to my apartment were I hope Eric is at still.

I bang on my door hard knowing its locked and I left to quickly earlier to grab my house key. No one answers for several minutes. I keep on banging. "Eric get your ass up!!!" I yell at my door. I stand tapping my foot preparing to give up and turn around then I hear the door unlock. Eric swings the door up and I'm thrown back for a second.

Standing shirtless in a pair if black jeans is Eric. The smell of my soap wafts over me and only now do I notice that he's holding a towel and that his hair is wet and shaggy.
"Did you take a shower in my apartment," I pause and sniff, "with my cotton candy soap?" I crack up laughing at how hilarious this just became. Eric throws the towel over his shoulder and crosses his arms over his bare chest leaning against my door frame. "And if I did?" A stop laughing and try to speak. "Nothing, we need to leave now if we are going to make the train for today's initiation." Eric looks confused, "I have to go with y'all?"

Is he serious?

"Are you serious? Do you not know, a Dauntless leader has to be present anytime a group of initiates leave the dauntless base." He grumbles and stands up straight. "OK, give me a minute I'll be right back." He walks away. I glance at my watch. Crap, only 7 minutes!

"Hurry up Eric we only have 7 minutes!" No response. Uhhgg, I guess I'll just have to be childish"If I make it to the train before you I'm telling everyone you shower with girly soap!!!" I turn and start sprinting to the roof knowing I was done for.  


Hey y'all! So I wrote a little bit more today, I think I'll update ever weekend, either on Saturday or Sunday from now on since I'm usually busy during the week.


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