Boom! Clap!

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The sound of Randy's alarm clock blasting in the room violently caused the sleeping teen to vigorously wake up from his dream. With an annoyed groan, Randy raised his head and looked around to see he was back in the real world and out of dream land. He sighed in annoyance and slammed his head back onto his pillow, the alarm continued to buzz.

"Shut up you stupid dollar store piece of-" He grumbled at the small machine knowing full well the alarm clock would simply ignore his curses and continue to make the obnoxious beeping. After three minutes of debating he finally gave up and raised his head, glaring at the little device before reaching to his side and throwing a random plush at the alarm in attempts to hit it but of course, missed. He sat up finally and scratched his head trying to wake up not only his body but his mind as well.

"What day is it again?"  He checked the alarms date. "Sunday right, right. Me and Nomi are hanging out today."

He slowly climb down his bed and smacked the alarm's off button and favoring to put on his smartwatch. Letting out a much needed yawn, Randy dragged himself to his bathroom and turned on the sink. He splashed some water on his face and reached for his glasses on the counter as he wiped his face with a towel. He gingerly put them on and took a long look at himself and grimaced. Dry skin. Period. He decided to not think about it too much and instead favored to focus on his glasses, that were now a bright pink color. Randy had always seem to take a favor to using reds and pinks and it certainly showed in his wardrobe whether it be a small pink or red touch to his pallete of mostly blues and greens. He shook his head and glanced at his watch.


He gave a lopsided smile and quickly brushed his teeth before going through his closet to find something to wear. He sat on the ground as he pulled t-shirt after t-shirt off his closet ground. A bright red shirt with his favorite pokemon on it? Nope. His Nirvana shirt? Nah. Gorillaz shirt? Tempting but no. A shirt with Seto Kaiba on it? Wait...what?

"Forgot to throw this one out." He nervously said to no one but himself and quickly tucked it under his desk and continuing his search. "Ah, here we go!" Randy smiled pulling out his regular red shirt with the white pattern on it and quickly changed accompanying it with some skinny jeans, some purple Mckicks and his teal sweater. He looked at himself in the mirror and grinned. "Perfect."

He quickly unplugged his phone hidden in his messenger bag and swiped the screen quickly to open his messages. He curiously glanced at the missed call he got from Howard and decided to call back. After a few rings the ginger picked up.

"Cunningham about time you woke up where the hell ya been? I've been up since five in the morning waiting on ya."

Randy reached for an abandoned granola bar in his bag and took a bite in confusion. "Five in the morning? What would you possibly need from me at five in the morning Howard?"

"I needed to ask you if you'd let me borrow your garage for an hour."

"My garage? For what?"

"Listen, I'll explain later but trust me on this. Trust me, you'll thank me later. Besides, you won't even see me since you'll be out on your little date with Nomi."

"Fine, I guess." Randy rolled his eyes at his obscure reason, "And its not a date Howard. You saying that is the equivalent of us hanging out at the Game Hole being 'dates' too."

Howard simply laughed, "I'm just messing with ya, alright I promise I'll be in and out."

"You mean in and out my fridge." This time the two friends laughed, "Yeah okay. Later Howard."

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