chapter 18 and epilogue: end

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"Darn it! There's no end!!" Mishiga yelled out, as he defeated a lot of Reversed cardfighters, but still wasn't enough.

"Guys, go disable Reverse now!!" Rukia yelled out as she cardfighted as well.

"Oh, and hurry up while you're at it! We're tired!!" Sarudo yelled, panting.

Hanafi nodded, as well as Hiyoku, Yza, and Kiniro. They all ran as fast as they can, but then, a black haired boy appear in front of them.

Hiyoku went forward, his deck in hand. Hanafi then realised, after looking at the boy for two seconds, that it was Kyle Black.

"Don't tell me you're in Reverse," he said, gritting his teeth.
"Don't worry. I haven't," he replied, which made the others shocked.

"Follow me," he said and ran, and the others followed him.

After fighting a bunch load of Reversed cardfighters, realised Hiruyu and Max came with them, and a quick break, time skip....

They were now in a large room. In the middle was a sphere that looked almost exactly like the Reverse lock.

"So this is where the Reverse core is?" Max asked, and Kyle nodded at this.
"I had to blend in so they won't catch me," he said.

"Two of us have to go to the switch and switch it off," he continued.
"But the problem is that its really near to the Reverse core, and if you switch it off, it'll suck in anything near its radius."

Hanafi wanted to react, but Max and Hiruyu went faster. Hanafi and the others couldn't do anything as they defend themselves from the incoming Reverse fighters.

Somehow, Mishiga got there and both Hanafi and Mishiga tagged teamed, which had somehow defeated some of the Reversed cardfighters.

Meanwhile, Max and Hiruyu looked at each other and nodded, as they turned the switch off.

The sphere suddenly shrank for a few seconds, before it suddenly sucked everything at its surroundings, along with Hiruyu and Max.

However, before they even managed to even touch the sphere, Mishiga grabbed Max's arm and Hanafi held onto Hiruyu's.

"Don't let go!" Both yelled out as they tried their best to pull them to safety, only to realise they were also being pulled into the sphere.

"Let go! If not, we'll all die!!" Max yelled out.
"Hell no, Max!! You were my friend! I'm not gonna lose you!" Mishiga yelled back.

"Mishiga, you don't understand. We were the one who had let Reverse run wild!!" Hiruyu yelled.

"Doesn't matter!!!!" Hanafi yelled out.
"Please. Let us go. We want you guys to be safe," Max said, tearing up.

"Please. Do it for us. Live your life, Hanafi. I..." Hiruyu pulled him and kissed him on the lips.

Hanafi's eyes widened at this as Hiruyu pulled away.
"I love you," she said before letting go, as well as Max, both dissapearing instantly into the sphere.

Mishiga, who had quickly recovered from his shock, grabbed Hanafi's arm, who was still in shock, and ran.

"Everyone get out of here!! This place is gonna blow up!!!" He yelled out.

Time skip

"Well, my...our mission is done here, right?" Hanafi asked, looking at Kiniro, then the rest of his friends, especially Riku, who had appeared recently.

"Yes. Your work is done. Thank you, Hanafi, Kiniro. The deaths were not in vain. They did it for the reason of good," Riku said.

Hanafi and Kiniro nodded, as Clockwork made a portal behind them.
"Let's go," Hanafi said, shedding a tear.

"Yeah. See ya everyone!" Kiniro yelled out before they jumped into the portal.

Rewind time

Hanafi opened his eyes instantly, and looked around quickly.
"Where am I?" He muttered, standing up, before he heard a 'ding' sound.

He looked at the source of the sound, and it turns out to be a sliding door, and it shows to be Kiniro, grinning at him.

"Hello Nafi," he said, and he blinked. He was in Card Capital of the past.

'The time portal worked,' he thought.
"Hey Kin," he said, smiling.

"Wanna have a cardfight, since no one is here yet?" He suggested, and Hanafi nodded as both took their decks out.

Hanafi took one look at his deck, which was his Royal Paladin, and smiled.

"It's good to be back."

~~~~~~~~~~THE END~~~~~~~~
This book is now officially complete. I shall now focus on another new Cardfight!! Vanguard book called, 'Vanguard: The Chosen One'. Here is a sneak peek of it:

"Hold up, you're telling me, I can go to Cray and back to Earth?" A boy asked.

"Well. Yes. On one condition," a girl said to him, looking translucent.

"What?" The boy asked.
" do I put this...? Need to make love to me."

That is all. And yes, seeing the sneak peek, there will be ecchi. ^_^"

Honourable mentions:

Goldinator for Kiniro Inazuma and Sarudo Hintoshi

8mefox for Yza Blade and Mai Heatwave

kylethebloodedge for Kyle Blade

amaterasuminerva for Harumi Nakama


NaruhodouKadoya for Hikaru  Minamoto

Well, may the light be the guide to your destinies!! Thank you for reading!!

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