chapter 5: sleeping nightmare

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Man. That was close. "Dang it!!! Why can't you lose, Rukia?!!!" Screamed out Yza.


Damn. I lost for the 39th time. At least I won once. That stride and legion goes so well with her. Maybe I should've changed with the Revenger. Hmmmm...nah, maybe not. "Hey, Yza. Wanna cardfight some more?" Rukia asked. "Nah, I'm tired. I'm gonna take a break," I said, before realising I blacked out.


He slept, did he? I poke him, and he's still asleep. I rolled my eyes hearing him snore.


I decided to hear some of the new musics I downloaded before I somehow got carried to the bus. (Am I really light or something?) The music started and I was looking out at the window, and there was nothing but roads and trees. Wonder when we'll get there. Suddenly, I felt a weight on my right shoulder. I looked at what it was and it made me blush. It's the same girl, and she's asleep, and her head is on my shoulder. Then, I suddenly feel sleepy, and then, I slept, with my head on hers.

《《《《Minutes later《《《《

I woke up to the sound of flashing and lights. "What the-Oni!!" I said, slowly putting her head on my seat, and started chasing him all over the bus because of the picture he managed to take. I finally managed to grab his phone annd delete the picture. I threw it back to him. "Why'd you delete it?!" "Because it was already obvious you took a picture of us. Next time, try doing it without any flashes," I reminded him, going back to my seat. I lifted her head so I can sit and I put her in a sitting position. But, soon, she started to hug-tackle me, causing me to lay down, side effects included:

1. Blushing hard
2. Head got banged by bus

And with that much force was enough for me to black out.

<<<<<a few minutes later<<<<<

When I woke up, I felt that bulge behind my head. It hurts. When I looked at myself, that girl is on top of me, sleeping. Why is she so cute? Wait, what?!!! Snap out of it!!! I shook my thoughts off. I've gotta get her off of me. ", don't leave me," I heard Oni mumbling, making me stifle a laugh. He must be sleeping too. Yeah, I even managed to hear Yza's snore. I guess everyone's asleep. "Attack on Titan. Slash you at neck," I heard Yza mumbled. Now, it's harder for me to stifle my own laugh. But, it's cut short, when somehow, the girl's suddenly inched herself closer to mine. Frogging hell!! Anyone, please help!!! Now, our faces are as close as a 5cm ruler. With my eyes as wide as pie plates. Okay. At least she stopped coming closer, but how do I get out of this situation?!!! I took a quick look around, and, nope, there's nothing I can do, unless. But, really? Potential of wasting my first kiss? Should I really risk it? Oh, well. I guess I should. I bit my lip, gently pushed and hold onto her shoulders and slowly move my feet away, then my whole body. My plan succeeded. Thank goodness I managed to get outta that situation, though that was risky. I looked around and surprisingly, everyone's asleep. Where are we now? I looked outside, and there's nothing but, trees, trees and more trees. Suddenly, the bus came to a stop. ALRIGHT, EVERYONE!!!!! WAKE UP FROM YOUR BEAUTY SLEEP!!!! WE'RE HERE!!!!" Mr. Bus driver yelled. And who would've thought that he has a voice of a drill sergeant. Soon, everyone woke up and yelled, "sir!! Yes, sir!!!!" And soon enough, everone got out of the bus. I was the last one, though. Then, we heard 4 voices. "Hey there!! Welcome!" Said a guy with green hair and glasses. I feel like I know him somewhere, but where??? (A/N: Hanafi has memory loss, because his head got hit by the bus, remember?) Yza and the others, though, started squealing like idiots. (Yeah, I even call Rukia an idiot.) But, looks like the guy with pink swirl, blondie guy, and greeny girl doesn't have the effect. One of them is Misaki, the other one with black spiky hair, and the last guy has blue hair. "Okay guys. You ready?!" Said the spiky haired dude. "YES!!!" Screamed the others except me. What the-c'mon memory, don't betray me now!!! Anyway, we began playing all sorts of games, like Guess the Clan (with Misaki's win), Vanguard Skill Researcher (Kiniro), Cardfight Tournaments (with pink swirl dude, a guy with brown messy hair and me having a tie) and Cardfight until you drop (with Yza's win.) Soon, it was night time already, but some of us still Cardfights other people. Me, I just leaned on a nearby tree and closed my eyes, trying to sleep. But, it was cut short by someone, poking me at the cheeks. "What the heck?" I said, looking at the guy who poked me. It's the same guy who had a tie with me and the pink swirl dude. "Oh. Sorry. I was wondering if we could Cardfight. Name's Hikaru, by the way," he said. At least it'll kill some time. "Yeah, sure," I said, trying standing up, which proved to be hard, because somehow, my legs suddenly fell asleep, causing me to fall down. Hikaru doesn't seem to notice though. "A little help?" I asked him. "Why?" He asked, tilting his head, meaning, he's confused. "My leg's asleep. Help," I said, now crawling, making him sweat drop and laughed nervously. "Okay, okay. I'll help. Now first, let's get you back up," he said, taking out his hand, which I accept. Then, he slung my arm over his shoulder, and started walking back towards our camp. Soon, we reached there, seeing people around the fire, people cardfighting (especially swirl boy), and other people asleep or reading who knows what. He setted me down on a chair. He sat at the opposite. I took out the Paladin Origin deck, while he took out his deck, somehow making my gloves glow. Another guy with a special clan?!! "You ready?" He asked. "Yeah," I said. "Okay. Now,"


Chapter 5, done. Now, I wanted to thank NaruhodouKadoya, for his character, Hikaru. Chapter 6 is coming next. At least the next one will reveal the full Paladin Origin decklist.

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