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"Jo what happened?" I hear Toby say after he opened the door. Obviously noticing my cheek and my eyes. "I-I-I" I tried speaking but I couldn't. My voice wouldn't come out. It was like it was caught in my throat. "Shh you don't have to speak yet. Just come inside and I'll make you some tea." Toby said while putting his arm around me and bringing me inside. He walked with me to the couch and I sat down. Shivvering because it was quite cold outside I quickly grabbed one of the blankets on the couch. I was still sobbing, but not nearly as much as 2 minutes ago.

Toby came back with a cup of tea in his hands. He sat down next to me and handed me the cup. "Thanks." I said quietly enough for him to hear me. "What happened?" The question I have not been waiting to hear. I replayed the events that happened finding somewhere to start. "Well it started when he picked me up." I explained to him everything that happened. When talking about it, it hurt so somewhere in telling him I started sobbing again. When i was finished Toby's jaw was dropped. He didn't say anything. I really wish he would say something. Anything would be better then the silence. "You need to break it off with him Jo." He finally said. I wanted to break up with him. I really did. But I couldn't. Ethan is my first love. How do you break up with your first love? "I-I can't."I stuttered. "Why can't you? Jo he hit you just because you wouldn't have sex with him. Not to mention I can't remember the last time seeing you truly happy. It hurts me to see you crying all the time because of that jack-ass." By now Toby was off the couch throwing his hands in the air.

He did have a point. It's been a while since I truly been happy. I guess I do need to break up with him. "Okay. I'll do it." I said while letting a few tears fall on my cheeks. I'm going to miss Ethan, but it will be for the best. "And I will be here for you the whole time when you need a shoulder to cry on. If you want we can even get some ice-cream for you after it happens. And we will watch movies to get your mind off of him. I will do anything to help you. Because I know it's going to be hard." Toby said while sitting on the spot next to me and embracing me in his hold. I leaned into his shoulder and exhaled a huge breath i hadn't realised I've been holding in. "It's going to be okay, I promise." I heard him whisper in my ear. "I really hope so, Toby." I said.


"Are you sure you don't want me to come with you?" Toby asked while I unbuckled my seat belt. "I'm sure. Just wait here, it wont be no longer than 10 minutes, okay?" I told him. He just nodded in response. "Here it goes." And with that I open the door and got out. I walked up to Ethan's front door and knocked. No response. I knocked again. Still no response. I looked in his drive way and I saw his car was there. Why isn't he answering? I decided to just go in. I walked around his kitchen and living room to try and find him. But I couldn't find him. I decided to go and see if he was in his room. I walked up to his door and I was about to knock when I heard something. "Oh Ethan, omg!" I pushed open the door to see what was going on. And I wish I never did. "Ethan?!" I yelled. 

And then his head popped out of the blankets. "It's not what it looks like Jo." He tried saying. "Then what the hell is going on? I walk in here and I see you in bed with a fucking different girl HAVING SEX!" I practically screamed the last two words. I tried fighting the tears that were about to burst out of me. "Jo I'm sorry but you wouldn't have sex with me, and well a guy has needs that ne-" "How long has this been going on for?" I cut him off. By this time the girl has wrapped herself in one of the sheets and is just looking out the window showing no emotion. "Huh? How long Ethan?" I asked once again. He just looked down at his lap and quietly said "Two months after we got together."

"WHAT?!" I scream at the top of my lungs.  I can't believe it. Practically the whole time we were together he has been cheating on me. Who does that? Obviously him. "I'm sor-" "Save it. We're over Ethan. Don't ever talk to me again." I say just above a whisper. And then I walked out the door. "Jo wait!" I hear Ethan say but I don't turn back. When I finally got out of his house I run to Toby who was leaning up against his car. He embraced me in his arms while I just cried. "Shhh it's going to be okay." He says while rubbing my back. "H-he cheated on me." I say into his chest. He didn't say anything he just squeezed me tighter. After about five minutes of just standing there hugging, we finally went into his car and drove to his house. I couldn't bare go to my house because there are too many memories of Ethan there.

When we got back to Toby's house I went up to his room and crawled in his bed and cried. I was crying so hard I didn't realise Toby opening the door and sitting down by my back. "Shhh it's going to be okay. Hey look I got you some ice-cream and a tissue box." I slowly sat up and I grabbed the ice-cream and opened the lid. "You know, I did everything for him. I helped him with everything, I didn't cheat, I always made time for him, I always took care of him when he was sick. I was ALWAYS there for him. And what I get in return? Is him cheating on me with a whore. Fuck her. Fuck him. Fuck love. Fuck life. Fuck everything. I hate love. It's like a roller coaster. Right when you're at the very top the whole thing breaks and you come crashing down and no on is there to catch you so you just land on your face when you hit the ground. Why did I have to fall for him Toby? Why? Why couldn't i fall for someone better, someone who would actually be there for me and not cheat on me? Am I just that horrible of a person that god had to do this to me? It's just not fair. I hate everything!" I kept ranting on and on.

~Toby's P.O.V.~

Jo just kept ranting, and I let her knowing she just needed someone to listen to her. God, I feel really bad for her. Ethan is an ass for doing this to her. She was the perfect girlfriend to him and he threw that all away because she wouldn't sleep with him. That is pretty fucking low. After a while of her ranting she fell asleep. I took the ice-cream and spoon out of her hands. I lifted the blanket up to cover up to her shoulders. I let her sleep in my bed, so I'll just sleep on the couch.  I grabbed a pillow and a blanket and went downstairs to a couch in my living room. I fell asleep to one and only one thing on my mind.


A/N: Okay sorry for the late update. I was at the fair all day with an amazing guy.  I wrote a little on Sunday, but not nearly enough to publish so I finished it today. Please don't hate me for the late update. I am utterly sorry. I still love you all. x When i was writing this chapter I had I'll be stuck in my head and I thought it would be perfect for this story in the future (:


It Was You All Along (Toby McDonough)*ON HOLD*Where stories live. Discover now