Chapter 8- Goodnight

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Sleep on me, feel the rhythm in my chest, just breathe
I will stay so the lantern in your heart won't fade

"Tsukki! Do I look pretty?!" Yamaguchi called from where he stood under the sakura trees. I smiled and called back, "You look like an overly excited plant!"

Yamaguchi has been my boyfriend for several months now. Sure we had a "rough patch" at the start but, if dealing with a small misconception led me to this relationship it has been worth it. I saw Yamaguchi pout from where he was seated.

At the moment I was taking pictures of him with sakura's in his hair, like I promised.

He looked ethereal. The spring wind blew his hair around his face and the sun brought out his eyes and freckles. The sakura's slowly swirled from their places on the trees and landed softly in his hair. In all honesty I had taken enough pictures awhile ago, and now I've just been admiring him.

Yamaguchi called out my name and waved for me to come over. We were in the park near the swing sets. The Sakura tree produced enough shade for the temperature to be fitting. I walked over and sat close enough to Yamaguchi, that our thighs touched.
"This is peaceful right?" Tadashi asked.
I laid my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes, letting out a hum of agreement. Yamaguchi sighed in content and started to card his fingers through my hair. ︎

︎ ︎   ☕︎   ☕︎︎ ☕︎

"Do you want fries? Because I'm really hungry." Yamaguchi said after minutes of peace.
"I hate fries." I said lazily.
Yamaguchi let out an offended gasp.
"How could you? I though we had something special." He said with mock sadness.
"You mean me or the fries?" I asked, humor seeping into my voice.
"Mm both."

︎                  ☕︎︎ ☕︎ ☕︎

And that's how we ended up on a double date with Sugawara and Daichi. Well almost.

After we walked into the small fast food restaurant called the 'iron wall' we were greeted by the two.
It turns out that trip Sugawara had taken during winter was to go see his lover.  Seeing as how it's spring break for most, Daichi is here visiting.

"Sugawara!" Yamaguchi called happily, noticing the small grey haired friend. He turned from where he sat at a booth and waved. We both slid into the opposite booth to talk.
"I hope we're not ruing your date." I said sarcastically.
Sugawara laughed. "As charming as ever, Kei."
I smiled genuinely. Sugawara was always nice to be around.

"Have you been having fun together?" Yamaguchi asked Daichi.
"Of course! It's hard not to be with this one." He answered, wrapping his arm around Suga's shoulders.
Sugawara smiled warmly, and then asked, "what about you to?"
Yamaguchi smiled as warmly as the sun. "Amazing!" He said happily grabbing my hand in his. Our hands fitted perfectly. Daichi and Sugawara smiled.
"Well seeing as we're caught up, how about food?" Daichi asked.
Yamaguchi cheered.
It was probably the best double date in the history of double dates.

︎               ☕︎ ☕︎︎ ☕︎

Back at my apartment, We dropped our things. "That was an exhausting day." I said tiredly.
"I had fun." Yamaguchi said happily.
I hummed and started for my room, Yamaguchi on my heels.

As soon as we closed the door I all but stripped out of my shirt and shoes and fell on the bed. Yamaguchi blushed.
"Um tsukki..."

Yamaguchi always embarrassed
easily. Even though I still had my pants on he acted as though I was naked. I patted the spot beside me. Slowly Yamaguchi took of his shoes and shirt and- he's taking of his pants. Yamaguchi blushed heavily as he climbed into the bed beside me. I smiled.
"You have nice legs." I teased.
His face became impossibly redder. I huffed out a laugh and pulled him into my chest, where he rested his head.

I liked time spent together like this. Yamaguchi and I cuddled up together. Though I would never admit it. I felt Yamaguchi shift and I looked down. He was staring up at me.

"I love you." He said softly. I felt my heart stir. Yamaguchi was a shy person by nature and he barely ever said those words, but I loved it never the less when he did.

I bent my head to whisper in his ear, "I love you to."
He smiled and puckered his lips, a sign that he wanted a kiss. A rolled us over so he was lying on top of me. He bent his head and pressed his lips to mine. His kisses were always nice. The way his lips felt against mine. They were always soft.

We spent a good hour like that. Sharing lazy kisses, until Yamaguchi yawned and burrowed his head between my shoulder and the crook of my neck. "G'night tsukki." He said sleepily. I smiled and ran my fingers through his soft hair.

Every minute we've spent together has been wonderful. Yamaguchi started back his modeling and I've even went to watch. His aunt was nice. It turns out she was the lady at the coffee shop. I found out her name was Kiyoko. And the blonde haired girl was her wife, Yachi.

They're both fashion designers and they help Yamaguchi a lot. He balances modeling and the coffee shop well and he's always happy. Though he can get stressed. I'm glad he's in my life though, he helps a lot with my school work. Only a little while left until I'm done with college.

I took off my glasses and set them on the nightstand. The moon was just coming up. I turned of the lamp and listened to Yamaguchi's soft snores. Eventually I started to doze off. I kissed the top of Yama's forehead and wrapped my arms loosely around his waist.

"Goodnight Yama."

Hello loves!
Was this a good ending? I'm sorry if it's short but I like how it turned out. I haven't posted other stories but the ones I write tend to be angsty or problematic so I wanted a nice, no problem story. Anyway that's the end I hope you enjoyed!
If I get enough comments supporting it, I may add a  one-shot book. (I already have three ; )
Anyway goodbye loves!

Don't forget to like and comment!💕

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