Chapter 4- A discovery

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Standing in the eye of the storm.
My eyes start to roam to the curl of your lips, in the center of eclipse.
In total darkness I, I reach out and touch.

     After their rather lazy "date" Kei said he needed to go home real quick to get his stuff and as he hadn't mentioned before, check on his hamster Rex, which to tadashi's delight made Kei blush every time he said the name.

So a little while later the two boys were walking side by side on the pavement headed for Kei's. Yamaguchi present because of the hamster, he wanted to feed it.

"Wow your house is pretty!" Yamaguchi said looking around. Kei wouldn't describe it as "pretty", it was a small flat in the apartment building he lived in. It was pretty simple, white walls, a light brown door, and plants, Kei had a plant problem. The kitchen was connected to the small living room were a glass coffee table sat, and a tv on the wall. Kei's room branched off after you took a turn. Kei entered the room with lettuce in one hand and an exited yamaguchi hanging on the other, he was just to adorable.

Kei's room was as simple as a college kids room could be. Except he had a few plants. His room has three white walls and the fourth was replaced by a window that overlooked the town. Right behind it was his bed and on the left his nightstand, that included his small cactus. On the right, a few inches away was the cage that housed his little hamster.

"Ah it's so cute!" Tadashi said, Kei thought he was just excited about everything. Rex was a fat hamster, "fluffy" as Yama put it, and he was completely white with a few black spots.

Kei handed tadashi the lettuce, told him to be careful and went to pack his stuff. His wardrobe consisted of black, pretty much with splashes of colors. After stuffing some stuff in and grabbing his laptop he was ready. Yamaguchi not so much. "He's so cute!" He squealed, while he held the hamster in one hand, using the other for feeding. In Kei's opinion tadashi was the cuter one. "You really like him huh?", Kei asked with a smirk.
"I've always wanted a small animal but fluffles won't allow it", he pouted setting Rex back in his cage.
"Well you can see him whenever", Kei said, immediately regretting he said that. "You'd have to give me a key Mr. Uni student",Yamaguchi laughed, grabbing kei's arm. Kei smiled. He grabbed his stuff and they started walking out.
"Well maybe if you leave an impression" Kei said sarcastically.
"Hehe I don't think I'm good at that" tadashi said smiling.
Yeah right.

                                                                       ☕︎   ☕︎   ☕︎

After a short walk with stops to look at the scenery, they made it to Yamaguchi's house. And yeah it was a house. A really big house.
"My dad works for a big company." Tadashi said sheepishly.
"Big" Kei said blankly.
"A man of many words", Yamaguchi laughed, grabbing kei's arm and pulling him along. "My dad isn't home", he added walking up some stairs. Somewhere along the way Tadashi's hand had somehow found his. Was tadashi always so touchy feely?

"You can set your stuff there", Tadashi said after they had walked in, pointing to a spot in the corner. He then proceeded to fall on the bed.
"Ah I'm tired" Kei said sitting beside him.
"Then take a nap", Tadashi hummed lying across kei's lap. Kei felt all the blood rush to his face. Yamaguchi had his back across his lap, his head pillowed in his arms.
"I'm kinda tired too, but I had fun" tadashi said smiling, with his eyes closed. Kei had another urge to touch his hair, so he did. He petted it again, it was still really soft.

After a few minutes Kei heard the soft breaths of sleep coming from Yamaguchi. He looked down, Tadashi had a peaceful smile and his lips, his eye leashes were really long, and his freckles, Kei noticed, were everywhere, he was really pretty. And like that Kei realized, he may be falling, and that, seeing as how he hated heights, was a scary thing. But Kei brushed it off, he was tired and he'd deal with these feelings later. Laying back with the soft snores of Yamaguchi lulling him away, he drifted into a peaceful sleep.

Finally got some time to update this one.
hope you enjoyed the new chapter😊
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