Gin X Reader (Lemon)

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I know I said that this was discontinued, but a lot of people were requesting a Gin X Reader (Lemon) so I decided I might as well write one. And I actually did want to write something, so yeah. This book is still discontinued though.


You felt sick.

Ever since the three Captains had betrayed Soul Society, you wanted nothing more than to curl up into a ball and wallow in your own pity.

After all, one of those three captains happened to be your best friend and, secretly, your crush.

Gin Ichimaru.

He was always so kind to you; it was hard to believe he would do something like that.

But he did. And now, you can't trust him.

You sighed, standing up from the swing you had been sitting on for the past hour or so. You were on a mission with Captain Hitsugaya's group in the World of the Living, and at the moment, all you wanted to do was find somewhere to sleep.

You couldn't stay at Urahara's place, seeing as you stayed there on your last mission and caught him spying on you in the shower. Pervert.

Orihime and Rangiku maybe? No, Rangiku wasn't too fond of you for some reason.

You couldn't stay with Ichigo and Rukia, it would be too crowded.

Sighing once again, you stretched before making your way to a large tree. You carefully climbed up the tree until you found a sturdy branch.

You perched yourself on the branch, the rough bark of the trunk digging into your back. It was uncomfortable, yes, but it'd have to do.

Your {eye color} eyes slowly slid shut as you drifted off into a dreamless sleep.



That's familiar. Why is it familiar?

"{Name}, wake up, love," the voice said again, softly. You felt a warm hand press against your cheek, gently caressing the smooth skin.

Your eyes opened sleepily, only to widen when they met the pale blue eyes of Gin Ichimaru. A small shriek ripped past your throat and you quickly pushed him away, resulting in him falling out of the tree.

Growling, you gripped the hilt of your zanpakuto and jumped down, landing roughly two feet away from the traitor.

Gin sat on the ground, his eyes now closed like they usually were, but his cute smile still stretched across his face.

Wait...cute? I can't think like that! He's the enemy now!

"Why are you here?" You spat, narrowing your eyes and pointing your zanpakuto towards his chest.

Gin chuckled, holding his hands up in mock surrender, "Can't I visit my best friend?" You cringed; the way he said the word 'friend' stung. He said it with so much...hatred and venom.

"We're not friends anymore, traitor," you retorted, ignoring the aching in your chest.

For a split second, you thought you saw his grin falter.

"What's the real reason you're here?" You questioned, your eyes studying his unreadable expression. He was silent for a moment before his eyes opened again, but only slightly.

"I came to do something I should have done a long time ago," he stated simply. You raised an eyebrow.

"And what would that be?"

"Let me show you, love," he slowly stood up, his eyes opening completely. Taking small, cautious steps towards you, he placed his large hand over your smaller one and lowered your zanpakuto.

Your breath hitched in your throat as you watched him. He cupped your face in his hands and slowly leaned forward, closing the short distance between your lips.

You didn't kiss back, as you were frozen from shock.

Why is he doing this? Does this mean something to him?

You were torn from your thoughts as Gin snaked his arms around your waist, his warm lips pressing harder into yours.

This wrong, but it feels so right at the same time. I guess my feelings for Gin never actually went away.

Your eyes slid shut slowly as you finally gave into him. Lips moving gently against his, Gin held you tightly against him.

The kiss was quickly becoming heated, but neither of you could bring yourselves to stop. At some point, your robes had been removed from your body, leaving you in only a {color} tank top and {another color} short shorts.

Gin pulled away from your lips and moved down to your neck, kissing and nibbling on the tender skin.

"G-Gin..." You mumbled breathlessly. Your fingers tangled themselves into his soft hair as he hoisted you up, allowing you to wrap your legs around his waist.

Before you knew it, you were only wearing a {color} bra, while Gin was completely naked, his large erection poking against your inner thigh and sending shivers up your spine.

Gin fumbled with the clasp of your bra, before throwing it into the pile of clothes scattered around the two of you. He gently laid you down and crawled on top of you.

"Are you ready?" He questioned, positioning himself at your entrance. You nodded as his lips met yours once again.

Slowly and gently, Gin began to force his erection past your tight walls, resulting in a pained gasp from you.

"Shh, it'll only hurt for a minute. I promise," Gin murmured soothingly, kissing your forehead. Your nails dug into his shoulders, just barely breaking the skin.

After a moment or two, the pain faded away and you moved your hips a little, sending a jolt of pleasure through yours and Gin's bodies. You both let out a simultaneous moan.

Gin buried his face in your neck as he began thrusting at a slow pace.

This feels so...amazing!

"G-Gin...fas-faster," you groaned. Gin smirked and pulled almost all the way out, before ramming himself back in. Hard.

You moaned loudly as he began thrusting faster, and harder.

"Mmh...{N-name}, you good," Gin groaned, kissing your neck. His hands found yours and intertwined your fingers together.

You opened your mouth to say something, but another hard thrust left you a moaning mess.

Gin squeezed your hands tightly, though not enough to hurt, and pressed his lips against yours. He shoved his tongue in your mouth and explored his new territory.

After a few more thrusts, Gin slammed himself into a rather sensitive bundle of nerves, causing you to break the heated kiss and practically scream his name.

A sly smirk found its way onto Gin's face.

"Does that feel good, baby girl?" He questioned with a hint of amusement in his tone. Your cheeks flushed red and Gin chuckled before thrusting roughly into that spot again.

You could feel a knot beginning to form, growing more and more unbearable with each thrust.

"Gin -- mmh -- I-I'm close..." You moaned.


With a few more thrusts, you released, Gin not far behind.

"I've... *pant* ...wanted to do.... *pant* ...that for so long.... *pant* I love you, {name}," He breathed out, kissing the tip of your nose.

"I love you too, Gin,"

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