Rant #4: your allowed/your not allowed

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you're allowed to want to kill yourself, but you're not allowed to do it.

you're allowed to fight with your mum, but you're not allowed to leave her crying on your bedroom floor.

you're allowed to miss your ex, but you're not allowed to say the scars all over your arms are their fault.

you're allowed to hate the people who almost or got you suspended from school, but you're not allowed to tell her that the world would be better off without them.

you're allowed to stand on that edge of the bridge, but you're not allowed to jump .

you're allowed to be mad at the world, but you're not allowed to blame it for the state you've put yourself in .

you're allowed to be sad, but you're not allowed to give up, stand up and keep fighting. it's hard. i know it is. but it's worth the fight.

Stay strong, keep fighting, and stay alive.
I just want you to know that everything will be okay.

I know you are in a hard place right now.. where you might thing of harming yourself or killing yourself is the only solution.

I promise you, I have been in your shoes and trust me there is other ways and reason how to stay alive and to cope.

self harm is addicting, it took me since 5th grade till now (freshman year of high school) to Stop and im not going to lie, I always think about it. I black out because I'm addicted to it. Self harm isn't going to solve any of your problems nor will it make you feel any better.

You get a sense of release or punishment but it's not going to help you in the long run.

When have the urge remember this:

It's just a thought

•you DO NOT have to act upon it

•Self harm will affect emotionally, physically, and mentally

•It will only help about 5 minutes.

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