Another Brick on the Wall

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If one things for sure....Randy is strong..... 

As Randy pulled Nomi out of his house and down the block Nomi could feel the surprising amount of strength Randy possessed. 

It's like he workouts every single day yet.....I don't ever recall ever seeing Randy in the school's workout room, or does he work out after school....?

 Whatever the case was Nomi was dumbfounded, along with that Randy was staying unusually quiet while they ran. Nomi still had no idea why Randy was late for....whatever he was late for but decided to slow them down a bit by pulling back at Randy's arm.

"Randy." He laughed. "Slow down." 

"Huh? Oh!  Sorry!" Randy halted his run and looked at Nomi nervously. "I'm so sorry we can take a break if you want to."

"No I'm fine, I'm just curious on where exactly we're going." Nomi chuckled as  he ruffled Randy's hair. Randy walked next to Nomi and laughed as well. 

"I know the owners of this really cool cafe and I think you'll like them too." Randy pointed at a small store just a couple blocks ahead, "There it is it'ls called the Buono Tomate."

"I've never heard of this place before." If anything Nomi recalled  that building a few decades back selling tobacco. 

"You'll love it, trust me." Randy opened the door for them and Nomi looked around at the smooth wood interior. Randy guided him to where a tall man with a tag that read 'Antonio' sat in the front counter. 

"Good Morning Toni." Randy cheerfully greeted, getting the tan man's attention. 

"Ah! Randy! How are you my amigo? Ah" Antonio spoke with a thick Spanish accent.

"I'm good, how's Lovino?" Randy asked.

"My Lovino? He's been in a very good mood lately! Everyone's been calling it a miracle,"

"Well hallelujah." Randy joked which made Antonio laugh.

"Hey I heard that you bastard!" An Italian voice called out from the kitchen as the figure stepped out. He looked shorter than Antonio and had gold-hazel eyes, he was slightly less tanned than Antonio, and had brown almost hazel nut hair with a wild curl sticking out.

"Nomi meet, Antonio and Lovino! Lovino and Antonio, meet Nomi!" Randy introduced.

Nomi let out a polite smile as he extended his hand which Antonio shook with a bright smile. Lovino crossed his arms and scoffed but nonetheless shook his hand as well.

"Hola! I'm Antonio and this is my husband Lovino."

So they were a couple, Nomi found them quite charming.

"Sorry to cut things short but were kinda in a hurry, Lovino can I have the usual?"

"Two coffees, two muffins, and a cinnamon roll?" Lovino asked with a skeptical look, leaning on one side with a hand on his hip.

"Yep! And one more coffee for Nomi too."

Lovino gave a thumbs up and walked back into the kitchen followed by Antonio who got started in getting Randy's order ready.

"What a dynamic duo." Nomi whispered over,

"Yeah, they're really cute together." Randy whispered back.

Lovino came back with a bag and three coffees, and placed them down on the counter and held out his hand for the money. Randy simply placed a few dollars on his hand and quickly took the bag and a coffee while Nomi took the other two.

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