A Wise Carp and a Sassy Cat

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What a rare sight....it's actually peaceful in Norrisville....

 The gentle breeze blew softly through the Nomicon's messy red hair as he sat under the old cherry blossom tree meditating while he waited for the arrival of the Ninja. 

If he's late again I swear I'll strangle him....


A few blocks away, Randy jumped from tree to tree in a rush to arrive at the school as quickly as possible and without being noticed by anyone. He had his ninja suit on and for once was eager to begin training. Saturday night training's had always been the highlight of his schedule during the summer.

I hope Nomicon's gonna be just as excited as me....who wouldn't be excited to see me?

Randy chuckled and quickly sped up when the school began to come in sight. He landed swiftly onto the ground and quickly went into hiding again looking for his teacher. 

Where are you Nomicon~? 

He leap up into the air, quietly landing on one of the branches of the cherry tree spotting his teacher immediately, meditating. His wicked grin could be seen through his mask as he stealth himself closer to his teacher. He suddenly jumped down ready to surprise his teacher only to be stopped mid air when the Nomicon suddenly pulled out a bamboo stick and hit him right between the legs. The Ninjas eyes closed shut as he landed on the ground in pain holding his junk and mumbling curses under his breath.

"Not. Cool. Nomicon. Not cool!" The Ninja murmured still trying to recover from the hit. The Nomicon stared at the boy and did his best to hold in his laughter. He cleared his throat instead and stood up, getting his students' attention.

"I thought I taught you better Ninja, you're stealth is as good as that of a monkey's." The Nomicon shook his head as he continued to watched his student trying to regain himself.

"You're the monkey," He groaned making the Nomicon roll his eyes.

"It doesn't matter Ninja. Now up." The Nomicon took out his bamboo stick and pointed it at the Ninja's chest, who looked up at him worriedly. "Shall we get started?" The Nomicon questioned getting the Ninja to smile and get quickly back up on his feet.

"Hey wait a minute there, didn't you promise me we would get to know each other better? How can I fight confidently when I can't trust my own teacher." Randy smirked, now he had him. "Or have you forgotten?" Now he was getting plain cocky.

"Oh no Ninja, I remembered. We will get to know each other more, vainly but I believe that your training should always come first. Now come on, prepare for battle."

"Alright," He got into a fighting stance, "Ready when you ar-oof!" The Nomicon quickly hit the Ninja on the head with his bamboo stick,

"That's for not wanting to train, and this-" He poked him harshly on the chest, "For being a sassy cat." The Ninja rubbed his head and looked at the Nomicon with a confused look,

"Sassy Cat? Really Nomicon? That's the best you could do? How would you like it if I called you a...a...carp! Ha! Who's laughing now-Oww!" The Nomicon hit the Ninja again,

"I am."

"Oh it is on! Oh mystical wise carp! Hit me with your best shot!" The Ninja said jumping around in a fighting stance, the Nomicon just simply crossed his arms.

"As you wish..." The Nomicon threw a punch at the Ninja's face who dodge it just in time before it hit him.

"Remember Ninja, the best way to avoid an attack is avoid an attack." The Nomicon said as he threw more punches at his students face. The Ninja managed to avoid most of the punches and kicks the Nomicon threw at him. He began to feel tired but refused to give up.

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