Chapter 17.

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Percy Jackson-

Ron was the Octavian.  Harry, Ron, and Hermione came in the Common Room at least an hour after Thalia, Nico, Ginny, and I.  The four of us were sitting in the Common Room, and I told them some of what Hecate said.  We pretended we were just there waiting for them, and since Ron was the last to climb into the Portrait Hole, he was the dreaded Octavian.

"What's with the cheery attitude?" Thalia had asked me.  "For a while there, you were moodier than Nico di Grouchy Pants."

"Hey!" Can you guess who that was?

"Well, Hecate summoned me," I said casually, munching on a blue cookie I got from the Kitchens.  

When their mouths dropped open, I laughed at the priceless expressions plastered to their faces.

"Hecate?" Ginny asked, dumbfounded.  "Isn't that...the goddess of...Crossroads, you said?  No, Magic.  Or, wait-"

"She is the goddess of both," I nodded.  "Yeah.  She told me stuff.  Of course, since that stuff sort of involves you somewhat directly, I'm not exactly allowed to tell you."

Ginny shrugged.  "I can understand that.  I can't interfere with all the godliness and demigodliness stuff.  I'm just a witch."

"No," Thalia frowned.  "If you want to be, you are one of us.  And we never turn our backs on our friends."

That got a smile out of her.  "Look, I really am sorry.  But some of the stuff she told would hate me for telling you, because you wouldn't be able to tell anyone else.   You'd hate it that you'd know this...and wouldn't be able to change it.  You'd hate it, hate me when I say you are better off not knowing.  Ignorance is bliss."

"You sure seem blissful.  Is that because ignorance is how you live your life?" Nico asked with a sly grin.  Everyone else laughed, and I pouted.

"Oh, you guys are no fun."

"Are you kidding me?" Thalia said with a calm expression.  "We are the children...sorry, the Greek children of the Big Three.  Nothing tops that."

I thought about it for a moment, and then reluctantly nodded.  She was right.  We are pretty awesome.

"Don't you have somewhere to be?" Ginny asked the three of us with an amused smirk.  

"Huh?" Nico asked.  Thalia and I looked at her expectantly.

"Three syllables.  De-ten-tion."

The three of us shot up at the same time.  Then, I relaxed and sat down again.  "Oh.  That.  I thought you were saying something way more serious."

 "Let's go," Thalia sighed.  "I bet we could think of lots of things to mess up to entertain ourselves in detention.  With the Toad, right?  Sounds fun."  The three of smirked.

"You guys are so...alike that it's scary."

We all turned to stare at her.

"Yeah!  Like that!  You guys all operate on the same wavelength for something."

"I do not think like these idiots," Thalia said sounding offended.

"You kind of do," Nico shrugged.  

"Do not!" Thalia protested.

"Hey, how'd you think I feel?  I don't want to think like a Static Skull."

"Hey!" I spoke up.  "You can't use that one!  That one was mine!  It was my idea!"

"Fine, I don't want to think like a Pinecone Face!" Nico scowled.  "Happy, now?  That one was neutral ground."

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