Whispers in the Wind - Chapter 5

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How does a black haired lad, end up with a blonde son?

That’s a proper question, that. How the hell did Jase end up with a Max? The kid had whiter hair that I did. I had noticed though, that the jumped up, sick sense of humour hadn’t sidestepped the wee brat.

That was twice in the space of an hour he’d pushed Rosie over. Radleigh was close to walloping him around the head and telling him to get.

It was quite sweet really; watching Radleigh Knight persisting with teaching his niece to walk and talk, despite the fact she was still calling him Wally.

Wonder whose fault that was?

Mind you; I didn’t mind watching Radleigh doing anything. If I wasn’t mated, and if he wasn’t Annie’s brother, I would so do-

“Do what?” Radleigh demanded sharply, staring at me with raised eyebrows. I smiled brightly at him, stretching out against Ade.

“Nothing, Radders!” I replied breezily. “Nothing at all!” I could practically feel Ade rolling his eyes at me. It was like being his mate had given me a whole new sarcasm/disdain radar. Not to mention a sudden dislike to cigarettes.

Nah, maybe I was just going soft in my old age; nineteen was not a number to be laughed at. Was I nineteen? Christ, I couldn’t remember. Something like that. I had moved about so much that days had all sort of just merged into one. Faces were blurred. Sentences were warped.

You get the picture.

I didn’t. I didn’t get the picture; it was too hard to think about what had happened over the years.

I could remember spending some of them with Annie; hauled up in her room, listening to her cry about bloody Dennis taking a swipe at her, and then her mum screaming that it was her fault for Gordon leaving. Oh aye, I had heard it all. In fact, I knew more about the Knight Pack that anyone else did, really.

Which was probably why I ended up brushing shoulders with Dante.

An accident really. Bloody Rollo Jenkins, who pretended to swing the other way. God, I don’t think it ever mattered which way he swung; he always wore that stupid, smug grin on his face.

When in reality, he was as straight as a bloody ruler. How was I supposed to know that I had been making eyes at someone Annie had shagged?

“Zane,” Ade groaned, rubbing his temple. “Your thoughts are making my head hurt.”

Then stop listening, I trilled promptly. Well, really, it was obvious; if it was hurting his head then what the hell was it doing to mine? Even my brain liked to babble. Babbling was good for the soul, I had decided. It cleared out all the stupid thoughts you didn’t need to make way for the ones you did.

Like trying to find a way to get Annie back.

Not that anyone was making much progress with that. Which was why they needed to babble. So they could stop fighting and start thinking! Not that I minded watching half naked pack members running around the hou-

Zane! Ade exclaimed. I shrugged nonchalantly, humming to myself as I watched the television. How the hell did this stimulate the brain? I failed to see how grown people dressed as big brightly coloured…things made Rosie any smarter.

Radleigh had stuck it on. He knew about this sort of thing; he wanted to be a doctor afterall.

Hmm…Dr. Knight. That sounded pretty sexy-

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