c h a p t e r 23

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Sitting at her vacancy in a steel chair, Paris looked at herself in the mirror as Chelsie, her hairdresser for the night, did her hair. She was pulling out strands of hair from Paris’ perfectly straight bun, just the way Paris liked it. 

Paris drowned out what Chelsie was saying and looked at her beauty, yet imperfections, in the mirror. She tried to give herself a smile, but her nervousness overtook it. Today was finally the day. The day she’s been planning for over five months. Her eyes roamed around her face and landed upon the black scar underneath her jaw. Either Grapez or Camilla had left her with it, and she thought it was terrible. Yet, when Chelsie asked did she want to get it covered up, she said no.

Paris wanted to express her beauty today. She wanted to go without any makeup. She wanted the world to accept her for who she was.. not who the world wanted her to be. Giving herself another smile, she closed her eyes and said a quick prayer.

“And.. finished!” Chelsie said and patted down the sides of her hair. Paris grinned as she stood up and turned around to give Chelsie a hug. “I love it.” Even though Paris could have did the hairstyle herself, she didn’t care. It was the thought that Chelsie put in work to do it that made her happy.

Chelsie kissed Paris’ cheek, saying, “You look beautiful, barbie. I’ll be working on another client while your performing, but I want you to dance your little heart out. Maurice is a lucky man.” The smile only widened on Paris’ face when she heard Maurice’s name come out of her mouth. Chelsie gave Paris a smile before turning and walking away.

Paris placed both of her hands on her five month growing stomach. All she did was smile down at it and rubbed around it, praying it didn’t disturb her during her performance. It had already gotten in the way today when she put on the leotard and tights to her outfit, and it didn’t hide her protruding stomach whatsoever. She didn’t care though.. she wanted it to be known.

Hearing her name being called from a distance, Paris’ head shot up and she looked behind her. A few feet away from the entrance of the dressing room of the back stage, Bobby stood there with a bouquet of daisies for his bestfriend.

“Bobby!” Paris squealed, skipping towards him instead of running. He grinned and watched as she made her way towards him. Opening his arms, he embraced Paris as she wrapped her arms around his neck and he wrapped his around her waist. He lifted her into the air and twirled her around until she was in his original position, and he was in hers.

Maurice stood outside the door of the backstage entrance. He smoothed out the navy blue Marc Jacobs suit he wore with his black Alexander Wang dress shoes and Michael Kors 24k gold watch. In his eyes, it was a normal go-out outfit, but to the women who gawked over him with their jaws dropped thought otherwise.

Maurice paid none of the females any mind, considering he was there for only one woman: his girl. He wasn’t going to lose her only because he was standing in a room full of temptation. He worked so hard to get what he wanted and he’d be damned if he ever let her go. Placing the large bouquet of roses underneath his arm, he lifted the arm of his suit to reveal the time. She had to go on in less than ten minutes, so Maurice decided to wish her good luck.

He moved the curtains that covered the entrance to the backstage to the side so he could step in. Walking in slowly and smooth, his shoes clicked on the hard, black marble floor and he knew couldn’t nobody tell him nothing.

Looking around the room full of women, his eyes didn’t miss her. A smile curved onto his lips just by seeing her. In a daze, he only saw her.. but, when out of the daze, he saw everything else.

Her arms were wrapped around that nigga she called ‘bestfriend’, and his arms wrapped around her waist. Maurice just stood there dumbfounded, and his heartbeat began to pick up, squeezing the flowers that was in his hand so hard, he could feel the sap coming out of them.

He never liked the nigga ever since he met him, only because he was so close to Paris. Maurice always knew there was an attraction between them.. well, maybe not Paris liking the nigga, but Maurice knew that the nigga liked her. This only showed Maurice that his instincts were right, and once again, Paris fucks him over.

Maurice had thought up two options: run up and beat both of their asses, or be the big guy and just forget about Paris. As much as he loved her, he couldn’t continue to sit there and let her play him. Maurice actually thought that the day he met up with her in the hospital was going to help her change her ways and realize he was the one and only one for her.. but, she didn’t.

Not pertaining to the shit that only made his skin crawl, Maurice dropped the flowers to the ground. Turning on his heels, he left the room in a swift moment.

Paris released her bestfriend, and he did the same to her. She smiled harder than she needed to, only because she hadn’t seen him in almost a month. He had went to Brazil to visit Tiffany’s family. He didn’t wanna go, but the look Tiffany gave him when she told him to come made him quickly say yes. “I missed you so much, Bobby!”

He smiled at her, loving the way her big smile covered her whole face. She was different from the months that passed, more cheerful and happy. He didn’t know all about Paris & Maurice’s previous years together, but he knew that he made her happy. All he wanted for his bestfriend was for her to get a good nigga to do that, and she got one. On top of all that, Maurice was Bobby’s favorite basketball player and he could teach him some moves sometimes.. when he gets the chance to learn how to play. “Fuck that, I missed this place. Brazil was hot as fuck every damn day. I know you see this shit,” He rotated his hand in a circle around his face, “I’m blacker than I was before I left.”

Paris laughed, rolling her eyes. “You look the same.” She took the flowers out of his hands and smelled them. Beginning to cough and wheeze, she handed them right back to him. “What kinda flowers are them? They smell like poison.”

Bobby took them back and scratched his head. “Shit, I don’t know. I got them from Brazil. When the nigga gave them to me, he was speakin another language to another nigga then they busted out laughin before they handed em to me. I had whooped both they ass before I left tho.. shit, they ain’t foolin nobody. I know they was talmbout my black ass.” 

Paris just shook her head and laughed. They probably did give him some poisonous parsnips. She smoothed the side of her body, then put her hands on her hips. “How do I look?”

“Pregnant.” Bobby said, blankly. She rolled her eyes and pushed him against his shoulder. “Stop stating the obvious. I mean like.. ugh.” She sighed, making Bobby laugh. He loved fuckin with her no matter how serious the cause was.

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