Chapter 44 Suton

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(Luna quickly puts on a pair of black rip jeans; she slips on a cozy white sleeve blouse as she slowly lace up her boots. She grabs an olive green jacket exiting the dorm following the giggling girls. Ten minutes had past Tesla stops the girls from moving any forward.)

Tesla: We can only go this far. But you Luna have to go in the garden.

(Luna eyes glances at the garden. She knew it was her and Solis secret garden.)

Tesla: I won't tell Elmert, we'll be in the dorm.

(Telsa left Luna standing toward the entrance. Eris eye's Telsa as they walked back to the girl's dormitory.)

Eris: Why are we leaving?

Tesla: We have to get the dorm ready. The dark moon is almost upon us.


(Luna walks towards the luminous garden, even though there was no moon out that night. It was still beautiful in Luna's eyes. Suddenly, Luna heard a familiar voice behind the foundation. Luna remembered that she dips her fingers through the cold icy water.)

Solis: Luna.

(Luna glared at Solis terrified.)

Luna: Stay away. I don't want to hurt you.

(Luna tried to run away. She felt her hand being caught by another.)

Solis: Luna don't go. We can overcome this.

(Luna was overwhelm she couldn't hold her tears back anymore.)

Solis: Luna

(Luna turns staring into Solis's coppers eyes.)

Luna: Solis I don't want to hurt you. I can't control it. I'm already thinking about leaving the academy.

Solis: I'll find a way for us.

Luna: You can't! What if I hurt you again? I can't bear to see anything bad happen to you.

Solis: I don't care. I want to be with you.

(Solis stared into Luna's watery eyes as her tears stream down from her rosy cheeks. He felt bad for making her cry. He wipes the tears from her cheeks.)

Solis: Don't cry. Everything will be ok.

(He wraps his arms around her.)

Luna: You promise?

Solis: Yes. But Luna there something I need to tell you.

Luna: What is it?

(He gently let's go of Luna. His expression change as Luna looks deeply in his eyes. )

Solis: My father's here.

Luna: Your father? Who's your father?

Solis: King Helios of Lux. I'm also prince of Lux.

(Luna's eyes widen as she stood back away from Solis.)

Solis: He wants to prepare me to take over his crown.

(Luna felt her heart sank.)

Solis: There something else.

(Solis couldn't bear to look at Luna's face.)

Luna: Solis?

Solis: I'm...I'm.

(Luna glare at him wondering what he was struggling to say. Suddenly she heard a voice coming out of the shadows. Luna glares at the beautiful red fiery headed girl who was walking towards Luna and Solis. A grin came upon her face.)

Siana: We are engage.

(Siana wraps her arm against Solis, embracing his touch. Luna was shock; she felt her heart broke in a million pieces.)

Solis: Luna I'm sorry.

(Luna felt burning sensation in her heart. She felt betrayed the aching feeling pin to her stomach as if she wanted to vomit. Luna became furious; she felt her throat clogging up. She hated Solis, Luna couldn't control her feelings.  Luna screamed as if her whole body burning from her anger. )

Solis: Luna!

Siana:  Don't! You'll get hurt again.

Solis: I need to help her she's in pain.

(In seconds a sphere of darkness surrounded Luna. Solis attempts to get closer the sphere to get Luna out of the sphere. Although Siana was holding him back from getting Luna.)

Siana: The Dark Lilith is here!

Solis: No it can't be!

(Suddenly wind began to vortex around the dark sphere that was surrounding Luna.)

Solis: Siana we need to help her!

(Solis sprinted towards the ebony vortex sphere. He threw a ball of flames at the dark sphere. The red crimson flame backfires at Solis causing him to lose his balance, as he fell on the cold hard ground. He glared as the sphere suddenly begins to die down. His eyes widen as he seen the girl he once knew, wasn't the same anymore. He glared at the pale girl in front of him who once had dark hair change to an ashy grey color. Her eyes became duller, not her normal crystal eyes. They became dark as the midnight sky with stars twinkling in her eyes. Solis felt terrified of the girl in front of him. The girl glares at him as if she was thirsty for blood. Suddenly she glares up at the dark sky above her.)

Luna: The sky is so tragically beautiful.

Solis: What?

(A grin came upon her face as he stare's back at Solis.)

Luna: See it's a grave yard of stars.

(She points at the sky grinning.)

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