Pretty Boy

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haaaaai! okay here's the first chapter, i had to rewrite again bc didnt like it the first one so ye, its kinda clichè how they met but i really couldnt think in something else, i hope you guys like it, i tried to do it as long as i could without messing or rushing things so ya, enjoy! xo


Frank's point of view

This morning probably was the coldest in Jersey, I can't barely feel my hands, and face dammit. I sighed as I pushed open the Starbucks glass doors, immediately feeling relief, it was so warm here and also smelled coffee, I do my way to the line, getting out my phone, checking if it's everything alright at my company, also making sure I had enough time for my next meeting.

There weren't many people at the line but Jesus the guy at the cashier was taking forever to take the orders.

I was typing some text to the secretary when I felt someone crashing behind my back what the fuck??? I was ready to scream to whatever asshole that crashed behind me when I turned around and I saw a little girl? boy? with their phone in their hands, face kinda shocked but damn, he was pretty, this kid couldn't be older than 15? they were small and had a adorable baby face.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry sir I didn't mean to crash behind you, I was looking at my phone I'm sorry!"
they started apologizing, biting their lip and turning pink.

"Don't worry, you just surprised me, kid" I said calmly, turning around again to the cashier, it was already my turn, finally.

"Just a black coffee, please, and be quick I have been waiting here for 15 minutes" I snarled at the cashier.

"Of course and I'm sorry about that, it'll be $5.90 please"

I handed him the money and made my way to the bar, checking my phone while I waited.

I could hear the cute boy's voice all high pitched and cutely ordering a strawberry pink Starbucks, I couldn't help smiling at that, but then I heard the cashier's voice.

"Sorry kid if you don't have the money then don't buy it, get out of the line"

I turned around seeing the little boy looking for money in his pikachu wallet.
(yes I love pikachu Sorry).

"I have the money! But I just need $1 dollar, sir, wait... I have it somewhere here!"

He was adorable, chubby pale cheeks turning red and biting his lip, with his black hello kitty backpack, and wait..,. He was wearing a black tight jeans and a skirt too??? okay that was adorable af

that asshole screamed some more to the little boy so I made my way to them.

"hey calm the fuck down! Here, I'll pay for his drink" I snarled again, almost screamed stupid in his face.

I said to the cashier as I took out my wallet, paying for his drink.

The little boy smiled at me and almost jumping on me as he hugged me, giggling.

"Thank you sir! and I'm sorry about it, I promise I will pay you..."

"Don't worry, kid."

"Oh my name is G-...."

"Gee! Frank!"

I hear a girl shouting my name, making my way to take my coffee, and the little boy following me and then grabbing his pink Starbucks as well, oh so his name is Gee...

"So your name is Frank?" The cute boy asks me, staring at me with his pretty hazel eyes, almost like doll ones.

"yeah, sorry i didn't introduce myself, you must be Gee, right?"

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