Hanafi, Mishiga and Oni's decklist

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Hanafi (Paladin Origin)


Little Knight, Ocen ×1 (starter)

Constellation Observer ×4 (critical)

Knight of Chances, Shie ×4 (draw)

Hanafi: just to let you know, Shie is goddamn awesome. You put this card into the soul and if the top card is a Grade 3 or more, you can just stride. But if it's not, you lose a card in hand. This card is all about luck.

Dragon Healing Knight, Yuore ×4 (heal)

Lone Wolf Knight, Shona ×4 (stand)


Teenage Knight, Ocen ×2

Hanafi: if your rear-guard is Ocen, then you get to drop a card and draw another two.

Bonded Knight, Alias ×2

Draco Knight, Luta ×2

Irregular Knight of Sins ×1

Maker of Magical Shields ×4 (Nullification)


Blaster Blade Origin ×2 (Legion Mate)

Wingblade Knight, Rue ×2

Shining Light Dragon ×3

Retiring Knight, Rias ×2

Young Adult Knight, Ocen ×2


True Bond-Maker Knight, Wan ×3 (avatar)

Breaker Knight of Limits, Limut ×2 (Limit Break)

True Legacy of Paladin's, Hana ×2
(Legion Master)

Full Adult Knight, Ocen ×2

True Exculpate, The Blaster Origin ×2


Leader of Paladins, Wan ×2

Knight of Infinite Swords, Ocen ×4

True Exculpate, The Blaster God ×2

Mishiga (Future Paladin)


Future Pro, Fro Ain ×1 (starter)

Star Knight of the Future, Strium ×4 (critical)

Forever Time Looper ×4 (stand)

Forever Time Looper (female) ×4 (draw)

Future Robotics Expert, Tadashi (heal) ×4


Struck Dealer, Stoick ×2

Future Little Sage, Sherrie ×2

Counteract Knight of the Future, Coutour ×4 (Nullification)

Predictable Teller, Karai ×2


Blaster Blade, Future Shooter ×3

Mini-Laser Gun Shooter, Dayaiko ×3

Serious Knight of the Future, Aen ×2

Draco of the Future ×2


Ultimatum Blaster, Blasta ×3

Blaster Blade, Future Shooter 'E' ×3 (avatar)

Juggernaut Knight, Suin ×2

High Pitcher, Kein ×1

Medical Expert, Sha in ×2


Blaster Blade, Future Shooter 'E.N.G' ×4

Resting Knight, Shoria ×4

Oni (Elemental Paladin)

Element Rookie, Smire ×1 (starter)

Knight of Apologies ×4 (heal)

Knight of Giver, Lein ×4 (draw)

Standing Bedrock Knight, Kairaino ×4 (stand)

Strengthful Knight, Stro Kien ×4 (critical)


Fire Starter, Firu ×3

Shielding Fighter, Fig Nui ×4 (Nullification)

Hit-And-Run Knight, Huri ×2

Guardian of Walls, Layfon ×2


Guardian of Trees, Dragro ×4

Knowledgeable Knight, Carin ×2

Adult Wise Knight, Sacun ×3

Leaver and Finder Knight, Farui ×2


Knight of Element's, Eli ×3 (avatar)

Knight of Overall Elements, Eli 'Origin' ×4

Resisting Knight, Drogbis ×2

Sleepy Knight, Slo Saik ×2


Oblivious Knight, Ablakui ×4

Leader of All Elements, Eli 'Stratus' ×4

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