c h a p t e r 4

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Today, I decided to have a little sleepover with Cookie and Camilla so they could get to know each other. I have a badass feeling about it cause Cookie jealous as hell, but I'ma try to make it work.

I put on a tight fitting white polo shirt, royal blue shorts, and white sandals. I grabbed my keys and phone and left downstairs to meet Maurice, who was waiting on me. "C'mon Maurice." I said, stuffing my black card in my pocket.

We got into Maurice’s Benz and he drove out of the driveway. It was a boring ride since Maurice talked on the phone throughout the whole ride. “Aight, Paris. Don’t take all day.” He said, as we got out the car after he parked in the parking lot.

“Fuck you mean ‘don’t take all day’? You shopping with me!” I said to him, as I grabbed a shopping cart. Whoever he was on the phone with started laughing and Maurice huffed, hanging up his phone and grabbing a shopping cart as well.

“Do you even thank you right fo’ dis?” Maurice asked, as we began walking thru the store. “For what?” I asked, confused. “Letting Cookie meet Camilla… cause you know how jealous her fat ass be.” Maurice said, causing me to roll my eyes. “Don’t be talmbout Cookie, but yeah. Why wouldn’t I? I mean, I can tell Camilla gon’ be around, so she gotta get used to her.” I said, shrugging. “Aight, whateva.” Maurice said, almost cutting me off.

“Okay, Mar, let’s start with the cookies and chips and shit.” I said, driving my cart to the aisle. I went to the bottom of the aisle, and Maurice stayed on the other side. I grabbed some chips and tossed them in his cart, as he got some cookies and threw them in mines. “And, 1!” He yelled as he shot the candy in my cart as if he was on the basketball court. We laughed and played until a worker came in the aisle and told us people were complaining about our noise.

“Aight, Mar, go to the dairy aisle and get the eggs and milk and all that shit. I’ma be at the frozen foods aisle.” I said, as to which he nodded.

I drove my cart to the other side of the store where the frozen food was. I filled up my cart with multiple kinds of pizza, fries, chicken, and vegetables. I was in the process of looking for the certain kind of ice cream that I wanted when I heard a voice behind me say, “So, we meet again.”

I turned around to see the nigga I was dancing with at the club. What was his name again? Oh yeah, Rios. How could I forget his sexy ass?

“I guess so. It’s Rios, right?” I asked, grinning at him. He exposed his pearly white teeth and chuckled, “Yeah, I’m glad you remembered.”

I smiled and turned back around and opened up the freezer, taking out tubs of cookies-n-cream, cookie dough, Reese’s,  and strawberry shortcake ice creams. “You look a lot better from when you was tryna throw up on a nigga.” He said, which caused a small giggle to escape out of my mouth.

“Oh, yeah. I’m sorry about that. I was wasted as hell.” I said, shrugging my shoulders. “It’s all good. I just wish it coulda waited longer cause a nigga ain’t finish getting to know you.” He said, biting his bottom lip.

“Aw, I’m sorry. How can I repay you?” I said, forming my face into a fake saddening face. He chuckled, but before he could say anything, Maurice came down the aisle, with his cart filled to the top, and talking all loud and ghetto on his phone. I rolled my eyes and looked back at Rios who was staring at Maurice. Maurice stood behind me, then gave Rios the ‘sup’ nod. “Wassap, nigga?” Maurice asked, rudely.

“Shit, I been around.” Rios replied, looking at Maurice intently. He chuckled a little then nodded his head, and hung up his phone. Rios finally looked from Maurice to me and asked, “Ya’ll together?”

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