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Ethan pulled up to a beautiful resturaunt overlooking the river. It was built sort of on a cliff to give it that rivery view. It was breath taking. Ethan parked the car and got out and ran to my side to open the door for me. He held out his hand for me to take, and I accepted the offer. When I got out he quickly intwined our fingers together. 

We quickly got seated, our seat was in the middle of the room. The resturaunt wasn't packed but it wasn't empty. There were a few girls eyeing Ethan, and that kinda got me pissed because he was mine and not theres. "Babe are you okay?" Ethan asked seeing as I'm uneasy with the girls. "Yeah I'm fine it's just the girls are checking you out." I say while looking over at one of the girls with blonde hair who was still eyeing him. Ethan looked at me and saw I was looking in a different direction. SO he looked towards the direction I was looking and saw the girl. He looked at her for a few too many seconds and that made me a little more mad. "Ethan..do you know her?" I asked. He then turned to me and said "What? No I don't know her. Why would you think I know her?" "It was just a question." I say knowing he had lied. Why would he lie to me? It's okay if he has girls that are friends. Just nothing more than friends.

Soon the waiter came and took our order. I ordered the steak dinner and Ethan order the prime rib. We finished with barely any talking. 1 because the food was amazing and 2 because it was slightly awkward. When the waiter came by with the check Ethan went to get his wallet. He patted his back pockets and even his front ones. But there was no sign of his wallet. "Jo I don't have my wallet I'll go check the car. I'll be right back." and with that he got up and walked out to his car. Moments later that blonde girl and her friends walked out too. Thank god they left, they were making me very uncomfortable cause they were still eyeing Ethan and sometimes giving me 'the look'. Ethan was taking a little longer than I expected, but after about 8 minutes he finally came back. "I'm sorry but I couldn't find it. Mind taking the check babe?" He asked. When does a guy forget his wallet when he takes his girl out? "Yeah, sure." Is all I say when I put the money on the table and some extra for the tip. Wanna know the sad part? This isn't the first time he has done this. 

After that I got up and started walking to Ethan's car. When i got in I looked in the mirror to see if my hair and makeup still look okay. But when I look up I notice something silver in the back seat. I quickly look back and I see a jeweled bracelet. It was gorgeous! Did Ethan get this for me? I picked it up and admired it. I was so into its beauty that I didn't even notice Ethan get in the car. I look up at him and asked "Did you get this for me?" I couldn't help the smile form across my lips. He never gotten me anything before except tickets to this band that I didn't know, but he sure loved the band. So this bracelet was a big deal to me. "Oh uhmm uhh thats Grac- I mean that's my grandmas bracelet. She left it in here when I had to drive her somewhere." He said while looking past me and not meeting my gaze.

He's hiding something. But I just drop it knowing it'll get me no where and plus its our anniversery. "Okay, well where to now?" I ask changing the subject. He finally meets my gaze and outs on a slight smile. "To my house." And with that he starts the car. It was a quiet ride to his house besides the radio. When we got to his house it was 8:30 already. I've been to his house so many times I already know where everything is. But Ethan grabbed my hand and guided me to his room. When we were in his room he shut the door and grabbed me by my waist and pulled me on his lap. I gigled when he started nibbling on my neck. I couldn't help it, it tickled. 

"Stopp it tickles Ethan." I could feel his smile form on my neck. "Hey babe." He started nipping at neck. "I want you." he said just below a whisper while slightly biting me ear lobe. For the time we have been together we have never had sex with eachother. I wanted to wait until I was completly sure I wanted it. I wanted it to be perfect and not forced. Ethan had sex before and I was okay with that because it was before us. But right now, I still wasnt sure if I wanted to do it right now. "You know how I feel about it." i say hopefully he wont push it any further. "Come on, we have been together for a year now. I just wanna see what you look like naked." And I was wrong, he is pushing it. "So thats all you want? Is to just see me naked?! Its supposed to be special but obviously you dont care how it is for me." I practically scream to him.

I walk over to the door and try opening it but Ethan gets up and gets between me and the door. "What the fuck Ethan! Let me out I don't wanna be with you when you're acting like this." I scream again while trying to move him out of the way. "Ethan MOVE!"I scream much louder. Then all of a sudden I feel a sharp stinging in my cheek. Did he just hit me? "Oh my god, Jo I-I didn't mean to I was ju-" "Save it Ethan, talk to me when you have cooled down." I say then slighty shove him out of the way so I could open the door.

When the front door closes behind me I don't hold in the tears any longer. I start sobbing. Did he really hit me? Just because I wouldn't sleep with him. That's so ridiculous. But I feel so hurt, and not just physically hurt but emotionally hurt to. I don't know what to do anymore, so I just run. I dont know where Im running to yet. I'm just going wherever my feet take me. 

*Toby's P.O.V*

I got up from the couch to go and look for something to drink. I havnt done anything today since Jo yelled at me for  not being happy for her. I guess she is right, I should be happy for her that she has a boyfriend who she loves very much and who loves her. For Jo I will even make amends with him to make Jo happy. No matter how much I dislike him, I'll do it for Jo. 

As I open the fridge I hear a loud pounding at the door. I kinda get scarred, so I slowly walk to the door. The pounding continues, and soon enough i can hear loud sobs coming from the other side. I quickly rush over and open the door to see a red puffy eyed Jo. With a swollen cheek.

"Jo, what happened?"

It Was You All Along (Toby McDonough)*ON HOLD*Where stories live. Discover now