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~Toby's P.O.V.

It's been over two months since Jo and the excuse of a man, broke up. She has been doing a lot better since then. The first month was the hardest for her. Everytime I looked at her she didn't have that natural glow that could make anyone's day better with just one glamps at her. But instead, she looked emotionless. It broke my heart to see her like that. I think after that fight with the girl that Ethan cheated on Jo with, helped Jo out big time. Like getting out all her anger was what she needed the most. And now she is almost back to her old self, like before when she didn't know Ethan.

Today Jo decided to go find a job. I wanted to go with her but she wanted to do this on her own. I mean I wouldn't blame her for wanting to be alone because for the past few months we have been stuck like glue to each other. She was too afraid that if she was by herself all the memories and feelings about Ethan would come back. Now she is doing so much better and she says that she has been barely thinking about Ethan.

I just hope she can do it.

~Jo's P.O.V.

I have been walking everywhere trying to find a job that I could do. Why do I want to find a job? Because I kinda need money. I want to move out of my parents house and get my own apartment or something. And since I'm pretty much broke, I decided I needed to get a job.

 I decided to go to the second floor of the mall and check that out. Right away when I get up there I see a "Help Wanted". I quickly walk over to the store and see what it is. And just my luck it's Starbucks. I walk inside and talk to the lady at the counter. "Hi. I saw the help wanted sign and I was wondering if I could apply for work here?" I noticed that her name tag said her name was Debby. "Of coarse you can apply, here is a sheet that you'll need to fill out and bring in tomorrow. And then right from there the manager can interview you then." She says while handing me the application form. "Thank you." I say then walk away.

I quickly leave the mall then head over to Toby's so he can help me with this form. As I get to Toby's house I notice that there is another car in his drive way. I park my car, turn the ignition off and walk up to his door. I don't bother knocking on the door so I just walk in. "Who's there?" Some one yells. It didn't sound like the familiar voice that I knew. "Uhm Jo?" I respond more like a question than an answer. I walk towards the living room and notice a semi familiar face. "Connor?" He looks up at me and gives me a small smile. "Yeah, wow Jo you've gotten....hot!" He says and I feel my cheeks burning up. "Has it really been this long since I've seen you? I mean I remember you had braces and glasses and always wore those ugly sweaters."

I remember those days. Thats how I dressed everyday in middle school. That was around the last time I saw Connor because he moved out. He always use to call me brace face, metal mouth, and four eyes. I thought he hated me. "Yeah, you don't have to remind me." I scoff. "Where's Toby?" I ask.  "Upstairs. So are you two dating or something?" He asks. Toby is my best-friend. Nothing more. Nothing less. "No, we arn't dating. Just friends." "Hmm good to know." He says with a smirk than looks back at the tv. I walk up the stairs to Toby's room and then I start talking about the "maybe" job right away.

~Toby's P.O.V

After Jo falls asleep, I decided to go down stairs and talk to Connor for a bit. I mean it's been a while since me and brother actually talked face to face. "Hey Connor" I say as I sit down next to him. "Hey, so when did Jo get sexy?" I choke a bit. "Excuse me?" Maybe I heard him differently. "I said when did Jo get sexy? I mean last time I saw her she was gross." I want to punch him so hard in the face right now. "Ser-" He cuts me off. "If you tell anyone this I will post that picture everywhere. And you know what picture I'm talking about. But I'm gonna try and get with Jo."

Oh no. He can't. She isn't ready. Hopefully she won't let him. But Connor gets everything he tries to get. I have to help Jo without telling her word for word about it.

As you all can see I'm going to keep writing the story. "Applause" Haha, but I'm not gonna be able to update every week. I AM SO SORRY! But I just wanna thank the readers that commented. I didn't know that you guys liked this story. BUT THANK YOU! The comments litterally made my day (: Anyways sorry for the short crappy chapter ): Next one will be better (: Love you all!!


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2013 ⏰

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