The expectant

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"How did this happen Julian?" my cousin, Ramsey's older sister, asked. She sat on the edge of the tub and I leaned on the bathroom wall.  Her guess was as good as mine.

"I don't know." I said rubbing my shoulder. She looked down at the pregnancy test, in disbelief, which was now was in the middle of the bathroom floor.  Taylor was in so much denial that she slapped it right out of my hand.

"They're going to flip," she said shaking her head which was filled with coils similar to her sisters. I felt a slight twinge in my chest as reality set in.

"I doubt it Taylor," I said.  Her parents weren't hard on her or Ramsey more than anything I think they would just want the best for them. I think the person she is most worried about is her husband. Taylor didn't want kids and proclaimed it proudly last thanksgiving dinner. James, her husband, didn't take to kind to the news and needless to say they broke out into an argument. 

"I don't know what to do," she said wiping a few tears, "And I'm sorry for bothering you. I would have went to Ramsey if it wasn't for the fact that I hadn't spoken to her in two years." Wow, I didn't know that.  I knew Ramsey went away but I didn't know they stopped talking.

"It's going to be alright, don't worry." I said. Shame covered me, I felt bad that I couldn't really help her out more.

"I know, thanks for letting me come over unannounced and how did you have a test on standby?" she mustered a laugh.

"That's none of your business." she looked at me with an arched  brow.


7:48 P.M That night

Twenty missed calls from an unknown number? Is this Han? It can't be, his number doesn't start with 817. I laid in my bed propped up on my elbows.  The lion king played in the background as white noise so I could fall asleep. However, these twenty missed calls prevented me from relaxing. Maybe a shower would help me relax. I rolled off the bed and sauntered into the bathroom. Once the water was hot enough I jumped in. The small bar of soap that sat in the soap tin perfumed the entire room with a raspberry cotton candy aroma. 

"I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts deedly dee There they are standing in a row bum bum bum big ones, small ones some as big as your--" my singing was cut short as the sound of pounding feet sounded. It's probably my neighbor's above me and their heavy feet. Washing up and slipping on my nightgown I was still alert. Maybe food would help.  Ice cream? No makes me sick. Three day old red velvet cake? Nah. Ah! I pulled out the small container which held the grilled fish take out I had last night. I walked back into my room and hopped onto the bed. Why does food taste so good after its been sitting? The garlic seasoning was more profound with bits of red pepper flakes. My eyes burned as I stared at the TV.  The more I rubbed them the heavier my eyelids became.

"JULIAN?" I jolted up the container almost falling off the bed.  Did someone call me? I got up hazily  and walked out into the living room. It took me a minute to process Mrs. Taylor who had her face peeked her head in my door. Mrs. Taylor was my 4'5"  next door neighbor  who enjoyed tapioca and feeding the stray cats that wandered outside the apartment complex.

"Mrs. Taylor, what are you doing?" I said walking towards her.

"Your door was open so I just wanted to close it for you." she said her small frail voice cracking between words. I locked my door when I came in. I always lock my doors and that is a fact because the landlord was a shady pervert. Distorted images of me locking the door and not locking the door flooded my head all at once.

"I-I always keep my door closed and locked Mrs. Taylor so I don't know why it was o-open,"  I said. A wide smile brushed across her face. Her red lipstick becoming a thin red line.

"Maybe your boyfriend forgot to lock it. I did see him coming out of your apartment. I was coming back out to go play bingo and--"

"Wait, boyfriend? I'm marr--" I caught my self. Bile rose to my throat and I began to regret not scraping off the red pepper flakes.

"He was handsome with his nice suit, his lovely accent and did you know he was balding at the top of his head?" A thousand needles pricked my skin at once and I felt my blood rush to my feet.

"What kind of accent Mrs. Taylor?"

"A British accent." I slammed the door, locked it and stumbled into my bedroom. There is no way that that man could have been in here. There's no way , absolutely no way. Just as I picked my phone up off the bed the unknown number was calling again.


"Look Julian it's me,"  Ramsey.

"What are you doing?"

"That doesn't matter. Remember that God's eye thing I told you to hide?" she said rushed. There was a lot of noise in the background and the blaring of car horns. 

"I remember that thing in the box?"

"Yes! I need you to send it to Dubai with..." her line was breaking up.

"your phones breaking up," my head was pounding and I slouched a bit to focus myself as my pulse created pulsating black rings in my vision.

"And I think I know who that guy is who has been stalking you." Click.

"Hello?"  I looked at my phone. We had been disconnected.

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