chapter 9: everything's retarded

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"Oi, Hiyoku! Wake up!! We're in the Dragon Empire already. C'mon!!" Ruku said, slapping me. "Okay, okay," I said, waking up. We got off of the train and soon, we walked to Oni's house. How he managed to get a house, I don't know. Ruku planned all this.



Dag!! Where's the exit?! I keep getting on loose ends. Where is it?!!!


I reached some place that looked like an avalanche of rocks has happened. Great, just great!! How'll all of us get outta here now?!! Then, some guy appeared right in front of me, taking me by surprise. When my vision became clear again, it shows...the pink swirl boy? "Uhhh...hey?" I said. "C'mon. We gotta find the others," he said. I just followed him, forgetting the 'find the exit' mission.


"Okay. Is everyone here?" I asked. "Well, Hanafi and Chrono's not here," said Diake. "Hey guys!! We're here!" Said a voice. We looked at where the source of the voice, and it was Chrono and Hanafi!! "Nafi!! Is there an exit?" I asked. He shook his head and said, "the exit's blocked by some sort of avalanche, though we all knew that this cave isn't in a mountain. Why is it so confusingly hard?!!!" I said, scratching my head everywhere at the hair. "Hey. I just figured out a name for this cave," Masaru said. He continued, "let's call this cave the Cave of Confuse." "NOW IS NOT THE RIGHT TIME TO THINK NAMES, YOU GIT/IDIOT/MASARU!!!" We all yelled at him, and he went to a corner and started to anime cry. Then, somehow, Selene and Masaru became chibi and Selene was convince him to not cry. I sighed and looked for another way. So confusing.



"Uuhhhhh...why is there a note here?" I asked, with the others looking for clues. They stopped at what they were doing and looked at the note.

If anyone's visiting, please be informed that we are going to the forest for some fun!!


"Oh, no. He must be in the Cave of Confuse. Let's go, guys," I said, and they nodded.


"Oh, great!!!! The entrance is blocked!!!" Ruku said sarcastically. A pile of rubble is blocking the entrance. "Dang!!! Oni!!!! You son of a butcher!!!!" I yelled at the rubble, and the rubble, surprisingly, moved away. Wait, that's-how? "Whoa!! How did you do that?" I shrugged and went into the cave, leaving a long rope. "You guys stay here. I'll be looking for them," I said as I tied the rope to my waist. "Aye, aye," said Hiku. And with that, I went in.

Time skip

Why is it so long? Luckily I have a long rope. Then, I heard voices, wait, that's Oni's!! "Hey! Are we there yet?" He groaned. "Not yet," another voice that I don't know said. Soon, they somehow spotted me and hugged me. "HIYOKU!!!! DID YOU KNOW HOW MUCH WE MISSED YOU!!!!" Yza said, going noogie on my head. "Okay, okay. Don't get so emotional," I said, then, I looked at someone, a male. I don't know, but something about him makes me feel familiar. "Uhhh...hello there. My name is Hanafi Kagurai. Call me Nafi. It's great seeing another friend of these people," he said, taking out his hand. I gradually accept it. "The name's Hiyoku Kagure. Great to meet you Nafi. Are you a cardfighter, by chance?" I asked. Wait, that's a freaking obvious question! "Yeah, I play. What wanna have a cardfight?" He asked. "Yeah sure. But later," I said, gesturing them all to follow me.


"Alright, now we're out, let's cardfight then, shall we?" I asked, before realising everyone layed down, maybe exhausted. "Alright guys. Carry them, please," I asked, carrying Oni & Nafi. Ruku is carrying Yza, Rukia & the TRY3's. Hiku, well, she dragged everyone back to camp.



Hmph. I'm gonna face a bunch of kids? What does master think? "C'mon Liao!! It'll be fun. Reversing people, then they Reverse other people, and then the-" "okay, okay Sheina. Just stop. I get it," I said. "Awww...Liao! That was a fun description while it lasted," she said, now red marks appeared below her eyes. "We have Reversed people in the Dark Zone branch already, so the Dragon Empire won't be a biggie," she said. I shove my hands into my pockets, seeing those kids being dragged by the former Protectors of Cray. What does master think, anyway, destroy them all. They just beat him up again. But maybe this time, master will finally rule Cray and Earth. "Liao!! Lunch time!" Sheina said, and I smiled. "Coming!!" I said and went to her.



"Yza, eat your food properly," Rukia advised me, which I simply ignore. She sighed and said, "fine, you might as well get yourself choked on the bones." And went out.



"Little Knight, Ocen."-(G-0, 5000)

"Starting Truth, Ambrosius."-(G-0, 5000)

"A Paladin Origin deck? I thought I gave it away to Riku," I muttered. "Eh? Did you say something?" Nafi said. "No, no. I'll go first," I said, shaking the thought off. "Alright," was all he said before I drew a card. "I ride Little Truth, Marron! (G-1, 8000.) Anbrosius moves back and end turn.

Hand: 5
Damage: 0


Hand: 5
Damage : 0


You know what? TIME SKIP!!

Hand: 4
Damage: 5


Hand: 4
Damage: 4


"Stand and draw. I ride my true avatar!!! Blaster Blade, The 'Truth'!! (G-3, 11000.) Call, Truth of Silence, Gallatin (G-2, 10000). Liberate the Generation Zone! Shine your lights of truth into this battlefield!!! Generation Stride!! Holy Dragon, Speaker of Truth! (G-4, +15000.) Using Blaster Blade, The ' Truth's skill. Counter blast one and a card in the battlefield goes into the soul. Retire Lancing Knight, Kiru." "Kiru retires. Wait, why the back rear-guard?" "You see soon enough. Boosted by Zeishu, Aedre attacks! Using Aedre's skill. Counter blast one and he gets an extra + 4000. (21000.)" "No guard. Damage check. (Bladecharge Knight, Tequa.)"



While Hiyoku and the guy who Riku gave the deck to are cardfighting, I looked at Hiku. Why is she wearing a skirt? Then, I looked at my lower part. What the-? My arousement!!!! Why is it as hard as a rock?!! I looked at Hiku's skirt again, and done 'the thing' would like to do.

Back to the cardfight


"Boosted by Marron, Speaker of Truth attacks!!!" " guard." As I expected. "Triple drive! (Bringer of Truth, Epona, critical.) A crit. All effects to my vanguard. Second. (Truth of Silence, Gallatin.) Third. (Little Truth, Marron.)" "Damage check. (Wingblade Knight, Rue.) No trigger. You win, Hiyoku," he said, smiling. "I gotta admit, you actually used it better than Riku," I said, closing my mouth, but it's too late. "Oh, about him," he said, looking down. "I know. Hey, I heard you were from the past like Kin over here," I said, nudging Kin. "Wait, he's from the past?!" Kin said, asking me. "Yeah," he said. "Well, can you give us how you met him?" Kin asked, now everyone looking at him. "Okay, it began like this..."
So sorry for not updating for a week.

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