chapter 2- Small talk

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Trying to consume,
the drug in me is you,
and I'm so high on misery, can't you see?

A few days had rolled by as Kei was thinking of what  to write about. He had only a week left before his assignment was due and so far, he had nothing for the Greek gods, know idea of the history of music, and had no inspiration for writing about volleyball.

Sadly the truth for this writing block, was the one and only barista boy from the coffee shop. Kei never really liked anyone, he though of himself as aromantic, since he had no real interest in people and didn't feel like having a lover that would take his mind of his studies, but here he was occupied by the face of that beautiful barista boy, his golden eyes the color of hardened Amber, and his hair the color of a dark leaf in the winter, and his body- 'stay out of it Kei', he though, back to your assignment.

Kei would like to say that he had finished his assignment in that hour but, unfortunately it's not that easy to write a ten page essay in an hour, with a writers block at that. The time was ten twenty-eight in the morning , and Kei wanted coffee, so of course he was going to 'pugs and mugs', maybe talking to the barista will cure his cursed block of words, what was his name, yamai? yaguchi? Kei couldn't remember. He grabbed his laptop, and stuffed it in his bag, while strapping it over his black peacoat. It was pretty cold outside, so he was wearing black jeans with a panic! at the disco shirt and his grey ugg boots.

As he was walking Kei admired the snow that fell like a white sheet over the ground. A giant snowflake fell on his nose making him shiver, Kei brushed it off heading to the shop.

When he finally made it, to his astonishment the barista boy was still there, it had been two days, Sugawaru Senpai must be on a trip. Kei made a mental note to ask him where've disappeared to when he returned. As he walked in the bell rang and the boy looked up in suprise. "Ts-suki!" the boy yelped happily, immediately his face reddened, "I- I mean, h-hi" he stuttered playing with a gold ring on his ring finger, "white mocha", Kei said suppressing a smile from the boys nervousness. He casually looked at his name tag, ah Yamaguchi, that's what it was.

There were more people here than last time. Two boys over on the right, maybe a year younger than himself, being quiet noisy, one had black  hair, the other with orange, words like "dumbass" and "jerk" we're being said to each other. 'They're really loud, idiots', Kei thought. Then there were the women again, the blonde was less nervous this time, and a boy with pudding like blonde and brown hair sipping at an iced coffee while tapping away on his phone.

Kei went and sat at the same booth as last time, setting his things down and again bringing out his laptop, "you don't do much, but sit on your laptop huh?" the barista asked walking over with his order. He had a slight pink tent to his checks, he looked quiet stylish today, wearing a white V- neck with a black vest, and grey skinny jeans.

"Sit" Kei said, scooting over. He wanted to get to know the boy more. Yamaguchi looked around, "it's pretty empty today, I guess", he said sitting, his blush slightly redder.
"Tell me about yourself" Kei said sipping his mocha.
"U-uh, I-I'm eighteen years old, currently working at a coffee shop, for extra money-of course you know that, and I'm studying in um design and style" he muttered that last part.
Kei was quite suprised, 'that explains the clothes', he thought.
"Cool" Kei said after a minute of silence, the boys face light up,"a-ah thanks tsukki", he stuttered out smiling. Kei let a little smile slip out,"yeah no problem",he said. Yamaguchi tilted his head and smiled, it was breathtaking, even more so that the snow on the ground, and Kei thought it was adorable. He really wanted to kiss- no Kei what are you talking about he might not even like you.

"So w-what about yourself?" Yamaguchi asked, boldly.
"Nineteen. no job. majoring in literature." Tsukki said answering the questions quickly. "LITERATURE! wow!" the barista yelled, then covered his mouth.
"S-sorry" he muttered.
"Seem a little excited hmm?" tsukki said amused.
"W-well I really like reading and my mom was an author."
"Did she retire?" Kei asked genuinely interested.
"U-uh w-well", tears started brimming in his eyes.
bad topic abort abort change
"So what got you into designing?" tsukki asked changing the topic.
Yamaguchi slowly regained his composure.
"O-oh well my aunt owned a business, and I was one of the models", he said blushing slightly.

Kei thought about that for a moment, Yamaguchi being a model- quick change thoughts, oh look at that pug, he's wearing a sombrero, wow cute, like Yamaguchi, shit uh-
"Tsukki", Yamaguchi said gently, "are you alright?"
"ah yeah, fine", Kei replied.
"You seem kinda hot."
no you seem kinda hot.
"Are you sure", Tadashi asked moving closer and putting his hand on kei's forehead.
oh wow close, too close.
Kei coughed moving the boys hand away, "I'm fine, really."
Yamaguchi scooted over slightly.

After a while of talking with the barista, they got to know a lot about each other. Yamaguchi modeled for a company called 'The Purple Rose', when he was fifteen. He has a black, fluffy cat name fluffles, which he had rescued a year ago from the street, and mended her broken leg, and he also really liked fries.

Kei told him that, when he was a kid he always loved writing and reading, so that's why he wanted to be a writer, and that he loved dinosaurs. It took an exaggerated amount of time for Yamaguchi to stop laughing. Apparently he likes herbivores.
"My favorite is a brontosaurus."
"Apatosaurus, is actually what they're called." Kei stated, plainly.
Another round of laughing.

It was Actually really fun, and by eleven everyone was gone and it was just them.
"U-uh tsukki?"
"do you wanna come o-over?"
"um well since we're good f-friends and all", he said quickly with a red face. Kei smiled "sure...Tadashi"
His face blushed like crazy and Kei chuckled, this would be fun.

1109 words I'm on a role for long chapters well I hope I can get more readers later and I hope your enjoying I'll update next weekend, and yeah it'll be a sleepover chapter(ohohohoh ;) ) anyway bye for now
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