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"Toby! Stop you are embarresing us." I yell at Toby hoping he will stop because we are at one of the busiest places and everyone is giving us "the death look". "No I think they like it." He says while on top of the table.

"But Tobyyyy..just please get down and stop twerking!" I pleade. And finally after 2 more minutes he got down smiling like an idiot. When he came by me I punched him in his arm. "Ow! Why'd you do that?" The brown hair boy over exagerates the punch and pretends to cry. 

"Stop acting like a wussy. And I did that because your weird" I say trying to fight back the smile so it doesn't ruin the serious moment. He knows if he gets me to smile he will win.

"So what you're saying is that you can punch me everytime I'm weird? IN that case then I can punch you 24/7." He says smirking. God he is so weird. But its okay cuhz me and him are exactly alike, maybe thats why we never get sick of eachother. Just then I felt a light punch on my shoulder.

"Oi! I didn't do anything weird! You can't punch me." I say to the freak in front of me who is still smiling. "Well your face is weird so thats why I punched you." I couldn't help but I laughed, he has won. After a while I stopped laughing then grabbing his arm and walking to my car. It's getting to crowded for my liking because I am very clasterphobic.

When we got out of the building I see my wonderful boyfriend Ethan. "Ethan!" I yell while running to him. I practically tackle him and we fall to the ground. "Hey baby what are you doing here?" he asks while we were still on the ground. "Me and Toby came here to hang out." I say pointing to Toby who was quite far away. When Ethan sees him they give eachother the evil eye. See they both hate eachother with a passion. 

Toby hates him because he doesn't think Ethan treats me right, but I think Ethan treats me perfectly. And well Ethan hates Toby because he is my best friend and we hang out all the time. But I made them both promise me they wont fight or anything. And they can talk to eachother just as long as its not mean or anything. "Are we still on for tonight?" I question hoping he didnt forget about it.

"Oh I forgot to tell you. I have to cancel tonight, my grandma is really sick and I need to watch her tonight. Can we do it another night?" Ethan asks. Normally I would be kind of mad that he cancelled a date, but since its to help his grandma I'm not mad. So I just smile and nod. "Okay thanks baby. Well as much as I would love to stay on the ground with you I think we should get up." And with that we get up and brush the dirt off of our shirt and shorts. "I'll call you later hun but I got to go to work now." He leans down and kisses me then walks away.

When he left Toby finally came by me. "Let's go swimming." I say before he can say anything about Ethan. He looks at me then smiles and says "Okay but lets stop at my house first, okay?" "Okay thats fine." and with  that I got in the driver seat while he got in the passenger seat. I start the engine and back out of the parking space.


"The water is cold." I say while walking in the shallow. "Let's just skip swimming today." I turn back to look at him. "No way, we're here. Let's just try and enjoy it." He smiles. And then I turn back around. Just then I feel myself getting lifted off my feet, and hear the laughter of Toby as I try to get out of his arms. He's too strong so I give up. He walks on the doc to the deep side and then I realise what he was going to do, and I dont want him to do it at all. 

"Put me down!" I scream, but he just laughs then starts counting up. "One." "Toby no stop please!" I pleade for him to stop. "Two." "I swear to god If you dont put me down I will hu-" I get cut off by Toby yelling "THREE!" Then he jumps in the water with me in his arms. When we hit the water he let's go of me. As I resurface I see Toby already resurfaced and he is laughing really hard. "I hate you!" I say then swim away. The water is freezing, but I'm sort of getting used to it.

"I know you don't hate me. You lurrrvvvvv me." He says, I don't look back at him but I know he has a smirk across his face. He quickly swims by me and grabs my waist and pulls me closer to him. When we are face to face, I smirk then dunk him under water. But then he grabs my feet and then pulls me under.


After about 3 hours of swimming we got out of the water. We went over to our stuff and I grab my towel ad wrap myself up in it. I then grab my phone to see if I have any texts. I have like 20 from my mom asking where I was and even more missed calls from her. Oh god no. I look at the time and its already 9. Holy crap I was supposed to be home at 8. I'm so grounded. "Toby we have to go like now. It's already 9!" I say as I grab my clothes and everything else and rush to my car.

I was gonna stop at my house before I drop Toby off because I know my mom will go softer on me when Toby is around. She loves him, his mom and my mom are best friends because of me and Toby. When we started having play dates our moms bonded a lot.

When we got to my house we went inside and I see my mother at the kitchen table with tea in a mug between her hands. "Sorry mom, we got caught up swimming and I just forgot. I'm sorry." I look down. "Next time please be more responsible, I was worried sick about you, just please dont make this a habit." She says much more calmer than I expected. Thank god for Toby being here. "I wont I promise." I say quickly and then go hug her. "Oh hello Toby, would you like to stay the night. Your mom said she was going to the casino tonight." My mom asks Toby. "Sure thanks." Is all he says before I grab his wrist and go down stairs to my room.

We set up the usual place for us when he is over. We go into the family room and then make two beds on the floor for us. As he is making the beds I go over to the movies to see which ones would be good to watch. "Toby what movie Warm Bodies, Grown Ups 2, or Pitch Perfect?" I ask. He looks up and is silent for a few moments then he smiles and says in the gayest voice "Pitch perfect definitly girl!" And with that I open the case and put the movie in then get into the bed Toby made.


Well here is the first chapter! Hope you guys liked it cuhz I really like it! Please vote/comment if you liked it! And if there is anything you liked or disliked comment what it is! Okay well thats all toodles I love you !


It Was You All Along (Toby McDonough)*ON HOLD*Where stories live. Discover now