chapter 17: toys of Reverse

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"You guys alright?" Mishiga asked nonchalantly, watching as they all slowly woke up, including Hanafi, who had fainted from using the power.

"My head hurts," Kiniro said, groaning, but Yza is a different story, as his face was between Rukia's bosoms.

Rukia kneed him when she woke up and threw him away from her, her face tomato red.

"OW! What was that for?!" He yelled out, groaning.
"Pervert," Mishiga said.

"Oi! At least I'm a proud pervert. Not like you!" Yza retaliated.
"Well, I was a pervert myself," Mishiga admits.

"Really?!!" Everyone, except Hanafi who was still fainted yelled out.

"Until I lost my virginity," he replied, looking away from the group's pricelessly shocked face.

"We should go to Diake to check if he's okay," he continued, as he carried Hanafi to his shoulders and walked out of the house.

The others, still shocked, stood up, and soon enough, followed Mishiga to Diake.

Time skip

"Hey, Diake! You alright?!" Mishiga yelled out. He then heard groaning.

He slowly went to investigate, and found Diake, severely injured, and bleeding.
"What the...."

"Diake!!" Rukia yelled out, as she went to the injured Diake.
"Hey sis. Sorry I let my guard down," he said, coughing.

"Oi, stay with us. You're not leaving us," Mishiga said nonchalantly, as he looked around for bandages.

"They...took all of them....all of them..." he said slowly, which made them realise he won't make it.

Diake just smiled at them.
"Listen, I know I couldn't do anything, I just want you guys to protect Hiruyu. She's behind me," he said, his voice getting softer.

"She's...important to us. She's a....a...." he looked down, and Rukia's eyes, widened.

"No, no no!" She yelled out, shaking her brother's now dead body. She then hugged the dead body, crying.

Everyone looked down out of guilt, and Mishiga, although seemed unfazed, felt very sad about the death of his friend.

"We'll be finding where Hiyoku and Hiku is," Mishiga said, referring 'we' as himself and the still unconscious Hanafi as they slowly left.


"Darn it! They caught up with us!!" Hiyoku yelled out, as used Iseult to nullify an attack.

They were defending themselves with their cards, as in himself, Hiku, Ruku and their newfound friend, Eiyuu Shun.

"Seriously?!! When will these people ever stop!!" Ruku yelled out, as he was facing against a bunch of Reversed girls.

For normal boys, they'll be okay, but because Ruku is afraid of girls, this is kinda disadvantageous.

"Stick together!!" Eiyuu yelled out as he then rode his avatar: Arc Saver Dragon

Surprisingly, with that one card, it was enough to literally defeat them all.

"Alright. We got them all!" Eiyuu yelled out, as he looked around.
"Let's go look for the others!" Hiku yelled out and ran and soon everyone followed.

What they didn't know, there was a male watching them, who then jumped right in front of them.

They took a step back, as they took out their decks. But Eiyuu stepped forward.

"You guys go look for them. I'll fight this guy," he said, and although they wanted to protest, he raised a hand.

"Just go," he said, smiling at them and they nodded and ran past them.
"Now where were we?"

Time skip

"Guys!!" Hiyoku yelled out as they saw Mishiga and Hanafi, who had woken up.

"I got bad news," Hiku said straightforwardly.
"Tell us," Mishiga said.

"Reverse is spreading quickly to all cardfighters!" Hiyoku said, panicked.
"Okay. And I also got some bad news too," Mishiga said.

The twins nodded.
"Diake is dead," he said, and they looked at him in disbelief, including Hanafi.

"No way. You're kidding?" Ruku asked, and Mishiga shook his head slowly.

"We have to focus what will happen now," he said, turning behind him, as he saw the Reverse sphere.

He then took out 'Blaster Blade 'P. Reverse' and threw it to Hanafi who caught it.

"You'll need it," he said, and he nodded. They then saw the Gami brother and sister.

"I heard Diake is dead. We should go and beat up Reverse's crappy ass," Oni said, cracking his knuckles.

"Don't worry. You'll have more by your side," a voice said beside them, and it was Sarudo, Mai and Hoshiko.

Mishiga nodded.
"The fight starts now," he said.

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