The Fantasy.. 2

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ding dong

"Coming.." I answered the door staring at the one person I was not expecting.

".. Um you look-

I shut the door in his face before he could say anything else, I can't believe he's here! Nanite kotoda! Nanite kotoda! Nanite kotoda!

"Okay this not happening there's no sexy dude outside of my house, there's no fine ass dude outside right now-

"Uh Chy I can hear you." *gasps* Fuck! I opened the door signaling him to come in.

"Mr. Beckham why are you??"

"I came to make sure you were okay.. I got you these." He said showing me the roses

"Ahh um there beautiful.. Thank you but how did you find me?" I asked

"Your information is in the files like everyone else's." He said

"Oh right forgot.. Um you can have a seat if you like."


"Uhm what's with the maids outfit?" He asked

"Uhm its a traditional thing sorry um I'll go change it-

"Don't. Its cute." He said

"T-thank you.." I cleared my throat.


"So where's your parents?" He asked

"Dad on business trip, and Mom passed away.."

"I'm so sorry.."

"Don't be, its okay.. Shit." My nose it bleeds again damn you Josh!

"Shit its still worse um here.." He said lending me his shirt

"Oh no please don't have to really.."

"Really I want to.. Tilt your head up." He said holding his shirt up to my nose, we were so close to each other, my big D sized titties were on his tatted chest.

"Umm, w-wheres your first aid?" He asked

"In the bathroom closet.." I said I gonna faint for a minute there lucky he couch catches me just in time this man is something.

"This warm rag should help, you can put your head down now." He said


"Huh?" He said confused

"Oh! Um Arigatō means Thank you in Japanese." I said

"Your Mom must be Japanese?" He asked

"Yeaa.." I said we sat beside each other closer he was leaning in making me wet

"Uhhm M-mr. Beckham there's something I should tell you.."

"What is it?" He said as he started breathing down my neck

"I-i ahhh I.." I said failing to say the words

"I what?" He said laying me down on the couch, he pulled the front of my outfit down then began licking my titties

" *gasps* Ahhhhhhh! No please tell me this is a dream ahhhhhhhh..." I moaned he continued licking my titties, he then lifted up my bottom part of my outfit he reached for my panties pulling them all the way off then played with my clit, I can't believe this my assistant teacher is here, the person I love is doing this sexual thing to me, I can't even control my moaning, staring at the ceiling wondering is my fantasy finally coming to life..


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