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I woke up to a different bed. But it was familiar. I opened my eyes and looked around. I was in Toby's room. I was confused at first, but then the events of last night came crashing down on me like a ton of bricks. But this hurt worse. So much more. I wish I would of never met Ethan because then I wouldn't of fallen for him and I wouln't be feeling like this right now. I started to think of all the amazing memories I had with him. Like when Ethan asked me to be his girlfriend.


"The stars are so beautiful tonight. It's just breath taking."I say while laying on Ethan's chest on the blanket. "They are pretty beautiful, but there beauty is nothing compared to yours." I close my eyes as I feel my cheeks getting warmer. He is so amazing, just everything about him is perfect. Ethan knows just how to make me blush. And he is a true gentleman. "Aww your cheeks are turning pink." Ethan says while poking my cheek. I stayed silent as I looked up at him. His blue eyes glowing from the moon light. He looked back down at me and said "You are the most beautiful girl I have ever had the pleasure to lay my eyes on." I couldn't help the smile form across my lips.

"And that smile of yours is goddess like. But then your green eyes are like a forest where you can get lost in with just one glimpse." My smile grew larger with every word he said. I looked down and was fiddling with my fingers. After a few seconds I felt a light touch underneath my chin as it tilted my head up. Ethan looked at my eyes,then down at my lips for a quick second, then looked back up at my eyes. He closed his eyes and started to lean in. My heart was racing. Was this really going to happen? Was he really going to kiss me? My questions were answered as I felt a pair of soft lips on mine. Our lips moved in sink. And it was perfect. We pulled away after a while, and right away I smiled knowing that just happened. "Jo, would you like to be my girlfriend?" "Yes, I would love to" And then I kissed him this time.

~End Of Flashback~

Why was he so sweet in the begining, then a complete dick towards the end? I wish he was like that the whole time we were together. I thought we would last forever. As the thoughts of him cloud my memory, I began to sob again. After 5  minutes of crying, I heard a knock on the door then Toby walked in. "No don't cry it's going to be okay." He says when he sees me. I don't hesitate to sit up and pull Toby in for a hug. I needed a hug right now. And right away he hug me back and thats when the tears flow was even harder. Toby whispered soothing things and rubbed my back, but it didn't really help. 


It's been 2 weeks since I found Ethan in bed with another girl. It's been extremely hard, but I've gotten through it. I been practically living at Toby's house because he was the only one that could get me to eat or talk or to do anything. I went home the day after me and Ethan broke up, but I couldn't take being alone because thats when the memories hit the hardest. So I called Toby to come get me. I practically lived in his bed for the first week. But then after the 7th day I actually got up and showered. Toby made me breakfeast that I surprisingly ate without throwing back up. But each day that passed, I thought less and less about Ethan, and it didn't hurt as bad. Ethan has called me and texted me quite a bit, but I didn't call him back or even look at the messages. Because I know if I do that then I'll forgive him and go back to him and I don't want that to happen.

Today me and Toby were going to go into town for a movie then shopping then get food somewhere in there. When we got into town it was pretty hot but there was a slight breeze so it felt nice. We got to the movies and decided on watching We're The Millers. It was a really funny movie. There were a few times that I couldn't control my laughter and got sshhsed by some people around us. Which that made me laugh even more. After the movie we weren't that hungry so we decided to go shopping. So we drove to the mall and went into a few stores. I got a few pairs of shorts, some shirts, and a pair of shoes. Toby only got a blue snapback. 

After a while my stomach started to make noises so we went to Taco Bell. As we were in line I saw that same girl that slept with Ethan. My anger started to rise as she was walking to the counter to get her food. I didn't know what I was doing but I walked up to her and I slapped her on her cheek. She screamed and dropped her tray. Her hands quickly found a grip on my hair and she started pulling. I pushed her to the ground and got on top of her and started punching wherever my fist found. She got a few hits in too, but she mostly clawed. I could hear my name being called but I payed no attention to it, I just kept hitting her over and over again. I then suddenly felt two hands on my waist lifting me up off her. I turned around and saw that it was Toby. He let go so I tried going back to the girl to hit her again but then Toby picked me up and brought me outside to his car.

"What the hell was that Jo?!" He yelled. I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my cheek and in my arm. I brought my hand up to my cheek and felt cuts on it, and there was a lot of blood. "Well, are you going to answer me?" He asked. "She was the girl that was sleeping with Ethan. The one I walked in on." I say while looking down at my feet. " It was silent, I didn't want to look up at Toby because I know that he was going to be extremly mad for causing a huge seen. "Next time I won't stop you." Is all he said.

It Was You All Along (Toby McDonough)*ON HOLD*Where stories live. Discover now