Chapter 34 Dark Moon Phrase

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(Solis shows up to the green garden. Luna was nowhere to be found.)

Solis: Where is she?

(Luna comes in running into Solis arms crying. Solis shock wondering what was wrong with Luna.)

Solis: What's wrong?

(He grabs Luna by the shoulders glaring into her watery blue eyes.)

Luna: I don't want to be the dark queen!

(After she said that she fainted in his arms.)


(Dione was sitting quietly on her love seat, drinking her favorite French vanilla latte as she was reading a romance thriller book.)

Dione: I miss Luna's castle!

(Suddenly the door was kicked open by Solis carrying Luna bridal style. Dione spits out her drinks, quickly she turns is into an icicle preventing it from making a mess.)

Solis: That was weird.

(He glared at the coffee icicle on the floor.)

Dione: Forget the icicle. What happen?

Solis: She fainted.

Dione: Put her here.

(Luna slowly opens her eyes; she could hear someone calling her name.)

Solis: Luna

(Her eyes widen when she saw everyone in sitting in the room.)

Luna: What happen? And why is everyone here.


(Days later after Luna incident, the girls were getting ready to go to the training gym.)

Europa: Are you girls ready?

Luna: I'm ready.

(Dione lays her hand over Luna's forehead.)

Luna: Dione I'm fine I just fainted I'm not dying.

Dione: Just making sure.

(Hours later in the gym, the girls were training for the next trials.)

Dione: Keep your head up!

Luna: Is this really necessary!

(Luna blocks her Dione with her white bow.)

Dione: Yes!

(Dione pulls out her dual crystal ice swords, as she charges at Luna. Luna dodges the attack with her crescent bow.)

Estrella: Dione you're going way too far!

(Luna's eye turned duller quickly she click the switch to release the blades on the end of the crescent bow. She began to sprint to Dione, attacking her with the crescent blades.)

Europa: Luna stop!

(There blade cross each other's paths struggles to beat one another. Dione glare into Luna's eyes she seen how darker they gotten just the first trial.)

Dione: You're really good Luna to good for a beginner.

(Luna smirks.)

Luna: Afraid I'll beat you.

Dione: Nope you want to know why?

(Luna expression disappears of what she had heard from Dione.)

Luna: Why?

(Dione swings her sword at Luna's leg causing her to lose balance. Causing Luna to falls on her bottom. Dione points her sword on Luna's chest. )

Dione: Never let your enemy distracts you.

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