Chapter 1.5 - Announcing Announcement

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Joey's Pov

I'm acting completely unlike myself today. I mean seriously. I'm actually cleaning out my dad's attic. Sure, he's been begging and bribbing me for ages. But then again... lots of things were changing recently.

I go through lots of boxes sorting things into different boxes, one for trash, and then one with each of my siblings, parents, and my name on them. I move a second trash box to the side and spot an old cedar chest. It's covered in a thick layer of dust that shouts that it's not been opened in ages.

I make my over and can't help but wish Susanna was up here with me. She would love this. My sweet wife. She may not be up here with me, but as much as I'm thinking of her, she might as well be.

My mind once again wonders back to how we are going to let everyone know about our happy announcement. We've got a lot of people to tell that are clueless right now. We've not known long. I move aside a pile of faded Brown paper and spot two pairs of brown cowboy boots. Odd. I turn them over and someone had used white paint and painted dates on the bottom of each shoe. Wonder what that's about.

"Hey, Dad." I call down the steps, walking down to the kitchen.

"Yeah, son?" My dad asks as he is coming from the living room.

"What's up with these shoes?" I hand him a pair of the mystery shoes.

"I can't believe I'd forgot about these. We had looked for them all over and never could find them." He wears a sentimental smile. "These were the shoes of my grandparents. Your great grandparents. They used them to announce the birth of your grandfather. Those two were really ahead of their time." We talked a few minutes more about the attic and I went back upstairs.

Susanna and I hadn't settled on how to announce, but now I had an idea. I took out a sharpie and wrote Oct. 1990 on the pair of men's shoes. For the lady pair, I wrote Oct. And 1991 for Susanna's birthday. Then I carefully took out the baby pair and wrote in Oct. And 2016. This was amazing. I called Susanna, who just happened to be on her way here with Lynn and Donald. Haha he's stuck in the car with two pregnant ladies. :p

"Hey, babe. Meet me at the railroad." I say grinning down at the shoes.

"Railroad? What? Where is that even?" Susanna said sounding adorably confused. She still really wasn't showing yet, but she had this new glow about her. I couldn't help but picture it now.

"Railroad. We'll see you there, Broseph!" Donald called out.

"Am I on speakerphone?" I wiggled an eyebrow at the phone.

"Stop the eyebrow, Stamper." Susanna says, and by her tone I know she's rolling her eyes at me. Man, does she ever get me.

"Did we make the wrong decision marrying into this family of mixed nuts?" Lynn's voice, enters in now.

"Are you kidding? We're pretty weird ourselves." Susanna laughs.

"Weirdness is only a side effect of being awesome." Lynn states matter of factly.

"True, sister dearest, true." Susanna says to Lynn, then back to me, "We'll meet you there, honey bear."

We hang up and I walk over to the railroad, it's not very far away, so I enjoy the air. As long as no one wonders why I'm carrying an old briefcase under my arm that has totally seen its better days.

"Get your phone ready, Lynn." I grin.

"Baby announcement?" She laughs, as I take out the tiny pair of shoes. I nod, "LOVE it!!" She squeals, scoping out the different angles for the shots.

"Do I look okay?" Susanna fidgeted with her dress, which was a deep forest green sundress.

"Are you kidding? You're wearing green which equals gorgeous." I tickled her gently.

Susanna laughed, blushed. We went about the photo shoot getting all sorts of looks. We ended up settling on a shot where we are kissing, and I have a hand on Sus's tummy. Her bun oven. Where my sweet little baby was growing and living as I breathed. We are both grinning, it's the best picture ever. Now it's time to tell the world!!!

Author's Note:

Two dedications for this chapter.

First off, the real life Lynn Princess_Ari_GodGirl , some of her lines in this chapter were literally her own words. :p Sorry sis, for stealing your words without approval.

Secondly, and most graciously, to Godslittlelight, she actually gave me the layout idea and did the photo edit. So major thanks, sis!

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