Chapter 6

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Because our teacher had quit not too long ago, we had a chill, young substitute. We were able to refer to him by his first name, so we always called him Mr. Sebastian. He let us do anything in the class, as long as we weren't too loud. Be on our phones, use the teacher's computer with headphones, curse; we did it all. Not too long ago, we even had a paper ball war in the class.

"How come there's only 6-7 students?" Rocky asked, raising an eyebrow towards me. I shrugged, doodling randomly in my binder.

"It's an advanced class, but I kinda got used to it being small," I replied with a soft sigh, adjusting my glasses as they slightly slid from the bridge of my nose. Rocky had peered over at my binder, slowly taking it away from me. I closed my eyes and snickered quietly.

"What are you doing?"

"I wanna finish the drawing," Rocky replied, taking out her own pencil from her Bowser shell of a backpack. She began to sketch quickly as time passed by.
3 hours into the school day and we were heading to our 3rd class after lunch/club time. We were all sitting outside of the classroom, people fooling around and talking while I sat on the floor, glancing at my book.

"What class is this?" Rocky asked, kneeling next to me. I sighed slightly, lowering my book. Nobody liked this class because the teacher was so strict and bitchy. He handed out detentions for the most ridiculous reasons, and yelled at us for nothing. He was so close to being just as bad as our old math teacher, Mr. Suliveras.

"This is Spanish class," I replied, glancing at the taller girl. "The teacher is Mr. Ramirez, or Señor Ramirez."

"What's he like?" Rocky asked, raising an eyebrow. I grunted slightly, closing my book.

"Eh, just watch yourself in that class," was all I was able to warn her. As soon as Bryan came, they were talking and kissing, leaving me to Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.

Marcus was talking with our other friend, Liyah, and I didn't talk much in this class because of my seating. Rising my book to my face again, I continued my reading until someone nudged me with their foot. Lowering my book a second time, I glanced through the now slightly smudged lenses of my glasses, seeing Alan waving down at me. I gave a hesitant wave back, but we didn't get the chance to exchange words as our teacher approached us and unlocked the door to the classroom.

I stood up and grabbed my things, Rocky sliding to my side. "Is that him?"

"Yeah, it's Satan in his purest form," I whispered back, hearing her quiet giggle as we were forced to walk inside the somewhat decent sized classroom.

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