c h a p t e r 18

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Living under a depressed husband and newborn babies can be stressful on the wife’s part. 

Pookie quit his CSI job a couple months ago and, with his mother’s insistance, we’ve been living under the money Paris has been sending her. Kayden, being an independent man, wanted to work for the money, but with little to no job experience, there’s not many jobs willing to hire him.

If he’s not out searching for a job, he’s locked inside the twin’s room, talking and playing with them, or cuddling with me, telling me about his problems.

I love my husband, I do, but him moping around and talking about his problems all the damn time ain’t gon fly. I like having fun, and I want my children to, too. I don’t want them growing up, thinking that a man is suppose to be home twentyfourseven with a sad expression on his face all the time. 

I’m just glad that Pookie didn’t turn to alcohol during his time of despair.

Even though I didn’t like the depressed, boring ass Pookie, I loved my husband. He’s a strong, hard-working man who loves his family. It’s hard to find a faithful man who loves you and your kids, no matter how bipolar you are or how loud your kids is. A man who doesn’t give a fuck about what anybody says about his family, that’s the kind of man my husband is. 

I laid on the plush carpet flooring, playing with Zayden while Ayden slept in his nearby play pen. Zayden laughed as I lifted him up in the air, then swiftly back onto my chest.

I would die for all three of my boys: Ayden, Zayden, and Kayden. Having been grown up in a family where my mother would say I wouldn’t become shit cause of who I chose to date, these boys gave her a hundred and one reasons to prove she was wrong. 

“You love me?” I asked him while he laughed ridiculously. I lifted him into the air and then back down, kissing his lips. “You love mommy?”

Zay giggled, letting out a trail of slob down into my eye. “There’s the love.” I said, sarcastically. I sat crisscrossed on the floor with my back to the sofa and Zayden sat in my lap as I wiped his spit out of my eyes.

I smiled down at my lap, noticing how happy Zayden was. He was my happy baby, I could just tell he was going to be a mama’s boy. Ayden spent most of his time sleeping, crying, or eating but I knew he was gonna be a papa’s boy. I was gonna raise them right.

As soon as I lifted Zayden up, Ayden began to cry. I sighed and looked at the smiling Zay, “There goes your brother.” I stood up with him in my arms and walked over to the play pen and put him into it. Taking Ayden out, he cried harder and reached down to be put back into the pen.

So bipolar, he ain’t get it from me.

Setting him back into the pen, he immediately stopped crying and started playing with the toys with his brother. I smiled, taking out my phone, snapping a picture, and sending it to Kayden.

Coming from a family filled with overprotective men, Kayden quickly texted back.

Ever since I’ve had my twins, Kayden hasn’t left my phone alone. Every time he’s out, he’s blowing my shit up. If he texts me and I don’t reply after five minutes, he calls me. I’m serious, he’s done it over eighteen times. His grandfather was overprotective with his grandmother, his father was overprotective with his mama, Maurice is overprotective with Paris, so he just got passed the gene. 

Walking to the kitchen to get something to eat, I paused and took a look down at my stomach. I was glad I worked my pregnancy weight off, but my thighs were still huge as fuck. Instead of getting the leftover Zaxbys, I settled for a ceaser salad and a cup of yogurt.

Getting all the ingredients to create the salad ready, I grabbed a bowl but the sound of Ayden crying and keys in the door made me sigh in relief.

I started making my way towards the pen when Kayden walked through the door. Wearing a sea green Polo button down shirt, khaki slacks, and Sperry’s, he looked good as hell.

I could continue intercourse now, since my six weeks were over, but I chose not to. I want to wait til my fourth month after childbirth to begin. So, Pookie still had one month to go.

But, the way he was dressed, the look on his face, and the way he began walking towards me had me thinking other wise.

“I got him, baby.” Pookie announced, causing the quiet house to shake with the base in his voice. He put his keys and phone down on the table and closed and locked the door behind him. He had a small smile plastered on his face which had me confused as hell. Something good happened, I just know it.

I moved out the way so he could pick up his crying son. As soon as Pookie touched him, his crying ceased and he was laughing and playing with his daddy. I picked up Zayden because I could see he was about to cry, and he began laughing and hitting my shoulder.

Pookie grinned at me, but I just gave him this suspicious ass look. “Why are you so happy-go-lucky?”

“I don’t know what you mean.” He chuckled and started making his way to the kitchen where I followed him. He put Ayden in his high chair, and I put Zayden in his, right beside his brother’s.

“I’m finna hit you upside yo head if you keep acting stupid.” I said, watching him wash his hands, two spoons, and grabbed two jars of baby food from the counter, handing me a jar and a spoon, then kissing my lips. “Love you.” 

Kayden and I never said ‘hey’ to each other when we got home. It’s always a kiss on the lips, and a ‘love you’ out the mouth. “Love you, too.”

I pulled up a chair beside Ayden as Pookie pulled one up beside Zayden. “You can’t even reach my head.” He said, feeding his son.

I began to feed Ayden, “But, I can still whoop you. Nah, tell me what happened.”

“How you gon threaten me then-”

“Kaydennn.” I whined. I started biting my bottom lip, and I only do that twice. When Pookie finna gimme some, or when I’m finna cry. So, if he doesn’t want three bodies in here crying, I suggest he tell me what’s up.

“Jazmineee.” He mocked me and laughed. I didn’t even smirk at him, just cleaned up Ayden’s small spitup. A smile curved onto my face when Zayden spit on Pookie.

“Stop putting this karma shit on me, Jaz.” Pookie said, irritated as I laughed harder than I already was, making both of the twins laugh as well.

“Stop cussin, and what karma?”

“Fuck you mean ‘what karma’, this the mama’s boy and you put some kinda voodoo spell on him through your eyes making him spitup on me. Don’t act like I’m crazy, I seen that shit.” He argued, grabbing a baby wipe and beginning to clean his shirt. As much as I wanted to hit him for swearing, I couldn’t stop laughing. Tears ran wildly down my face and my breathing was only coming out in pants, I was laughing so hard.

Whatever had happened while he was out today had to have been something good because I finally had my husband back. The undepressed, non-moping husband.

“Shutup, Kayden.” I managed to get out from my laughing. I couldn’t even finish feeding Ayden, which caused him to start whining. I wiped my eyes and continued feeding my baby.

Pookie took off his button down shirt, leaving him only in his white wife beater. “Forreal, baby, guess what.”

I sighed, giving Ayden the last bit of his mashed carrots. I could see the sleep in his and Zayden’s eyes which brought a smile to my face. “You finally wanna tell me?”

“I gotta job offer today.” He said, and I just knew it. I knew that had to be the only reason why he was so happy. He gave Zayden his last bit of food and pulled him out of his high chair, placing him on his shoulder and patting his back as I did the same with Ayden.

Looking at how happy my husband was had me grinning ridiculously. “Thank the Lord, that’s why you ain’t been so down in the dump today. You so happy, got me thinking you just got some cuddy.” I laughed, getting up and going upstairs to the twin’s room where Kayden followed me. I placed a sleeping Ayden into his crib, while Pookie put Zayden in his. I kissed Ayden around his face, then did the same to Zayden as Pookie copied me.

“Maybe after what I tell you, I’ll probably get some.” Pookie said, turning off the light and leaving out the room after me. I went into our room, which was right beside our kid’s room, and turned on the light.

“You wanna do me a favor for it?” I asked him as I walked over to our king sized bed. I kicked off my house slippers and crawled onto the bed as Pookie came and laid on top of me, in between my legs.


I smiled down at him as his head laid upon my chest. “I was finna make a ceaser salad before you came home and I still need it.”

He put his chin on my chest to give me this annoyed face. “Jaz, you ain’t pregnant no more. I ain’t serving you shit no more.”

I wrapped my arms around his neck, “But, I stay at home, taking care of your kids while you gone.” I poked out my bottom lip and he rolled his eyes.

“I’m tired. I been out since morning, looking for a job. Then when I finally getta offer, I gotta come home and break the news that it’s a investagator cadet in L.A. to my wife, then I gotta hear her ass before I can finally sleep but I gotta wake up earlier cause I know my kids gon start crying..” He rambled, but I stopped listening after the part about L.A.

“It’s in L.A.?” I asked, putting alotta question in my tone.

“Yep, but I ain’t gon accept it-”

I looked at him like he was crazy, “The hell you ain’t! Get off me, lemme start packing.” I tried moving him off of me but he wouldn’t even budge.

“Wait baby.. so, you really wanna go?” He asked, utterly confused.

I really wanted to get out of NYC for the mere fact that everyone else I love is up and leaving it for L.A. I missed my sister, Maurice, all of them, and talking on the phone with them ain’t nothing near seeing them in person.

I knew Pookie was questionable because of our children’s sake. He didn’t know if I wanted them to grow up in NYC or L.A., but I didn’t care. I wanted my kids close to family and since it’s L.A., that’s where I wanted to be.

“Yes, I do. It’s worth it, being closer to family and you can go off on your own, making your own money. I’d like that.” I said, running my hand thru his small curls.

He grinned at me, “I’ll accept the job offer then, and make arrangments.”

“Yay!” I cheered, kissing his lips. I understood why he was so happy now. Not only did he finally get a job offer, but I accepted it as well.

He pulled off of me, then kissed me again. Gaining the upper hand, he got on top of me and put both of his hands underneath my shirt, gripping my hips tightly. As bad as I wanted to wait one more month, I couldn’t. I’ve been dick-free for twelve whole months, a whole gotdamn year. I needed Pookie.

I moved my hands from his neck to his belt buckle. Undoing it, he stopped kissing me and removed my hands. Looking down at me, he smiled and I could just kill his ass right then. “A month to go.” He said, leaning down and tryna kiss me again but I pushed his head up.

“No, Pookie. Let’s do it now.” I complained as I looked up at his annoying smiling face. I pulled his head down to my face, making his ear touch my lips. “I’ll let you be my babydaddy.” After I said that, he busted out laughing.

He started laughing so hard, he began slobbing out the mouth on me. “Uh uh, the twins already gimme enough of this.” I said, pushing him off of me. He got up, holding onto his stomach as he laughed harder.

Pookie looked so cute when he laughed, so I gave him a rocked look. I wanted to get some cuddy, but he always acting like a bitch about it now. So, I was gon bitch about it too.

I rolled my eyes and sat up straight on the bed, my back to the headboard, watching Pookie laugh ridiculously. I couldn’t help myself but giggle a little. He was a fool.

Wiping his eyes, Pookie crawled on the bed and looked at me. “I love you, mannn.” He gave my lips a long peck then looked at me again. “You know if you ever try to leave me, I’ma kill you, right?”

I smacked my teeth and pulled him closer to me. “Whatever, Pookie-”

“I’m so serious, Jazmine. You have me dying laughing and I’d be damned if I let you go. I love you so much.” He said, looking dead into my eyes. I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck.

“You tell me this everyday, Pookie. I get it, you love me. Get out your feelings, boo.” I replied, pecking his nose. He smacked his teeth and attemped to get off of me, but I held him down on me. Laughing, I looked at him. “You know our sister gon be in L.A?”

He rolled over and laid on the bed beside me, and I laid my head on his chest as he wrapped one arm around my waist. “My sister, stop tryna claim my little sister.” He said, making me roll my eyes. “But, yeah, she’s the first person I thought of when I heard about the offer. I miss her stupid ass.”

With my hand on his chest, I slapped it. “Don’t be calling her stupid, but she misses you too. I just hope she ain’t doing anything crazy up there. I seen her videos, they ain’t bad. She might still be the same.”

Pookie tightened his grip on me, “I doubt it. She probably gave that nigga her virginity. I’ma beat her ass then his when I see them muhfuckas, on everything.”

I swallowed, praising God that Pookie didn’t notice. It wasn’t my place to tell him that she wasn’t a virgin, so I was just gonna keep it between me, her, and the Lord until she had the courage to tell him. Knowing him, he may not talk to her for a month but then turn right round and forgive.

“Shit to me, you ain’t touching my sister.” I said to him and he hit my ass hard as hell, making me hit him upside his head.

“Fat ass self.” I rolled my eyes, pulling my arm out of the grip he had on it. “You needa stop cursing, too. I can’t have my kids growing up thinking ‘shit’, ‘damn’, and ‘fuck’ are good words.” I said, looking up at him.

“How you gon- okay.” The way he said it, I knew he was irritated, making me laugh. He gave me a death grip around my waist, making me laugh more. I rolled over on top of him and laid my body on his.

He looked down at me and smiled. Ole pushover, he never stays mad at me. I kissed him, then kissed him again as he wrapped his arms around my body. “I love you.” 

I kissed his lips again, “I love you too, Pookie.” I knew pecking his lips was gonna lead into him kissing me French style, so I just let it be, letting my mind roam...

Los Angeles, here comes some more Hendrix.

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