Chapter 13.

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Percy Jackson-

Memories plagued me that night.

"Die, honey!"


"What I'm trying to're not normal, Percy.  That's nothing to be—"

"Thanks," I blurted.  "Thanks a lot, sir, for reminding me."


But I was already gone.


"Hey, Sally—how about some bean dip, huh?"


But I just stood there, frozen in fear, as the monster charged her.  She tried to sidestep, as she told me to do, but the monster had learned his lesson.  His hand shot out and grabbed her by the neck as she tried to get away.  He lifted her as she struggled, kicking and pummeling the air.


She caught my eye, managed to choke out one last word: "Go!"

Then, with and angry roar, the monster closed his fists around mother's neck, and she dissolved before my eyes, melting into a light, a shimmering golden form, as of she were a holographic projection.  A blinding flash, and she was simply...gone.


"Man, Perce, you sleep like the dead. And from me, that's saying something." Nico grinned when my eyes opened. I groaned and shut them again.

"Wake up."

"I'm not here. Go away."

"Wake up."


"There is blue food in the Great Hall."

I shot up, glaring at him. "Why didn't you say that in the first place?" I demanded. Nico just laughed. Traitor.

I quickly put on the stupid robes (at least it's not bed sheets.  Romans are so weird.  Violent, which is good...but weird.)  Then, Nico and I burst into the Great Hall.

We were the first ones there.

I glared at Nico, who was giving me a sly smirk.

"It's not my fault you didn't check the time, Kelp Head."

I glared at him some more, until Thalia came into the Great Hall.  "Great, you guys are here."

"Why?" I moaned.  "It's early!"

"Calm it, Gills.  Have you forgotten already?"

"Huh?"  It was too early for me to function.  The only things that could possibly wake me up was a monster attack, Annabeth, or blue food.  The latter of the three was not yet out, so I didn't have a reason to think yet.

But Thalia said two words that also happened to do the trick.  "Prank War."

"Ah." I grinned.  "So what do you guys think?  What should we do?"

"A new younger Hunter has introduced me to a very entertaining Disney movie..."

I gave her a questioning look. 

"It is called The Lion King.  And one of the characters has a very...unique super power."

"Get to the point." Nico said dryly.

"It gave me a rather interesting idea." She grinned and unleashed her wand and waved it, muttering something incoherent.  In front of her were three giant whoopie cushions.  "Let's go classic mortal pranks at first and work our way up." 

I nodded, waving my own wand (Sticks, right?! Who knew?) and the whoopie cushions turned invisible, and flew under the seats of where Harry, Hermione, and the Ginger normally sat. Then, after a second of deliberation, I waved my wand again, and conjured another invisible whoopie cushion that flew under the normal seat of Draco Malfoy (Brat Boy).

"Nice touch," Thalia grinned.

"I have my moments," I said.

Thalia and Nico snorted, but I chose to ignore them.

Then, Fred and George came in, followed by Ginny. They had identical smirks on their faces.

"We got the fireworks," Fred grinned.

I grinned, and Thalia and Nico gave me questioning looks, but I get those all the time, so it didn't really phase me.

"All of them? The ones I asked for?" I asked Ginny. She nodded at me, and I rubbed my hands together.

Ten minutes later, everything was set up and students began pouring in.

The six of us had small grins on our faces. (Thalico, Ginny, the Ginger Twins, and me.) And they got wider when Harry, Ron and Hermione sat down, and a giant, long, loud fart sound was released, and it was clear where it came from. Slowly, every head began to turn to look at them.

Over at the Slytherins, Draco was laughing, but then sat down, and blushed the color of Rachel's hair. Everyone, including teachers, were staring at them, heads swiveling back and forth.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione's eyes were wide.

They whispered back and forth a bit, before they turned and glared directly at me. I flashed them a giant, wide, innocent smile. My cousins snickered.

Then, the food started appearing, and their were gasps of surprise. No one was touching their food except for Thalia, Nico, Ginny, Fred, George, and me.

1, 2, 3...I thought, and in the silent surprise, that's when the fireworks went off. They were obviously magical, and make giant BOOM sounds. They spelled BOOM in blue, as BOOM was suddenly popping all over the place. People were so startled, some of them fell out of their seats. This obviously gave me much pleasure to witness. Totally worth the giant detention that was most likely in store.

When a BOOM went off next to Draco, he let out a high squeal.

Round 1= Demigods +Ginny: 1
Wizards: 0

Okay, guys. What do you think of this knock knock joke?

Knock knock.

Who's there?


Hello Annabeth Chase.

Anyway, sorry about long wait for a pretty much filler chapter. Next chapter, classes will start, so, yeah. That's something.

The Lion King is the most amazing movie ever, in the history of movies. Gotta love Pumba :). I'm actually watching it right now. I cry every time Mufasa does :'(. It's just so sad!

Part of the reason I took a while to update was because I am working on a real book—not fanfiction—that I am going to try and get published. It's not nearly finished, but I think I'm making good progress. It's not on Wattpad, and I'm not sure I'm going to put it on Wattpad. What do you guys think? Would you be interested?

So...bada bing, bada boom!

See you guys soon, I hope

I mentioned this was a filler, right?


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