Packing & the picnic

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Chapter 38

Elsa's POV
*the day before moving to NY*
I woke up with the sound of something hittingw my window. I walked to it and opened it

It was Jack throwing a rock from his window
"Finally, I was running out of rocks"he said and I giggled

"Wanna do something today?"he said smiling
"I'll love to but I have to finish packing"I said
"Oh right"he said and fell a bit
"But when we finish I can call you and we can do something"I said
"Sure"he said smiling again and closed his window, I did the same

I took a shower, changed my clothes and went downstairs. Anna was there (as usual) finishing her breakfast, but Merida and Punzie were also there

"Finally, we thought you were dead"Merida said and I chuckled
"Why are you here?"I asked them sitting next to Punzie
"To help you pack, unless you want us to go away"Punzie joked
"No, stay"I said and bit my bacon

I finished my breakfast, and we went upstairs. Anna brought the suitcases and some boxes

"Let's start with your wardrobe"Punzie said entering my closet

She satrted making a 'take' pile and a 'not-take' pile of clothes. Anna and I grabbed stuff from the 'not-take' pile and put them in the 'take' pile. And Merida just put the things in the luggage

After we finished we went downstairs
"To the kitchen!!"Punzie and Anna shouted running into the kitchen. Merida and I chuckled and entered behind them


"I'm so tired!"Merida groaned
"We only packed her clothes"Punzie said
"Actually, I can pack the rest later"I said

"Great, 'cause I have to go to my archery lesson"Merida said and rushed downstairs. Punzie, Anna and I followed her
"Yeah, I should get going too, art classes"Punzie said

"Bye!"both shouted when they were at the door

Anna and I sat on the couch
"I'm tired!"she shouted resting her head on my shoulder
"Don't be a baby"I say pushing her head off my shoulder
"But I am a baby and you are my big sis"she said and put her head on my shoulder
"You are just a month younger"I said taking her head off again and stood up

I went upstairs and got my phone: 10 messages from Jack and 1 from an unknown number

I checked Jack's first
9:34 Hey! Have you finished?
9:35 And now?
9:36 Wanna do something later?
9:37 Els? Are you there?
9:40 Have you finished?
9:41 Why aren't you replying?
9:50 Hello...
9:51 Can you tell me when you finish?
9:52 Still wanna do something?
9:53 Just tell me when you finish, okay?

Hi Jack I finished packing and I obviously want to do something woth you I typed and I heard a ding after some seconds
Okay, I'll pick you up in a sec

Hello Elsa, this is Prudence, your mew manager. I hope you have all your things packed by tomorrow. I'll send one of my people to give you the ticket. It might arrive at 10:30pm

I sighed and went downstairs to wait Jack. I was surprised that Anna wasn't there anymore, probably in her room

I heard an other ding from my phone and I thought it was Jack. But it wasn't,
I went out with Kristoff! Anna's message said

The sound of the doorbell rang and I ran to it. Jack was standing there smiling
"Hey!"he said
"Where are we going?"I asked stepping out of the house and closing the door behind me
"It's a surprise"he said grabbing my hand
"Okay..."I said smiling
"Oh! You have to use this"he said giving me a handkerchief
"What?"I said and he tied it around my eyes
"Let's go"he whispered in my ear and guided me to his car


Jack started guiding me when we were off the car
"Are you looking?"he asked
"No, I can't see anything"I said
"Do you know where we are?"he asked letting go my hands
"No, but I think we are in the park since there's grass on the floor and I can hear children playing around"I said
"You are really clever"he said hugging me from behind
"Stay here" he said and I could hear him walk away

I stood there waiting for him. I heard him come back but he didn't say anything. I heard him walk around doing stuff
"Okay, ready?"he asked and I nodded

He took off my handkerchief and moved so I could see. He made a picnic. It had everything sandwiches, fruits, chocolate and lemonade. I smiled
"Do you like it?"he asked
"Of course!"I said

I sat and patted the ground for him to sit and he sat down. I grabbed the chocolate and he slapped my hand making the chocolate fall
"That's mine"he said
"If you want it come and get it"I said grabbing the chocolate and running away

He started running after me
"GIVE ME MY CHOCOLATE!!"he started shouting
"Never, IT'S MINE!!"I shouted
"You know that I'm faster than you"he shouted
"Then, come and get me"I said and continued running

I started opening the chocolate bar. Suddenly, someone hugged from behind
"You'll never have that chocolate"he whispered in my ear and I giggled

I broke the chocolate in two pieces and gave him one
"This is yours, this is mine"I said
"Okay"he said and kissed me

I blushed and ate my chocolate going back to the picnic. I sat down and Jack sat down next to me
"I love you"he said and put an arm around me
"I love you too"I said laying my head on  his shoulder


It was night and we were still in the park. We were laying down looking at the sky, at the stars
"Look right there"Jack said pointing at the sky"next to the moon, it looks just like a snowflake"
"You're right"I said laughing and he laughed too

I hugged him and he kissed my forehead
"I'll miss you"I said
"Me too"he said"but at least we are together now"
"Yeah,"I said smiling"and I promise I'll call everytime that I can"he smiled at me


Hi! I'm sorry for the late update I've been very busy

This A/N will be short because I don't have much time(and I'm really lazy)

Thanks for the 44k reads and 1k votes!! Thanks for supporting this book and I hope you like the next book. I think they'll be 2 or 3 more chapters and it ends. And about the trivia I don't think I'll be doing it maybe in the next book

That's all!

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