Chapter 28 Revealing the past

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(After dinner Luna followed her father to the royal secret garden. The two arrived at the radiant green garden, Armes gestured her to sit on the wooden bench. Luna sat on the wooden staring the meadow of white lilies. )

Armes: What business should we discuss my dear?

Luna: I need to know why Elmert of Buio. Have to do with my past?

(Armes signs, as he stares at his luminous daughter.)

Armes: I was afraid this was going to turn up some day.

(Luna glare at him confuse)

Armes: This is what we have been waiting for you to gain your abilities.

Luna: Why didn't you tell me this before? Why did you waited so long?

(Armes stood up, he gesture his hand to his daughter.)

Armes: Luna, walk with me into the labyrinth.

(Luna stood up from the wooden bench, as she smoothes the wrinkles on her high lo cream ivory gown. She takes her father gesture, as the two stroll to the labyrinth, the moon shine their way in the darkness. Further they walk into the dark labyrinth, Luna noticed the old fountain. For years, water stream from the rusty old fountain. )

Luna: Father, I remember you told me not to come near this fountain.

Armes: Yes Luna, but we've been waiting until you were ready.

(Look felt her heart beat racing.)

Luna: Father I don't understand.

Armes: Then you must look.

(He pointed to the waterless old black fountain. Luna looks directly down at the bottomless fountain.)

Luna: Nothing happening

Armes: You need to extend your hand.

(Luna did as her father told her. As she extends her hand to the fountain, a white mystical globe appearing revealing images. The light shines the labyrinth, as Luna focuses on the images.)


(Thirteen years ago)

Armes: Luna!

Luna: Coming daddy!

(She brings three white lilies in her hand.)

Armes: Draco this is my daughter princess Luna. She the next heir to my throne, Luna this is Draco and his son Elmert.

Luna: It's a pleasant to have you both here.

(She curtis while bowing her head.)

Luna: My gift from me to you.

(She gives each one the white lilies she had picked out from the garden.)

Draco: She just like her mother and also well suited for Elmert.

Armes: Now Draco don't get ahead of yourself, we don't know if Luna ability is pure or dar...

(Armes was interrupted by Luna as he looks into her big light blue crystal eyes shine, as she stared at her father's eyes.)

Armes: Luna why don't you show Elmert around the castle.

Luna: Ok daddy, come on Elmert.

(She lends out her hand to Elmert. He shyly grabs Luna's hand, as the two skipped through the castle halls. )

Draco: We made the agreement before she was born. If she gains the abilities of the darkness, she will marry Elmert.

Armes: Yes also my queen agrees that it is Luna's choice that who she would want to be wed.


Luna: Hey Elmert! You like lilies

Elmert: No! There for girls! Father said we're getting married someday.

Luna: No were not.

(Elmert was shock by Luna's reaction.)

Elmert: Why do you say that?

Luna: Mommy says you can only marry your true love.

(Elmert more confuse)

Elmert: True love?

Luna: Yes! True love she said, you feel it in here.

(She pointed her finger at Elmert heart.)

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