Chapter 5

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"What did you just do?" Maya yelled at Josh. She grabbed her phone and started to text Charlie. Josh just rolled his eyes and grabbed her phone away from her again.
"Maya, he'll be fine." Josh said trying to reassure Maya. He turned off her phone and set it in her lap.

"Okay, how far away is this car place?" Maya asked. Josh shrugged.

"10-15 minutes." Josh told Maya, who just groan. She looked back to see Lucas following behind them.

"Do you think Huckleberry is listening to country music?" Maya asked smiling at Lucas, who was definitely singing along to some song. Josh chuckled.

"Possibly." Josh said trying to keep a straight face but failing at it. Maya looked back at Josh whose eyes were focused on the road. She didn't see the 22 year old Josh, she saw the one she grew up with, the one who broke her heart. Josh turned and looked at Maya.

"What?" He asked confused.

"How do you see me? Or what do you see me as?" Maya asked. Josh furrowed his eyebrows.

"What do you mean?" Josh asked.

"Do you see me as old Maya, little girl Maya, or New Maya? What do you see me as Josh?" She asked harshly. Josh kept his eyes on the road. He then grabbed Maya's hand and held it in his.

"I see it all. I see you as new Maya when you're with Charlie, I see old Maya when you're with your friends, and little girl Maya when I talk to you." Josh explained. Maya pulled her hand away from Josh.

"You see little girl Maya? I'm 19 Josh, I'm not a little girl anymore." Maya told Josh. He just smiled at her.

"I know... but... that's the Maya I know the best." Josh said looking at Maya.

"Oh..." She leaned her head on the window while she thought. She then turned on the radio. Finally she settled on a song and sat back in her chair and looked out the window.

When they got to the dealer shop Maya, Josh, and Lucas got out of cars. Lucas helped Maya with her bags while Josh went in to check the cars. When they were done Maya just looked at Lucas and smiled.
"What?" Lucas asked.
"So, cowboy, were you listening to country music?" Maya asked looking at Lucas. He smiled at her and looked at his feet.
"Nope, Meghan Trainor." Maya started to laugh at Lucas.
"I can't believe you told me." Lucas laughed and nodded his head. He looked about the same maybe a little more mature than before but he was still the Lucas Maya remembered. Lucas looked at Maya and bit his lip.
"I just realized that we talked in like 5 years?" Lucas said to Maya, who looked at her shoes and nodded.
"It's been a while." Maya said. "You know what?" She asked him.
"In London, they don't really have cowboy's I can make fun of." Maya told Lucas who started to laugh. Suddenly Josh came out from the dealership.
"Ready kiddies?" He asked Maya just rolled her eyes at him. Maya then started to walk down the street, the boys followed behind her.

"So what have I missed since I moved?" Maya asked looking back at the boys.

"Um, well a few weeks after you moved Riley and I broke up..." Lucas said to Maya. She stopped where she was walking and looked at Lucas.

"You two broke up? Why? I shipped it so hard!" Maya said making Lucas laugh. He looked at his feet and smiled.

"We just didn't feel ourselves when we were dating." Maya shrugged and looked at Josh.

"Anything with you?" Maya asked Josh.

"What do you mean?" Josh looked over at Maya. She just shrugged.

"Like any girlfriends for Uncle Boing?" Maya looked at Josh, all she hoped was that he got all the horrible girlfriends.

"Um, a few here and there but none real serious."

"How was the group growing up huckleberry?" Maya asked looking over at Lucas.

"Well, we kinda drifted apart, like we would still hang out but we kinda found new groups." Lucas said in a lower tone. "I guess you were the glue to the group." Maya looked at Lucas like he was lying.

"I was the bad kid to this amazing group of good kids, how could I have been the glue?" Maya asked.

"You brought the adventure and got us to be a lot more outgoing but when you left everything was... Bland." Lucas told Maya who didn't believe it. They started to walk again.

"But you still were friends right?" Lucas shrugged.

"I guess, but we weren't as close as before. When we heard you were coming back we all wanted to see you." Lucas said smiling at the ground. They then walk down to the subway.

"Is my mom still living in the same place?" Maya asked, the boys both nodded. They got on the subway and memories started to come back to Maya, good and bad.

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