Chapter 17

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Sorry I haven't updated in so long. I just go super busy. I'll try to update more, but for now enjoy

The rest of the Avengers finished their breakfast in silence. Eventually each drifted off to occupy their minds. Clint and Natasha were down in the shooting ranges having a friendly competition of who could go the longest without missing. So far in the 3 hours they had been at it, neither of them had missed. Tony was in his lab working on whatever new invention only he could understand. Thor was in the library reading about various Earth customs and traditions. He had just reached a section on Holidays and was eager to read about the Mas of Christ. Bruce was in his lab, staring at Nico's medical file with a frown. Steve was out on a run when he got the alert. "Chitauri attack on Park Ave. Avengers needed". Steve turned and sprinted back to the Tower. 

Alarms were going off throughout the Tower. Natasha and Clint were strapping on weapons yelling at Bruce and Thor to get ready, while Tony went and got his suit. Thor came running in with Bruce summoning his hammer.

"Where the hell is Nico?" Clint said, as he finished strapping on his quiver. As if he had been listening Nico stepped out of the shadows underneath the stairs.

"What are we waiting on let's go" Nico said, once again disappearing into the shadows. He reappeared running by Steve's side. Steve only faltered for a split second, surprised at how easily Nico could keep up with him.

"Where are we going" Nico asked breezily. Not at all as if he was sprinting at 50 miles per hour.

"Park Ave." Steve puffed out. Nico and Steve rounded the corner and stopped short. Hovering only about a yard off the ground was a twisting whirlpool of greens, blues, and blacks. And standing around the portal was an army of the monster chitari hybrids. Instead of attacking the hybrids just stood there. They didn't move, or even turn their heads when the rest of the Avengers showed up.

"What's going on." Clint asked. as he notched an arrow.

"No clue they haven't moved since we got here." Steve said. Nico stood his eyes roaming around the scene picking out the little details.

"They're waiting for something," Nico said finally,

"How do you know?" Stark said.

"Their positions they are all strategically placed around the portal. They won't bother anything with anything else, but I bet if one of us tried to approach the portal they would attack." Nico explained.

"He's right" Natasha said, looking around a the hybrids.

"Well lets see if his theory is right too." Clint said. Drawing back his bow he let an arrow fly. It would have hit dead center had a hybrid down slashed it in half when it got about 3 feet from the portal. No one had seen the hybrid move but suddenly it had drawing it sword and stopped the arrow. None of the other hybrids had moved.

"OK so no touching the portal,good to know," Clint said. Suddenly the portal started swirling faster. the streaks of green grew bigger overwhelming the blues, streaks of gold soon joined the green. And then suddenly it stopped and there standing in front of a much smaller portal was a tall figure dressed in leather and battle armor. His long black hair brushed his shoulders and swept in front of his eyes as he raised his head. In one hand he held a golden spear which was almost as tall as he was. The figure spoke,

"Ah Thor, I should have know it would be you and your little band of petty heroes that welcomed my arrival.". His voice was soft but hard, like it was used to screaming and Nico noticed Clint involuntarily shiver as he spoke. None of the Avengers seemed to be able to speak, they were all looking very confused and looking at Thor as if he had answers. But Thor seemed to be on the verge of tears. Nico stepped forward and spoke,

"Who are you?" The figure laughed like they shared a good joke.

"I am Loki, son of Laffey, ruler of Asgard. Whom might you be?" Loki questioned. "Are the Avengers new pet." He turned to the still silent Avengers. "What whimpering creature have you taken under your roof now, a helpless child." He teased.

"I am Nico Di Angelo" Nico growled out drawing his sword, "And I am not helpless" he spat, charging at Loki. Instantly the hybrids sprang into action to protect Loki. They charged at Nico seven at a time. Nico easily swept through them all. Swinging his sword in a wide arch and blocking any of their attempted shot. Just one nick from his Stygian iron sword and the hybrids would die. Soon enough there were no hybrids left. The Avengers had unfrozen when Nico was around half way through the hybrids and were now standing behind him as he challenged Loki.

Nico and Loki were locked in combat. Nico thrusting and jabbing with his sword which Loki was dancing around careful not to come to close. As he blocked Nico's shots with his spear, Loki hurled petty insults and meaningless threats at Nico. Needless to say it didn't work. Soon enough Loki was tiring, finally Nico managed to slip his sword inside Loki's guard and knock the spear out of his hand. Effortlessly spinning he spun and landed a solid hit with the grip of his sword on Loki's head. Loki fell, defeated to the ground. Nico held his sword to Loki's throat.

"I surrender you've beaten me" Loki said raising his hands in the air.

"Well what do you guys want to do with him?" Nico answered the Avengers not removing his eyes from Loki.

"We should take him back to the tower" Natasha said. Nico nodded in agreement.

"Anybody got a pair of handcuffs for the almighty Loki" Nico asked with a sarcastic smirk. Clint wordlessly handed Nico a pair, glaring at Loki all the way. Nico was just about to slap the cuffs on Loki's wrists when he spoke.

"As much fun as it would be to spend time with my old sparring buddies, I have business to attend to." and Loki started to fade, "You didn't think it would actually be that easy did you?" Loki said with one last smirk and then he was gone.

"Styxs" Nico cursed. Before turning on the Avengers. "Anybody want to explain to me just who the Hades that was?"

So how did you like it? I need ideas for what to call the hybrids. Please comment your ideas.

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