Whispers in the Wind - Chapter 6

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Chapter 6:


After the initial after effect of getting out of that place had worn off, the whole mood darkened, and the pair of us were left to brave our thoughts in silence. It was as though neither of us knew what the other wanted to hear.

Annie ploughed ahead of me, her head jerking with each snap of a branch or every cry of an animal. I had thought – perhaps rather foolishly – that she would have been more willing to keep close to me, given the fact we were in the pitch black with no means of protecting ourselves. But she refused to make eye contact.

Then again; why would we need protection? I could turn into a big furry dog at the drop of a hat; what did it matter if some knobend came stumbling across us.

Not that anyone in their right minds would be walking about this late at night. That was just asking for trouble.

And Annie and I had had enough of that to last a life time.

By the time sunlight broke through, we had walked for miles in complete and utter silence. It was almost eerie; the ways she could so easily disregard the person who had helped her with her escape plan. I should have been hurt, upset even. But it was strangely alluring.

How sad was that?

I was attracted to women who completely fucked me over in a non-literal sense.

Oh woe is me.

She looked over her shoulder at me and smiled faintly as I thought it, her eyes bright. I grinned back at her, catching her up and lacing my fingers through hers. At first, she seemed hesitant; keeping her hand loose and her body far away.

Before long, it was just like it had always been; the pair of us laughing and joking away at the tops of our voices, her face bright and alive.

Christ, I had forgotten how beautiful she was.

It didn’t matter that her face was gaunt and ghost-like. It didn’t matter that she was little more than skin and bone. It didn’t matter that every wee bit of sex appeal that had oozed out of her before was gone.

Annie Knight was still a bloody stunner.

“Y’know,” I mused, glancing about. “Ah think if we’d taken m’car, it would o’ been quicker.” Annie stopped, turning slowly to look at me. Through narrowed eyes, she stared at me, lips pursed and jaw clenched.

“Car, Rollo?” she said, her voice sounding forced.

“Aye,” I replied, still walking. “We could have taken the car…”

Annie groaned, slapping a hand to her forehead as she followed.

You’re such an idiot, she growled.

But you love it, Baby!

Annie stopped, the undergrowth of the forest reaching the bottoms of her thighs. There she stood; wringing her fingers and avoiding my gaze. What the hell had I said now? Had I insulted anyone? No. Had I said something bad about that wanker she called a mate? Not in the last ten seconds, no…

So what?

“I-I love Cal, Rollo,” she mumbled unconvincingly. “He’s everything to me.” I resisted the urge to roll my eyes, ignoring the stab of pain that came with the sentence.

He’s everything to me.

Had she, at one point or another, thought that about me? Had I been everything to her?

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