chapter 3

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Chapter 3.

"If you don't co operate we'll have to do thing the 'hard way', you wouldn't want that now would you?" Tears blurred my vision. "No! I want to go home!" The two scarecrows stepped forward and grabbed me by the arms. "NO! I HAVE TO GO HOME! PLEASE!" I continued to scream and flail as they practically dragged me to the bench. They lay me down and held me in place as the woman tightened restraints around my ankles and arms. A man entered the room pulling gloves over his hands. I kept screaming about how I had to go home so they "were forced" to gag me. The taste of dirty cloth filled my mouth. The two scientists talked and when I looked over to see the one wearing gloves pick up a syringe with an odd coloured liquid inside it. Shaking my head with tears overflowing. He brought the needle down over my face. He nodded to a scarecrow and my head was held still. I screamed the loudest I could with the gag. Before I knew what was happening the needle came down quickly into my eye. Right in the middle of the pupil. I wanted to close it but something made me open them wider, probably shock. He pulled out the needle slowly I couldn't breath properly with the cloth and it felt like my eye stuck to the slim metal. I bit down hard as a second one slides into my other eye. As he pulled it out I screamed even though I couldn't breath. The gag was removed and I inhaled deeply and felt no air enter my lungs. I took multiple breaths like this before the pain finally hit me. It was like nothing I've ever felt or could ever explain. I still couldn't breath and my body shook uncontrollably. The restraints stopped me from moving. Then the colours seemed to explode behind my eyelids, red, orange, yellow, all the colors of the rainbow and every shade in between. The pain was overwhelming and the colours confused me on a very high level. I managed to take a deep breath before passing out.

When I finally gained consciousness, my vision was blurred and too bright. I blink several times each one hurt less than the last until the white ceiling came into focus. I hurt. Alot. I turned my head carefully to the right and saw I was laying on a bed In a stainless white room. A few feet away was a heavy metal door with a small slit at about eye level. No windows. A mirror was on the wall to my left. I carefully sat upright. A few colours flashed and I felt dizzy. I took a deep breath before standing. I stood for several minutes letting my vision adjust and my balance to regain it self. one step forward. Then another. Before stumbling a bit and catching myself on the mirrored wall. I lifted my hand to the glass. Two way. I was being watched. Suddenly the door opened with a heavy clank. I froze. Not moving a muscle as two scarecrows and a young man in a white lab coat entered the room.

The scientist flips through the paper on his clipboard. He looks up briefly through his thick rimmed glasses.

His eyes, seemed...odd.

Too bright.

He makes a quick gesture towards the large mirror on the wall. "I'd like you to tell me what you see differently about your appearance."

I frown as the mirror is put in front of me.

"Um, I'm clean." I say as I glance at my reflection. I'm wearing the same clothes I arrived in but my face and hands have been washed. My hair has also been washed and tied back into a tight ponytail.

I liked it. Then I noticed my own eyes. Too dark.

My eyes were completely black. My pupils, irises; even the whites. I felt fear blossom in my core, Growing into a menacing flower of panic. My breathing quicker as I said "My eyes aren't human... what am iI?"

"You are experiment 1023."

Those words seem to make the reality of my situation fully set it.

Fearing the worst I looked even closer at the scientist's eyes, out of the three he was the only one not wearing a helmet, and now saw swirling shades of ice blue. If I remember correctly from all my useless internet surfing,that generally means fear. He's afraid. But of what? Or who? He's afraid of you. I heard a voice in my head say. I haven't heard that voice in awhile. Not since the bombs fell.

As if things couldn't get only worse, a siren started blaring outside the door and all lights flicked off, then we're replaced by evil, red emergency lights. By now I had frozen on the spot. The three men looked to each other, before the scarecrows and scientist exit with the other two.

After a few moments of hearing sirens and yelling the door slides open. My heart rate increases as I cautiously step forward to the hallway.

I hear boots pounding the tiled floor to my right getting closer. Hide or run. You idiot, go! I don't have enough time to make up my mind before a scarecrow darts past, then stops several feet past my room. He turns around and looks at me for a moment. You're dead.

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