c h a p t e r 16

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3 months later...


“Marten Hendrix, under serving your full years with the exception of the months cut off and the six months you are suppose to serve, but have also gotten cut off, you are free to go.” The police spoke to me on the other side of the cell.

I smiled, holding my folded jumpsuit in my hands and watched the cell slowly open in front of me. I was a free man.

I hadn’t told Cleo that my six months were cut off for exceptional behavior, but I told her to tell Pookie and anyone else that she would be going on a vaction with one of her close friends. I was going to surprise her. I was going to take her on a cruise for I don’t know how long, but this is what was neccessary.

I didn’t want to see my kids just yet. Paris is in LA, Maurice is in LA, and I want to surprise them altogether. Right now, it was just going to be about me and my wife. On a getaway. With no interruptions.

I handed the officer the orange jumpsuit, and dusted off my hands. He shook his head and smirked at me, “I don’t know why they didn’t release you earlier. You’re the most respectful criminal I’ve ever encountered.”

I laughed, smoothing out the creases in my white, collard shirt and khaki slacks as we walked, “I wouldn’t consider myself a criminal, but if you respect me, then why wouldn’t I respect you?”

“That’s right. Just promise me I don’t have to see you in these cells again.” He said, and I looked at him.

“Trust me. You won’t.” I simply said, and it was true. Spending half of my babygirl’s life in prison had me realizing that I had too much on the line to be in the pin. A beautiful wife, two kids, and a business to handle. Retracing my steps, I can figure out where I went wrong, and what I can do to prevent me from coming back to this hell hole.

I made my way to the entrance of the prison, where I actually saw things other than grass, clouds, and the sky. I stood in front of the double doors and took a deep breath. I looked back at the officers who were looking at me, smiling. “See you, Hendrix.” One of them said, and with that, I walked out.

I immediately smelled the fresh air and felt the warm breeze, and also saw one of my worker’s car parked on the side. The top of his Convertable was let down, and he hopped right out of his car.

“Big papa!” He yelled, jogging towards me and trying to shake my hand. Instead of giving him the handshake he offered, I pulled him into a big ass hug. “I’m a free man.” 

“Feels good, don’t it?” He asked, pulling off of me. I nodded, “Damn right.”

“Q’s been doing aight, but it’s finna do alot better with our leader back.” He said, referring to my traphouses. I smiled at the fact that me being in prison for all the years, my traps still doing good. If you ask me, that’s a miracle right there. 

“Thank you for holding it down, Hannah. You always been loyal.” I said, giving him a handshake and walking back to his car.

He shrugged, “It’s my job.” He got into the driver’s side as I sat in the passenger seat. “Where off to?”

“You know I gotta get home to my baby.” I simply said, and he started the car, driving out of the parking lot and into the direction of my house.

“Oh, Cleo beautiful ass. She been a true ride or die, boss.” He said, looking at me from the corner of his eye. I smiled, thinking about Cleo. There was no doubt about the words that he just spoke.

“Hell yeah, she is. You know all the shit she went thru cause of my ass, I’d be damned to leave her again. I fucked up with her when I got in jail, she wouldn’t speak to me for bout a month. Had a nigga weak in the knees, gettin soft spots fa her. But, she got over it, took care of my kids all these years.” I said, shaking my head. 

Hannah chuckled, “Then she took a couple bullets for you. Shiddd, I woulda been left you. How the kids doing, doe?”

“I heard they was doin good. Pookie workin for the feds-” 

Hannah switched his head to look at me so fast, he bout had us crashing, “Fuck you mean he workin for the feds?” 

“Exactly what I said, nah keep yo eyes on the road,” I said, and he turned his attention back to the road, “He a detective, but Cleo already got it where he ain’t gotta come in contact with us, Maurice nem, our contacts, none of us.” 

“That damn Cleo,” He said, chuckling, “What about babygirl?”

“Last time I heard, she was over there in LA with her nigga.” I said, sunken. Whenever Cleo and I got back from this vacation, I was gon have to meet this nigga. 

Hannah laughed, “Talmbout lil Paris? Last time I seen her, she wasn’t even taller than my right knee cap.” 

I shook my head and laughed, “Yeah, my girl growing up. I’m getting too gotdamn old.”

“You only 39, you ain’t near old yet. If you hanging with me, then you the youngest nigga living.” He said, pulling up to my house. I saw one purple Chrystler 300 in the driveway, and I automatically assumed it was Cleo’s, given the fact that purple is her favorite color.

I chuckled, “Thanks, young. For everything, man. I’m taking Cleo on a getaway for ion know how long, but I want you to keep my business in order like you been doing for me, feel me?”

“No problem, I gotchu. If you need anything, then you know how to reach me.” He said as I hopped out of his car and walked up the driveway. I nodded to him and he drove off. 

I finally made my way up the stairs and to the front of the door. I was lucky that she didn’t have a peephole, because I wanted it to be a complete surprise.

I rung the doorbell once, and waited. The word patience isn’t in my dictionary, so after two minutes, I rung the doorbell two more times. I could heard light scuffling on the other side of the door, so I rung it repeatedly.

“WAIT!” I heard Cleo’s loud voice yell, and a smile curved onto my face. I could feel sweat beads begin to form on my forehead, and I could feel myself getting lightheaded.

I heard the click of the doorknob unlock, the second lock unlock, and the bolt at the top unlock. The door slowly opened, revealing Cleo. Wearing one of my tshirts, some sweatpants, and shagged boots, she looked stunning.

My jaw dropped, my eyes locking with hers. She had a container of icecream in her hand and her individually braided hair in a bun. I admired her with my eyes, and she stared at me with hers. She dropped her jaw, as well as her icecream. “Marten?” 

“Baby, I’m home.” I said, grinning at her. I could see tears begin to form, and immediately spill out of her eyes.

“Marten, it can’t be you. Y-you still have-”

“They cut the rest of my term. I didn’t tell you because I wanted to surprise you.” I told her, but she continued to look at me in awe, as if I wasn’t real.

Her lips began to quiver, and she exploded into tears. She finally put a smile on her face as she ran up to me, jumping on me and wrapping her arms and legs around me. “Marten!”

I didn’t even notice the tears that sparked out of my eyes. “I missed you, too, Cleo.” I said, hugging her around her waist. She held onto me like if she let me go, I was going to leave.

I walked into the house, with her still hanging onto me. I closed the door behind us and locked it, feeling Cleo’s tears drench my shirt. Her voice cracked as she said my name repeatedly, because honestly, that’s all she could say.

She moved her head back and looked into my tear-stained eyes, while I looked into hers. “I missed you so much, Marten.” She admitted, kissing my lips. This was the moment I’ve been waiting for; coming home to my wife.

“I left you once, Cleo, but I promise, I’m never letting you go again. Never.” I said, when I pulled off of her. She shook her head and buried her face into my chest. “Marten...” She repeated my name. And, at that moment, hearing her say my name was the best feeling in the world.

Hours passed, and I was laid out on the couch with Cleo laying on top of me as we watched TV and ate M&M’s. These were the times that I missed the most, I would have to say. Laying with my wife, eating junk food, and watching movie reruns that came on BET.

A commercial break would come on and Cleo would lean up and peck my lips, saying, “I love you, Marten.”

“I love you, too, Cleo.” I said, smiling up at her. No matter what, she wouldn’t stop smiling and neither would I. 

“You getting tired of me saying that?” She asked, and I shook my head.

“Hell no. I need for you to say it more often, like, 24/7.” I said, causing her to giggle. I kissed the top of her head and took in a breath, “Cleo, you know a couple days ago when I told you to tell Kayden you was going on a cruise?”

“Yes...” She said, slowly.

“Did you?”

“Yes, but why did you make me lie to him like-”

“It wasn’t a lie.” I said, and she turned to face me. She had a confused look on her face and I let out a chuckle.

“What are you talking about?” She asked me, and I ran my hand along her face. “Pack your stuff, we’re leaving at 8.”

She smacked her teeth and pushed my shoulder, “Marten, stop playing with me like that when you know I been needing a vacation for forever!”

I chuckled, “Baby, I’m not playing. It’s two, so you got six hours to pack you things. I’ve been planning this for three months, Cleo. I wanna put it in action.”

She looked me in the eye, realizing the seriousness. She squealed, “Marten! Really!?”

“I’m so serious, baby. I need this vacation away, just like you deserve. I’ve been kept away for too long, and you’ve been working, taking care of our kids for too long. We both need this break, and nothing would be more better than to spend it with each other.” I honestly said, and she began to cry again.

She hopped up, and I stood after her. “Oh, Marten, thank you!”

“You’ve thanked me enough. Te amo, Cleo.” I said, leaning down and kissing her lips.

She held onto my face with both of her hands, “I love you, too, Marten.”


“...and, scene!” Rios said, finishing the Rich Gang video we were working on.

I had been in 5 videos, with this one, it’s 6, since I’ve been in LA. I had gained so much popularity, my face was staring in magazines, talk shows, tv shows, etc. I couldn’t go to a regular store without seeing a fan. Paparazzi would follow Rios and I, or when I’m chilling with Camilla and Grapez. Thinking the stardom would be mutual for my girls and I, it turned out to be anything but. 

As for me being in 6 videos total, Grapez been in 3, and Camilla’s been in 1, which was our first video. Unlike me, Camilla didn’t want the fame and fortune, she wanted the men. Her fling with Ace Hood was cut short when she was caught cheating, and I don’t blame him for doing what he did which was to get back all the shit he bought her which totaled out to be over 1.1 million dollars. 

While Grapez and I would be shooting videos, Camilla would be hopping from men to men. Our friendship was slowly breaking apart, and Grapez friendship and I was continuously growing. She too broke away from her celebrity, Mike Will. That’s one main reason why she wasn’t appearing in as many stuff I was. To my luck, Rios was a producer and, of course, he wanted me in his videos.

Catching up on other things, I still haven’t visited New York City. I’ve tried, but another video shoot would come into the way of that. Whenever a clear opportunity comes, I’m heading that way.

Even though I haven’t seen or talked to my granny, my mother, and Maurice, I haven’t forgotten about them. From Pookie, I learned that my mama’s currently on a cruise with one of her friends, and she strictly gave Pookie the order to not contact her. I also learned that my granny moved to LA, for what reason, Pookie or I don’t know, but I have yet to go visit her. I don’t know when I will either.

From Jazmine and Nino, I found out Maurice was drafted to the LA Lakers. I was so damn happy, I cried, I danced... it felt like I was the one who got drafted. Ever since I can remember, he bragged about how they’ll take him, how they want him, and to see his dream coming true made my eyes waterfall. I couldn’t stop smiling for days, and I planned a date when I was gonna look for him and hang, but that came crashing when I phoned Nino. He hit me up with some latest shit and also informed me Maurice came to LA with the girl Nino once told me about.

Like I said, I couldn’t be jealous of the girl because I left Maurice in NYC, so of course he would get a girl. But, I just didn’t want that girl to replace me in his life. I didn’t wanna pop up to Maurice at anytime, and him being with the girl. I didn’t want him to reject me or change his ways because of her. I didn’t want her to not like me for no reason, so I chose to leave him alone.

As for me, I could say that I’ve changed. Physically and emotionally. I wear my hair curly alot more and it’s dyed jet black. I’m in the process of getting my tattoos removed, only because they leave a trace of my past life. I’m growing taller, and with Rios’ help, thicker.

Unlike me, Rios is addictted to sex, and not to lie, I’m getting there also. It’s hard for him to stay around me without getting sexual aroused, and it’s the other way around. The only reason to it is that not only sex is in the air, but love is also, and it’s on a high that I’ve never felt before. Not only do I love that, but I also love the LA partying and clubbing. It’s rare for me to come home from the club or a party not drunk, or not high. To me, Rios is the key to everything good in my life now.

Other than my physical changes, I think that my attitude has changed as well. I’m not as shy about myself anymore, and through this video industry, I’ve learned not to be too nice. There’s too many fake people in it to be nice, too many people tryna make their money. I’ve taken money making on a new high as well. Money’s pouring in like I’m winning the lottery each day, and of course, I’m sending it to my mama, the reason why I’m here. Hopefully, I don’t crash.

“You look good as hell, Paris, damn.” Rios said, as I went over to wrap my arms around his neck as he wrapped his around my waist. He was sitting in his high chair while I stood on the 5 inch, blue pumps I was wearing. I had on black tights and a blue spiked bra with a black, sleeveless vest over it. I made sure to tell Rios that I wasn’t doing any video involving my clothes off, only in a bra and pantie. He agreed, but asked if I could if the video involved a pool setting and I approved.

“That’s an everyday thing.” I said, pulling my head from the crook of his neck to look at him. He bit his bottom lip and laughed, making him look extra sexy. He had on his reading glasses, a white tshirt, cargo shorts, and some Jordans, but it didn’t matter. He always looked good.

“You gon get fucked up cause of that, too.” 

“That’s an everyday thing, too.” I said, smirking at him. He bursted out laughing and pecked my lips. “Your lips taste good... what you put on them bitches?”

“Peach mango lipgloss.” I said, after giggling and smacking my teeth. He licked his lips and kissed my lips again, “Gon make me eat yo face.”

“Hell nah, you sound like you on that bath salt type shit nah.” I said, laughing. He chuckled and kissed the tip of my nose, “I’m tryna hit the club tonight.”

“You know we still got that lunch to attend with that man and his wife?” I asked and he nodded.

“That ain’t gon be in the way. Plus, I’m tryna get you to dance on me tonight.” He said, turning me around on him by my hips. He pulled me onto him and wrapped his one arm around my waist. 

“Well, you betta keep trying.” I said, getting out of his grasp. “We gotta go to the international mall before the club, though, so let’s go after they’re done packing my stuff into the car.” Rios nodded and got out his seat while I walked away to where everyone else was.

I saw Grapez talking to some nigga, and I smiled. Grapez was alot like Camilla, man wise, but she was my friend and I was happy when she got a man.

She gave the nigga a long kiss on the cheek before he walked away. I laughed out loud which caused her to turn around and smirk. She lifted up her middle finger and came over to me. “Ooo, I’ma tell Bobby.” I said, childishly.

She smacked her teeth and rolled her eyes as she hugged me, “I don’t give a fuck. That nigga pussy hop and I ain’t got time fa that. That’s my baby, tho.” 

Bobby and I had gotten so close that I’ve started claiming him as my bestfriend. While Maurice is gone, I’ve given him the title. I introduced him to Grapez when we all was at the mall, and they’ve been on this on and off shit that I really can’t explain.

“Ya’ll so damn confusing.”

“I know. We gotta give ya’ll sum to be confused about,” She said, causing us to laugh, “But, I’m so glad this video finally over with.” 

“I’ma tryna tell ya... it was long as hell. Anyway, I’m finna go to the mall with Rios. You wanna come?” 

“Nah, I’ma pass. I’ma go see Camilla anti ass.” She said, rolling her eyes.

I sighed, “Tell her I said call me.” Grapez nodded and I hugged her and kissed her cheek before my phone vibrated. She waved at me, walking away and I answered my phone, “Hello?”

“I need some head, Paris.” I heard Bobby’s childish ass voice say, causing me to bust out laughing.

“Bobby, if you don’t get off my gotdamn line with that bullshit...”

“I’m forreal, shawty. I ain’t been in nothing fa like two weeks, serve a brother up.” He said, whining like a lil bitch. 

“Do you not hear yoself? Damn, nigga.” I replied, preparing to hang up.

“You know I’m just fuckin witcha. Reagen just keep playing with my emotions, Paris. Get yo homegirl.” 

“Fuck you mean get my homegirl, get yo wifey.” I said, chuckling. 

“Hold up, nah. She bae worthy, not wifey type. She ain’t you.” He said, and I could hear the smile in his voice. I smirked at his compliment.

“You a confused ass nigga.”

“Hell yeah.” He said, and I laughed.

“What you doing, boo?” I asked, playing with him.

“Shittt, where you at?”

“On the set. I’m finna leave in a few to go to the mall with Ree.”

“That pussy..” He said, causing me to smack my teeth. 

“You still got them scars, though.”

“Man, shutup girl,” He said and I laughed, “I’m healing.”

Before I could reply, a hard hand landed on my ass making me turn around. I didn’t see anyone over my left shoulder, but Rios trying to hide over my right shoulder. “You know damn well yo black ass too big to be tryna hide. Move offa me, that shit stung.” I said, rubbing where Rios hit. 

He laughed and I rolled my eyes. “Lemme call you back, shawty, bad bitch calling me.” Bobby said into the phone.

“Aight, bye boo.” I replied, and we both ended the call. Rios wrapped his arms around my waist and pecked my neck, “Who was that?” 

“Stop being nosey.” I said, putting my phone in his pocket. He removed his arms from my waist and draped one arm across my shoulder, while the other went to his pocket. “You can try to get in, but I changed the passcode this morning.”

I watched as he tried, and failed all five times, sending my phone to a 2 minute lock. I busted out laughing and he smacked his teeth, mushing the side of my head. “Ion give a fuck. I’ma get in sometime soon.”

“Let’s go, Rios. I needa go get an outfit.” I said, taking my phone out his hand and putting it back into his pocket. 

“Hate goin to the mall witcho ass...” He mumbled as we began to walk. I laughed and rolled my eyes, “What that was?” 

“Shutup, man dang. I ain’t say nun.” He increased his voice and bumped his hip with mines, causing me to gawk towards the left. “Stoppp.” I whined. 

“Stoppp.” He mocked me, making me laugh. “Childish ass.”

We got into the car with all of my bags packed and in, but instead of dropping them off at the house, we went straight to the mall. I was glad because I could quickly find an outfit, then still have time to sleep before anything else.

We walked into the mall and I went straight to Victoria Secret to get a new set and Rios followed right behind me, until we got to the front of the store. “What?” I asked when he stopped abruptly.

“Hell nah, Paris, ain finna sit hea and wait fa you to pick out some bra and panties. You got some good ones already.” He said, licking his lips.

I rolled my eyes, “You tear up all my gotdamn panties, so don’t even start that shit. C’mon, I promise I won’t take long.” I began walking into the store, leaving Rios because I was tryna found a real damn outfit. I wasn’t finna show up in some fashionable lingurie.

Not taking long at all, I quickly picked out 3 sets: a yellow lace set, purple lace set, and magenta lace set. After he saw I had what I was going to try on, Rios came in. I smirked and shook my head as I headed for the dressing room.

I got into a room, but before I could close it, Rios stuffed his ass into the room with me. “Get out, Rios.” 

“Girl, I gotta see if I like the shit you picked out. Nah, gon head and strip.” He said, going behind me and sitting on the bench. 

“You too much fa my life.” I said, rolling my eyes. He smiled and did this cute ass shoulder shrug, making him look like a little boy. He leaned back, and scrolled thru his phone as I took off my clothes piece by piece. 

After all my clothes were off, I looked at him to see him staring at me intently. “Some you like?”

“Tease me if you want to.” He replied, shifting his gaze back to his phone. I laughed and picked up the prettiest set I picked out, the purple one, and put it on. I looked at myself in the mirror, and automatically chose this one to wear tonight. It looked so nice on my body, I just wanted to leave wearing it but I ain’t want to. “Bae, this look good?”

Rios looked at me, pretending he hadn’t been for the past ion know minutes, and his eyes fell straight to my ass. “Hell yeah, come here.”

“Nope. I’ma wear this tonight, it look good as hell.” I said, running my hands down my body. I quickly took off the undergarments, not ruining them before tonight even started.

While I was messing with the hook on my bra, trying to take it off, Rios grabbed my forearm and pulled me towards him onto his lap. He took my bottom lip into his mouth and began sucking on it, groaning in the process. I wrapped my arms around his neck, as his tongue found its way into my mouth.

Pulling back to take a breath, Rios gripped one of my legs and threw it over one of his, causing me to straddle him. Keep in mind, I only had on the bra. He grabbed my ass and pushed me more up, and I felt something long and hard against my kitty. I looked down to see he had already whipped out and had a condom on.

“Rios, I’m not finna do this, not here.” I whispered to him, but he continued to suck on my neck. He finally looked up at me, “C’mon, just a quickie. I promise it won’t take long. You sitting on me already got me bout to buss.”

“This a fucking dressin room, Rios! People can hear us...” I lowly whispered. This is what I hated about Rios; he’d fuck any fucking where. He ain’t give no type of fuck about where we was. When he was horny, he was bound to get pussy no matter where he at. 

He grabbed his cousin and began rubbing the tip up and down my lips. I bit my bottom lip, holding in a moan. He slipped the tip in, causing me to stand up and sit back down on his cousin, taking it all into me. He placed his hand over my mouth, so my moans would be muffled, but that was no use. 

Rios hugged my body with one arm, and I hugged his neck as I slowly rode him up and down. He threw his head back and bit hard on his bottom lip, as well as me. Rios took his hand off of my mouth and crashed his lips into mines. He took his hand and rubbed my silt, making my climax come faster. 

As Rios pumped into me faster and harder, my phone began to ring. Rios ignored it, but I pulled it out of his pants pocket and picked it out without looking at the I.D.

“H-hello?” I asked, feeling my climax rising which made him go quicker. I felt myself about to cry because of the extreme pleasure that was being put on me. 

“The hell you doing, doll?” I heard Camilla’s voice ask. Rios rubbed my silt faster, so I knew he was about to come just as I was. “H-hold on, C-Cee.” I dropped my phone on the floor as Rios placed both of his hands on my hips and squeezed them tight, grunting loudly. My body shutdown, then shook as I reached my breaking point. I bit into the side of Rios’ neck so I wouldn’t scream out. It was the best release that I’ve ever recieved, and it was in a fucking dressing room. 

After I came off of my high, I laid on Rios’ chest and closed my eyes, preparing to sleep. “Get yo fat headed ass up, we still in the store.” Rios said, kissing my neck. I grumbled and wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. “Carry me.” 

“Hell nah, you naked.” He replied, kissing my neck again. “Rios, lemme just go to sleep, please bae.”

“I mean, you can, just don’t expect me to be here when you wake up. Bae, lemme slip this condom off then you can get back on.” He said, making me burst out into laughter. I lifted my head off his chest and kissed him. “I bet folks heard us.”

“I really don’t give a fuck.” Rios said as I got off of him. I took off the bra I was wearing, replacing it with my original bra. I didn’t put back on my panties, only my tights. Rios took my panties and stuffed them in his pocket, talmbout ‘it’s a memory.’

I fixed myself up and was about to walk out, but I saw my phone on the floor. I had forgot all about Camilla. I picked it up, cutting it off cause I knew she had hung up by now. I gave it back to Rios to put in his pocket, walking to the register.

“Hello superstars, how may I help you?“ The cashier asked, staring at Rios. She was a pretty lightskinned girl with dirty blonde hair, but she needed keep her eyes off my nigga.

I stood in front of Rios, causing him to wrap his arms around my waist. “I’m buying this.” I said, briefly. She put on a plastic smile and rung and bagged my item, telling me the price. Rios payed for it and we began heading out, but stopped because we heard the cashier speak.

“If she a screamer, she a keeper.” She said, making my face flush red. Rios chuckled, but that shit was embarrassing as hell. We had sex in many odd places, but we never got caught so I didn’t know how to react. I turned on my heels and power walked my ass out that bitch. Not even giving a fuck that I didn’t have an outfit, I left the whole mall altogether. 

Rios tried to catch up with me by jogging, but I was gone. I was so embarrassed, I wanted to cry. If she heard me, who else did? What if someone recorded our voices? I just got this fame, I’m not trying to lose it so fast. “Paris, you needa hold yo ass up!” Rios yelled as I approached the car. I tried to open the car door, but my dumbass, it was locked. “Fuck!” I hollered, banging on the car windows with my palm. 

I actually didn’t know if I was mad, sad, embarrassed, angry, I didn’t fucking know. I could feel tears build up in the back of my eyes, and they quickly came falling when Rios wrapped his arms around my waist from behind me. “Paris, calm down.” He said into my ear, and I snapped. 

“Calm down? Fuck you, Rios, you calm down. You the reason why she said that shit anyway, you the reason fa every wrong thing in my life! My life was perfect fo you up and walked into it, nah look at the position I’m in. I ain’t talking to my mama cause of you. I ain’t in New York cause of you. I’m beefin with my granny cause of you. I lost the only thing I kept for twenty years cause of you. And, more importantly, I lost my gotdamn bestfriend because of you! Who or what do I have now? Did you not realize that every action you do comes with a reaction?” I choked back on my tears, “I hate you, Rios.” Standing in front of him with tears running out of my eyes, I pushed him back hard and tried to get into his car but he pulled me back before I could. 

“What the hell you trippin fo, cuh-” 

“Rios, just leave me the fuck alone and let me go.” I grabbed my arm from him. “Gimme my phone, too.”

“Hell nah, tell me wassap first.” He said, tryna hold my hand before I swiftly pulled it back. A woman was walking by us, so I turned towards her. “Excuse me, ma’am, may I use your phone?”

“Sure-” She began digging in her bag.

“Nah, she straight. Thank you, doe.” Rios put his hand over hers to stop her. “Don’t mind him, ma’am, may I please use your phone.”

“Paris, be the fuck quiet, you gettin on my gotdamn nerves.” Rios said thru gritted teeth. I stood there shocked, not as to what he said, but how he said it in front of this woman. She prepared to walk away, but I stopped her. 

“I’m sorry, ma’am, for his rude actions, but I can’t go home with him. May I please use your phone to call another ride?”

“Of course you may.” She said, giving Rios a death stare from the corner of her eye and me her cell phone. I called up the number...

“Who the hell is this, and why the fuck you calling my nigga number?”

“Grapez, shutup, I don’t want your nigga nor do I need a nigga.” I looked at Rios, and he was fuming. He turned around and got into his car.

“Oh, Paris, honey, I ain’t know this was you. What phone you callin from?”

I sniffled, “Don’t worry bout that, Grapez. Can you or Bobby come pick me up from the international mall?”

“Why? What happened? You crying?”

“I’ma tell you when you get here, or when Bobby drop me off at your house.” I said, as Rios started his car and started pulling out the parking lot.

“Aight, P.” She hung up, as well as me, and I gave the woman back her phone and said ‘thank you.’ She smiled and walked away to her destination. I looked back to where Rios’ car was to see it completely gone. More tears ran down my cheeks as I walked back towards the mall.

I sat on the bench outside the mall with my hands on my face, so no paparazzi would know who I was and so they wouldn’t get me crying. My body moved up and down quickly as I cried. I felt like my life came crashing down in only 30 minutes.

I sat on the bench for about fifteen minutes before I felt a presence beside me, but I still refused to look up. The arms wrapped around me and I already knew it was Rios, but I still wasn’t in the mood to see him. Knowing it was him, I took my hands off of my face to reveal it to him. He lifted up my chin and turned it towards him. He looked me in the eye and slowly kissed my lips, and I let him. I still cried and sniffled as he kissed me. He moved all of my hair to the back and gripped the back of my neck while he rotated his neck to the left, and I moved mines to the right.

I pulled off of him first and looked into his eyes. I could see only guilt in them, and I couldn’t take it. I laid my head on his chest while he wrapped one arm around my waist and the other hand fished into his pocket. He gave me my phone back, “Paris-”

I put my index finger on his lips to shut him up, and that’s exactly what he did. He leaned down and kissed my neck, and I quickly pushed it back up. Before he could ask any question, I saw Grapez’s car pull up beside us. I stood up and Rios grabbed my hand, “Where you going?”

“I’ll talk to you later.” I said, snatching my hand out of his grasp. He stood up after me while I made my way to the car. He grabbed my arm and turned me around. “Paris, you can’t be this childish. How you just gon leave me here?” 

“The same way you did me.”

“But, I didn’t. I juh turned the corner. Man, I’m sorry, Paris. C’mon.” He begged, but I just shook my head. “Stop shaking yo head, baby, I’m sorry.” He leaned down to kiss me, and I let him. Pulling back, he asked, “Can you come with me, man, please Paris?”

I shook my head and took my arm out of his hand. “What about the dinner?”

“Cancel it.” I simply said, trying to walk to Grapez’s car but he stopped me again. “I’m still taking you to the club.”

“I’ll get there myself if I’m still in the mood to come. Bye, Rios.” I said, walking around him.

“I love you, Paris.” I heard him say, but I just opened the passenger side door of the car and got in. Since the windows were tinted, he couldn’t see me, but I could see him. He put his hands on his head as if he was stressing, and he was saying something but I couldn’t hear him.

I looked to the left to see Bobby was driving the car instead of Grapez. “Hey, Bobby.”

“Wassap, shawty? You just gon leave yo nigga out thea like that. Shit to me, I woulda beat yo ass the next time I seent you.” He said, driving away and keeping his eyes on the road.

“I’m not in the mood.” I simply said, watching the mall get smaller and smaller.

“Was you crying? He got you crying?” He asked, finally looking my way. He turned my head towards him to see my tear stained face. Looking at Bobby just made me start crying all over again.

“What happened? I already beat his ass one time, ion mind whoopin it again.” He replied, making me laugh. He let go of my chin and I looked forward.

“It’s a long story.”

“Ion give a fuck, ain got shit to do. Yo friend with the curly hair over there with Reagen so she won’t let me fuck. Ion even like that girl, she forever tryna fuck me but she ain’t go no ass. What ha name is?” 

“Camilla?” I asked and he quickly nodded his head, “Yeah, thas what it is. She a real hoe, fuckin her friend niggas... why ya’ll keep ha around?” 

“Ion know... she was just there for me when I was going thru things and I respect her fa that.” I honestly said. I knew Camilla fucked alotta niggas, and didn’t give a fuck as to who it was, but I wasn’t worried bout her because Rios told me if he was gon cheat on me with another girl, it sure as hell wouldn’t be a hoe or Camilla. 

“Just don’t bring her around when I am... anyway, wassap shawty?”

I told Bobby everything without leaving anything out, only because there was really nothing that I could leave out.

“You let him fuck in the dressing room but you won’t let me fuck a McDonalds, thas fucked up. I’m pose to be your bestfriend, too-” I punched him in his arm and he chuckled.

“Nah, I’m just bullshitting, but really Paris you can’t be mad at Ree cuh uh what ole girl said. If you know you scream when you getting fucked, then don’t do it when he wanna do it outside tha house. You can’t give in all the damn time. Then when you was saying all that shit was his fault cuh you in LA, all that, it ain’t. He can’t decide shit fa you, you do. You chose to come here, break up yo friendship with whoever Maurice is, you said that name, ain know who it is, and you chose him to take your virginity. He ain’t rape you, I’m hoping..” I laughed, “What you just told me, you was really snappin on him fa no reason. If I was you, I’d prollay take a couple hours away from him then go back and talk to him about it cuh I’m pretty sure you hurt his feelings. Shit, if he even got feelins, that nigga was whoopin me like I dun took the last running treadmil, wit his buff ass.”

I giggled, “Thank you, Bobby. You’re the best person to talk to bout stuff like this.”

“Hell, I know.” He said, reaching the driveway of Grapez’s house. He parked the car on the curb and I looked over at him. “Whatchu finna get into, boo?”

He smiled his pretty ass smile, “That curly one ain’t hea so I’m finna try to fuck sum.”

“No the fuck you ain’t, I’m finna go to sleep and I ain’t tryna hear you and Grapez.” I said, rolling my eyes at him.

“Man, you ain’t gon be hearin us, she is.” He said, leaning forward and kissing my neck. I swiftly pushed him back. “You needa chill yo ugly ass out fo Grapez and Ree take turns whoopin both of our asses.” 

“You was there when I sauced his ass, why you keep playin?” He said, sitting back straight in his seat and causing me to laugh. I opened my door and got out as well as him.

“If that’s what bursts yo bubble, Bobby, then aight.” I began walking towards the front door and he walked close behind me. I was about to knock, but he stopped. He pulled out a key from his pocket and stuck it into the hole. “Whattt, she gave you a key?” 

“I call it the ‘fuck-when-I-wanna’ key.” He replied, unlocking the door and walking in. I laughed and followed him in, “Grapez!” I yelled throughout the large house. Grapez and Camilla had to move from the house that they first stayed in since they broke up with their celebrity fiends.

“I’m right here, honey, shutup.” She said, coming into the living room from the kitchen. She was wearing sweats and she had a burger in her hand while she came up to hug me. “You okay?”

“Yeah, but ion even feel like talmbout it. I needa go to sleep.”

“You know the guest room all fa you, P.” My girl said, and I smiled. I loved Grapez, she was a good ass friend.

“Thanks, boo.” I replied, turning around towards the stairs.

“You juh gon ignore me like I ain standing right here.” Bobby said to Grapez, but I continued to walk up the stairs. I was tired and I ain’t have time for their bickering.

I made my way up the stairs to the guest room and stripped off my clothes, taking a long, hot shower.

After thirty minutes, I finally got out. I picked out a tank and boyshorts that I keep over there and pulled them on. I got into the comfortable, large bed and fell into a deep sleep.

I woke up hours later, and checked the time beside me. It was seven, and Rios was going to the club at eight thirty. I was tired as fuck, so I decided to prospone it.

I looked up to see Bobby sitting in the room on the Mac at the desk in the corner of the room. “What you doing, Bobby?”

He jumped at the sound of my voice and looked back at me, gripping the side of his pants. “You can’t be doing that shit nah, Paris... have a nigga pullin the wrong tool out on you.” 

I smiled and got out the bed stretching. “Where Grapez?”

“We got da arguing and she left. Joke’s on her dumbass, she left her house.” He said, chuckling. I smacked my teeth and walked up behind him, smacking his head. I wiped my eyes and concentrated on what Bobby was doing on the computer, and when I realized, I busted out laughing.

“Really, Bobby? You on gotdamn eHarmony?” I asked in between laughs. He smacked his teeth, “Don’t judge me.”

“I wasn’t going to, trust me.” I squatted next to him and bumped my hip against his so he could scoot over. I sat on the chair with him and watched him eHarmonize.

“You know you too thick fo this nah, Paris. You needa go back to Ree fo I end up fuckin yo ass in that bed, too.” I smacked my teeth at his comment and put my head down on the desk. 

“He wanted me to meet him at the club, but I ain’t got nobody to go with.” I said, making Bobby quickly turn his head towards me. “You a stupid ass muhfucka. You see my desperate ass right here on eHarmony, while you can go to the club. Put some sexy on, I’ma go with you.”

“But, Bobby-”

“Yeen gon be moping around me all the damn time about this nigga, so get ready.” He closed out of eHarmony and kissed the tip of my nose, getting up and walking out. I leaned back on the chair and sighed. Hating that I had to admit it, Bobby was right. 

I got up and stalked over to the closet that had not too many of my club wear in it. I picked out a white, tank dress and some red heels with a white bottom, just to be simple with it. I lotioned down my body and put on the undergarments I bought from Victoria Secret earlier, followed by the dress and shoes. I had got my hair precurled, so I just pinned it up in a bun at the top. I painted my lips with a cherry red lipstick, and put on white diamond earrings.

Finishing up, I grabbed a purse from the closet and tossed my phone into it. I placed it on the fold of my arm and walked to the mirror to give myself an over look. After twenty minutes of getting dressed, I walked out of the room and into the living room.

“I’m ready.” I said to Bobby, who was standing near the door and wearing a crisp white tshirt, new black levis, and some of the latest Jordans. Bobby was a sexy ass nigga, and if I wasn’t so in love with Rios, I woulda been hopped on his ass.

“You look good, shawty.” He said and I thanked him. He opened the front door and we both went to Bobby’s BMW and started our way to the specific club. It was a club made for celebrities, and Bobby was getting his stardom from me and also Grapez.

About twenty five minutes later, Bobby parked in a parking spot at the packed club. I wasn’t in the mood for socializing, but I had to suck it up.

Bobby got out of the car first, followed by me. Instead of holding hands, Bobby and I linked arms together. Paparazzi always came out of nowhere and I didn’t have time fa rumors.

The thing about being a celebrity was that you didn’t have to wait in no gotdamn line or cut in front of no damn body. The bodyguard noticed me and Bobby’s come up, and he began to smile. “The bestfriends.” He simply said, and I smiled. 

“Hey, Jim.” I let go of Bobby to give him a hug. Bobby dapped him up and he moved out of the way so we could go into the club.

“Watch out, B. Ree in thea and he ain’t gon like the fact you with his girl.” Jim said, chuckling. To my surprise, Bobby just shot him a bird and let it go. I raised my eyebrow at him and he smirked, “I gotta look hard in here.” 

Typically, the club was packed with celebrities doing random things. The thing I liked about celebrities was that they acted as if they were regular people. Smoking, drinking, clubing. Tonight might not even be that bad, as long as I do those three things.

I locked in closer to Bobby as we walked throughout the club. I wasn’t paying attention to anything but my eyes scanning for Rios. “Do you see him?”

I looked up at Bobby when he didn’t respond to my question. His eyes were guled to the girl with the fat ass dancing on the dancefloor. I pushed his chest in, making him ‘oomp.’

“Fuck you did that fa?” 

“Do you see Rios?” I asked, scanning the club once more.

“Hell nah, but get the fuck off me. Got me lookin like I ain single...” Bobby pulled his arm away from me and prepared to walk off. He turned back around towards me, “He at the V.I.P section near the far corner, shawty. I’ma get back at you.” I smiled and he winked, walking off.

I took my time walking towards where Bobby pointed at, being constantly stopped by people who wanted to say hi. I eventually got a couple feet away from Rios to where I could see him, but he couldn’t see me. He sat in the red, velvet couches, smoking with the couple niggas who surrounded him. He had on a black tshirt, white pants, and some black and red foams. He matched my fly, and I could stand and stare at him all day. Knowing him for so long, I could tell he just started his high, so I came at the right moment.

I walked out of the crowd and made myself visible so Rios could see me. He took a long drag of whatever he was smoking, tossing his head back with his eyes closed. At this moment, I made my way over to him and sat in his lap, wrapping my arms around his neck. He quickly looked up at me and grinned. “Ain’t thank you was gon come.”

“Damn, Ree, you gotta bad ass one.” One of the niggas on the side of us yelled over the loud ass music. I rolled my eyes and put my concentration back on Rios. I looked into his happy eyes and smiled. I ran my fingers thru his hair and bit the corner of my lip.

“You wanna talk about it?” He whispered into my ear. I shook my head and whispered back, “Let’s just forget that shit ever happened.”

He nodded and took a drag of his weed as he wrapped his arm around my waist. He blew the smoke into the air, followed by him kissing my neck.

“I missed you...” He said into my ear while sucking the skin underneath it. To keep me from moaning, I grabbed his blunt and took a drag from it. The weed filled my lungs and only put relaxation in me. I blew it out and bit my lip.

After a couple of minutes, I was officially high. I could feel the moist warmth come into my new panties while Rios increased underneath me and decorated my neck with hickies. I tapped Rios on his shoulder, making him look up at me. I gave him back the small portion left of his 8in. blunt. I looked at Rios and smiled. He smirked and shook his head.

I gave him a small peck on his lips and whispered into his ear, “I’m wet.” I put one of my hands down and gripped the tent he was making. He removed my hand and lead me down on the couch. “Paris.” Both of us looked up to see Camilla standing and looking at us.

I pushed Rios off of me and he sat back in his normal seat. He pulled out a new blunt and lit it up. “Hey, Camilla.”

“Hey, doll.” She said, looking down on me. I stood up and gave her a small hug, and she returned it sweetly. Unwanted tension began to rise, from what, I don’t know. I cleared my throat, “My bad about that call...”

“It’s aight. I hung up when I realized ya’ll was fuckin.” She stated, looking dead at Rios. He ignored her glare by smoking. I looked back at Camilla from Rios and did a nervous chuckle, “Um... I’m finna go get a drink. You wanna come?”

“Nah, I’m finna head to the V.I.P section over there to find me a nigga.” She said, looking at Rios again. “Bye, ya’ll.” She turned around and walked away towards where she pointed.

I looked at Rios, who had his eyes guled on my ass. I snapped my fingers and he looked up at me. “Why she was actin like that?”

“How the hell I’m pose to know, thas yo girl.” He shrugged and took a drag of weed. I just shook it off and turned around towards him. I bent over and kissed his lips, “I’m finna go get a drank.”

He nodded and said, “You know you can drink straight without throwing up, nah?” I smiled, knowing that he actually pays attention to me. I nodded and turned to walk, but he slapped my ass. “Don’t be long so we can finish what we started.”

I walked to the bar and ordered a light strawberry daiquiri. I sat at the bar and drunk it quickly, then ordered another one, making me gain a tips. I made sure I didn’t get too tipsy this early in the club. So, I finished my drinks and swaggered back to where Rios was. 

He was scrolling thru his phone when I came back to sit beside him. He stared me down while I watched him smoke. “You know you gettin a lil bolegged.”

I smacked my teeth and grabbed his blunt. I slowly leaned back on the couch, “Cause of you.” He hovered above me and kissed my jaw while his hand went under my dress and tried moving my panties.

“I’m finna tear these bitches off.” He said trying to tear them off. I gripped his hand and pulled it out from my dress. “I just bought these nigga, the hell if you is.”

He smacked his teeth and sat back down on the couch, “Them skin tight ass bitches can’t even come off. Don’t wear them no more.” He took the blunt back from me and smoked it. 

I was sexually fustrated and I could tell he was, too. I slowly took off my panties and gave them to him. He smirked at me and put them in his pocket. He turned towards me and was about to kiss me, but the vibration of his phone stopped him. He groaned and took it out to answer it.

I huffed and just gave up. I crossed my legs and scooted close to him while he draped his arm across my shoulder and talked on the phone. I scanned the club, watching other people do different things.

I saw Bobby, basically fucking a girl on the dancefloor. I giggled to myself and continued to look around. I saw Camilla being kissed on by some nigga, but ocasionally looked over at Rios and I. I started feeling she had a bit animosity against us, but I was gon ignore it. 

I continued my eye assult on the club, until my eyes fell onto the bar. I looked at a couple sober people, drunk people, crying bitches, and laughing niggas.

None of that caught my eye but the sexy man who was kissing on a girl that was standing on him. My jaw dropped. 


“You know you look good tonight.” I whispered into Marleigh’s ear while she stood in front of me as I sat on the stool at the bar.

We had a week off of practice, and I decided to come out to the club with Marleigh this Saturday night. I knew paparazzi was gon be deep out here, so I had to give them something to talk about... which was me and Marleigh together.

I’ve been with her for a while nah, and I don’t regret meeting her. She sexy, cool, and to top it off, she had some good pussy, which was what I was tryna get myself into tonight.

She looked good in the black tights, pink heels, and pink tube top she was wearing, but she didn’t take the shine off of me. My hair had grown alot more, and thicker. I wore a LA Lakers beanie, black tshirt, black pants, and some Kobe’s. Marleigh was mad at the looks the hoes and bitches was giving me, but shit, the fuck I’m pose to say?

Being in a liking with one female for over a month got me changing my ways. I knew I was changing, but I didn’t want to admit it. I was less rude, disrespectful, all that shit, but I wasn’t sprung. I hadn’t even made it official with Marleigh, but we might as well shoulda been.

I was still keeping in contact with Nino, Pookie, and Jasmine... but Pookie’s mama had gone on a cruise and didn’t want anyone to bother her. I ain’t the type to go up against her rule, so I left it at that.

I was maturing, and it was clear to see. My life was going great and I didn’t need anything to change it. With a bad bitch on my arm, on my dream team, and a head full of hair, couldn’t nothing get in my way of success.

“Alot of these hoes thinking the same thing about you.” She said, turning her lips up. Even though alotta things were good about Marleigh, she had some bad ass flaws. She got jealous too quickly, like I’ma just up and leave her when I see a bitch with a fat ass walk by. She know she got little to no competition, so ion know why she forever trippin. Also, she stay got me buying shit fa her, like I’m a muhfuckin ATM. I mean, ion mind it, but she don’t never show the least bit on independence she got. She don’t even fake that shit, it’s not attractive.

“Okay, but look who I’m kissin on.” I said, kissing her neck. I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her closer to me. She was standing on me with her back to my chest as he eyes scanned the club.

“Whatever, Maurice. Can you buy me a drink?” She said, waving me off. If I was still the rude ass nigga I used to be, I woulda slapped her ass before I bought her sum to drink... but her lil dumbass talk to me like I’m a damn pushover.

“Buy yoself sum to drink.” I let go of her waist and she turned around to face the blank expression I had on my face. She raised an eyebrow at me, “What?”

“Ain believed I stuttered.” I simply stated, pulling out a blunt from my pocket. She poked out her bottom lip and wrapped her arms around my waist, “Why you being mean to me?”

“I’m tryna be nice to yo ungrateful ass, you got me fucked up. I shoulda been hit yo ass but I’m tryna be nice.” I honestly said to her. She looked at me for a while before pushing me against my shoulders and turning around to walk off.

“I ain’t neva liked that guh, bruh.” My nigga, T, said sitting beside me. He was also on the same basketball team as I so we bonded really well. “She whine too damn much, how you still with ha?”

I just shook my head and pulled out my lighter. I lit the blunt and began taking drags out of it. I was here to have a good ass night and Marleigh wasn’t finna fuck it up.

I turned around in my stool, facing the bar and conversating with T as I order a drink. For a couple of minutes, we were in a deep conversation, but it was suddenly cut short when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I slowly turned around, only to be faced with a familiar face that I could barely remember. “Hey, Maurice.”

I realized the face to be Paris’ curly head friend. I forgot what her name was but I gave her a genuine smile anyway, “Wessap, ma?”

“You dun changed, boyyy.” She said, smiling at me. I gave her an over look and noticed her body type was alot bigger. Either she was hoeing out her in LA, or she gotta big nigga on her hands. “Shittt, you have too.”

She giggled, “Is that a good thing or a bad thing?” I licked my lips and chuckled, shrugging my shoulders. She laughed, lightly brushing her fingers against my chest. “I always liked you, Maurice.”

“You was a cool ass chick from what I remember, so I liked you too, no flex.” I said, taking a drag from my blunt. She walked a little bit closer to me, “No, I mean, I really liked you,” She said, putting emphasis on ‘really’, “I just never made a move because I thought Paris would feel some type of way, but now that she’s got her boyfriend, there’s no reason why I can’t make a move.”

I blew a couple smoke rings out from my mouth. What she didn’t know was that no matter how long Paris stayed with ha nigga, I’ma always feel Paris. If talking to one of her friends was disrespectful towards her, I wouldn’t do it. Paris had some kind of spell on my ass, and no matter how hard I’d try, I couldn’t take it off. I was basically Paris’ nigga, but I wasn’t Paris’ nigga.

I’d admit that I did like this friend of Paris’ fa a lil while, but as quick as the feeling came, it left, and her standing here in front of me with these lil ass clothes on wasn’t making it no better. She didn’t have no ass, but she had hella hips and big tits. But, still, I wouldn’t wanna do anything with her cause she didn’t attract me and cuh she was Paris’ friend.

“I’m good how I’m is right nah, ma.” I said, not trying to hurt her ass if she got some feelings. She looked at me blankly, “I just want one chance with you, Maurice...” She raised her hand and twirled her fingers thru my hair. I pushed her hand away.

“I said I was fine, nah keep yo fingers out my hair cuh you really fuckin up my high.” Nonchanlantly, I replied. All these gotdamn females was fuckin me up tonight and I ain’t even get the bitch started yet.

I blew out some smoke while she narrowed her eyes at me, “You still the same.”

“Ain’t got nobody to change fa.” I said, turning back around towards the bar. I was about to pick my drink up, but I felt a harsh push to my back, making my drink spill behind the counter. My first instinct was the knock this bitch out, but I knew the shit would be on TV. “You so fucking arrogant!” She yelled, storming off. 

I calmly ordered another drink and began sipping it while smoking my blunt. “All the females hate a pretty boy.” T said, making me nod. “Hell yeah.”

For about thirty minutes, T and I sat at the bar getting tipsy and high. My night started terrible, but it gradually got better. We talked about basketball and bitches. The night wasn’t even close to being over and I was too turnt.

As T and I laughed aloud, I felt a tap on my back instead of my shoulder. I looked at T and squinted my eyebrows and mouthed, “Who is it?”

He looked at the person then mouthed back, “A female.” I rolled my eyes, then smirked to myself. I blew out of the fourth blunt I had that night and slowly turned around. I didn’t even get a chance to look at who it was before I started chumping.

“What? What the fuck do you want? All ya’ll gotdamn females ruining my fucking night, what ya’ll bitches want from a nigga? I’m just tryna chill-...” In the midst of my snapping, I opened my eyes and looked down at the girl, more like woman, who stood before me.

My high and tipsyness was gone. The music was gone. The people were gone. The furniture was gone. The only thing that was there was me and this female who looked at me. I couldn’t say anything, but I just stared. It seemed like for that moment, only her and I existed in this crazy ass world. 

She was beautiful. Her silky hair was in a bun with strings coming out. She had on cherry red lipstick on her full, plump lips and I had to hold myself back from attacking them. I still had to look down on her, no matter how high the red heels she was wearing were. The dress she had on hugged her body tight, making her breasts lift up sexy. Her left arm was naked, so I realized she got her tattoos removed. I wasn’t too happy about that, but she looked better. Her hips were so much more wider than the last time I seen her, and there was no doubt in my mind that she wasn’t a virgin anymore. This was Paris. Paris Hendrix. The woman who took my player’s card, but had me still playing.

I stood off of my stool and hovered above her. Her head tilted up so she could look into my eyes. “Paris?”

She smiled her beautiful smile that only existed in my dreams. “What a nice way to say ‘hi’ to a person you haven’t seen in almost a year.” 

I couldn’t help myself and embraced the shit outta her. I wrapped both of my arms around the back of her neck while her tiny arms went around my waist. She buried her face into my chest and I held onto her like she just came back to life. I didn’t wanna let her go, I never wanted to let her go again.

She probably heard my heart beating, cuh it was beating like a muhfucka. “I missed you so much, Paris.” accidentally slipped out of my mouth, but I didn’t even care at this moment. She could think I was pussying out, but shit, this was my muhfuckin girl.

“Maurice, I missed you, too.” She mumbled on my chest and I could feel it getting wet, so I knew she was crying. If Marleigh was looking at us right nah, I wouldn’t give a fuck, and if Paris’ nigga was looking at us, I wouldn’t give two. Nobody knows how hard I missed this girl, and only by this hug was how I was exposing it.

She pulled off of me first and looked up at me. She let out a chuckle as I wiped away her tears. I smiled down at her, making her shyly look away. The feeling was momentarily awkward, only because neither one of us knew what to say. After staring at her for what felt like forever, I quickly took my eyes off of her and sat down. I looked over at T, “Gimme some time, homie.”

“That’s you?” He asked, getting out of his seat. I didn’t reply, just dapped him up. He took a look over at Paris, licking his lips. I tensed up a bit, but relaxed. I wasn’t her nigga...

With T gone, I opened my mouth to say something, but she beat me to it. “You’ve changed.”

“So, I’ve heard.” I said, looking at her. She giggled and looked away, blushing. I wanted Paris and I to be back as we were, with the exception of being bestfriends. I wanted her as mines, and I was going to do anything to proclaim that spot only if she wanted it as bad as I did.

She sat on the stool beside me and I turned my body towards her. She tilted her head and stared at me, taking in my features. “Hmm, lemme see...” She touched my hair, “Your hair’s grown alot more and longer, and your goatee is fuller.” She ran her fingertips along my jaw and stroked my goatee. “Your attitude is a lil different, too...” She deepened her hard stare on me, making me clear my throat.

“Uh... shit, look at you. Your hair looks naturally curly, you got them tats removed, and you dun got hella thick.” I said, looking down at her hips. She giggled and pushed my right shoulder. “So, I see who hasn’t been paying attention to my videos.” 

I ran my hand down my face and looked at her. She was so beautiful, and if I was someone else who realized I let her go, I would kill my ass dead. “I been busy, getting ready for the season.”

She pasted a warm smile onto her face, “Oh yeah, congrats on the draft. I’m pretty sure Nino told you how happy I was.”

I nodded my head, “Yeah he told me, cuh I couldn’t get ahold of you myself. Not answering my calls and shit, I ain’t know you could hold a grudge fa that long, but it’s cool.”

She twisted her eyebrows in confusion, “Whatchu talmbout? You ain’t never call me, and you ain’t never answer my calls. Looks like you was avoiding me... new girl got some kind of lock on you, huh?”

“I ain’t never get no call from you, but I called you, and yo nigga picked up each time. He must got some kind of restriction between you and yo phone?” I asked, ignoring her statement about my new girl.

“Then you changed your number on me...” She said, lowly but I heard her clearly. I looked at her dumbass like she was stupid, “Ain never changed my number.”

“I called your number, but some bitch picked up saying she ain’t know who no Maurice was. Then, Nino told me you went and gotta new phone witcho girl.” I smacked my teeth at that. Nino ole dumbass, I told him I went out to get Marleigh a new phone and the phone number I gave him was hers, just in case I couldn’t pick her up when I needed, Nino could. And, that shit was way back when we was still in NYC. 

I shook my head and looked down, “It ain’t even like that, Pair. Nino just fucked some shit up.” I felt her small hand on top of my large one and looked up at her gleaming smile and eyes, “Don’t stress it. As long as we in each other’s presense nah, that’s all that matters.” I enclosed my hand around hers and brushed my thumb against her knuckles. She smiled before slowly taking her hand back to herself.

To keep myself from staring at her throughout the whole night, considering if this is a dream or not, I turned back straight towards the bar, taking out a blunt from my pocket. I lit it up and exhaled a long, hard drag. I looked back over at her to see her staring at me as I smoked.

I foolishly grinned at her, exposing all my teeth. She giggled cheerfully and looked down at the table. “So, your birthday in two weeks...”

“Yep, twenty-one and older than you.” She said, being cocky as ever. I smacked my teeth at her and twisted my lips. “What you doing for it?”

“I don’t know... I want to do something special, but I may just chill.” She shrugged her shoulders.

Her saying she wanted to do something special caught my attention. I coughed on the weed I was inhaling at the moment, and she patted my back. I smiled and rolled my eyes, “So, put me taking you out in consideration, aight?” 

She laughed, “You sure yo girl will like that?”

Marleigh had been bragging about how she would be gone for two days to chill with her friends, and one of those days so happened to be Paris’ birthday, so she wouldn’t trip. I knew Paris was a bit jealous, and that was why she said that. I smirked, “She might will, but shittt... I can’t take a old friend out?” 

She smiled, “Lemme send you a text to see if yeen bullshitting me.” She pulled out her phone from her purse and unlocked it, sending me a text. I quickly recieved it, making my phone vibrate. I took it out of my pants and read: ‘You look good tonight.’

I chuckled at her lil cute ass. I missed this, I missed her. I looked at her and she tried to look away as she scratched her head. Looking back at the text, I sent, ‘I know.’

She got the text and smacked her teeth. I shrugged my shoulders and pulled in some more weed to fill up my lungs. I exhaled the smoke just as soon as my phone buzzed again. I ignored it, knowing it was only Paris who was sitting right beside me. I was about to take another drag of the blunt when I heard her say my name, “Maurice.”

“Paris.” I said, touching the blunt to my lips.

“Lemme take a hit.” She replied, making me choke on the smoke I was pulling in. I moved the blunt and began coughing ridiculously. She rubbed my back and patted it while she laughed.

“Fuck you laughin fa, hell you mean take a hit. I wish you would...” I stated, swatting her hand away from me. She kissed her teeth and folded her arms across her chest. “I’ve been growing up, Mar.”

“What that pose to mean? You been smoking? That nigga got you smoking, Paris?” I asked her, all seriousness coming into my eyes. I knew this nigga was a bad ass influence. He was gon either be the death of me, or the death of her, and it damn sure wasn’t gon be Paris.

Before she could reply to my questions, his ass stalk over to where we were sitting. “I been looking everywhere for you, bae.” He leaned down and kissed her lips as I faced my blunt. “Who this you- oh, wassap man?”

I didn’t even reply to his ass. I picked up my unfinished drink and sipped on it. “Bae, you ready to go? Cuh I’m finna dip.”

I could feel Paris’ eyes back on me, turning back towards him, she said, “Yeah, let’s go.” She looked back at me, “It was nice seeing you again, Mar.” She hopped off of the stool to where he wrapped his arms around her waist. I just nodded my head and smoked my blunt. She turned around and walked towards the exit with him tied to her.

“Fuck..” I lowly cursed. Thinking see Paris would turn my night up, she did the complete opposite of that. I put my fresh blunt into the drink I bought and put my head in my hands as soon as I felt arms go around my waist and a cheek on my back.

“Marleigh, is you ready to go?” I asked, not even looking back at her. She appeared beside me and propped one elbow on the counter. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing, Leigh. All ya’ll females just pissin me off tonight and you standing here looking at me ain’t making it no better.” I honestly said. My high was blown and I couldn’t even get passed being tipsy. Wasn’t no point of staying here, having a jealous ass bitch on the side and nun of my niggas.

“I’m sorry for bitchin bout the previous situation, but if you really wanna talk-”

“Ain’t nobody tryna talk, gotdammit! You actin stupid like yeen been hearin shit I was sayin. If you ain’t tryna fuck sum, then get the fuck out my face.” I ain’t try to say it so harsh, but at that moment I didn‘t give a fuck. I was blowed, but ain know why I was so damn mad.

I hopped off the stool and grabbed the front of my pants while I began to walk. As quickly as I got up, Marleigh wrapped her small hands around my arm and turned me around. I looked down at her pretty, sad face and the way her new curves fit in the tights she was wearing. I couldn’t be mad at her, I could only be mad at myself.

She let her hand slide down into mines and I let her walk me to the private V.I.P section, where she locked the door behind us. I let go of her hand and sat in one of the fluffy sofas in the room. I knew over fifty different celebrities fucked their ex’s on this same ass sofa and I couldn’t do that to Marleigh. Even though she wasn’t the girl on my mind all day everyday, she was still important. 

Marleigh made her way in front of me, getting on her knees. As much as I wanted to fuck the shit out her throat, I couldn’t do her like this. Before she could zip my pants down, I stopped her.

“What? This is what you wanted, Maurice. Is this what she did to keep you so sprung over her? Why can’t I?” She asked with a crack in her voice. I sighed, looking at her as she began to cry.

“Man, Marleigh, get up.” I sat up and took her hands into mines, getting her up. I set her down on my lap and she cried desperatly. “What you talmbout?”

She smacked her teeth and sniffled up snot, “Don’t act dumb, Brook. I watched how you hugged her, talked to her, and looked at her. If you’re so in love with her, then why the hell did you even give me the time of day. You shoulda just told me straight forward that you was feeling her hard, instead of saying that ‘sister’ bullshit. You love that girl, and Maurice, it hurts.” At her last sentence, she cried harder.

I took a deep breath in and exhaled, rubbing a hand down my face. Even though I didn’t want to believe it, I knew I was in love with Paris. It was hard to not see the feelings I had for her. Seeing her after a long period of time had the feelings more noticeable than ever, and I knew Marleigh was affected by it. I didn’t want her thinking I was only using her to make Paris jealous, cuh I wasn’t. That’s that pussy nigga type shit, and I ain’t have time fa all that. I liked Marleigh because she wasn’t Paris, but I still couldn’t get a way to feel her cause she WASN’T Paris. 

“You’re right, Leigh. Ain’t even gon’ lie to you, I’m being deadass right nah... I do love Paris. Ion know where all these feelins fa her suddenly coming from, but they’re there. I can’t help that shit, baby. I love her, but I like you alot. I know you prollay thinking if she come back, I’ma dump you off, but that’s some shit I won’t do. I ain’t tryna make this no sentimental type shit, so lemme just tell you. You the one who lays up in my bed, take care of me when I’m stressed, and you feed me when I’m hungry. As long as you kickin it cool with me, then we gon be alright. Don’t be jealous all the damn time, when you barely got competition.” Straight from the heart, I told her. She sniffled continuously as she wiped away her tears. She still wasn’t smiling, so I allowed my other option seep in. Fuck.

Realizing she was at a lost for words, I kissed her gently. I knew I was wrong for doing this, making it seem like I’m in love with her, but hell. I didn’t know what else the fuck to do. I hated the way females can quickly turn yo life right around with the simple feel of a touch. I just needed to start pimping again... but, I know I couldn’t.

I placed my hand on her thigh, running it up to her kitty. I rubbed it, on the outside of her tights, and she quickly stopped me, removing her lips from mines. She shook her head and I looked at her confused, “What?”

“You just don’t understand, Maurice. I may be sensitive as fuck, but I went through a harsh ass childhood. I’m not a toy to be played with whenever your other one is taken away, I’m just not. I like you alot, man, you just don’t know it. But, I can’t stay liking you when your attention is on another girl. I don’t wanna be away from you, but I just don’t know what to do,” She stood off of my lap and faced the doorway, “You got too much on your plate to be handling someone who only got one thing on their mind; you.”

“Okay, so where you going?” I asked getting to the gotdamn point. She was dramatic as fuck, and that shit was pissin me off. 

“I’m staying at a hotel tonight with a friend.” After that was said, she turned around and walked out the door.

I wasn’t trippin so hard off the fact that she just up and left me, for only two reasons. One, she’s done this in the past and the next morning I wake up with my arms around her waist. Two, if she left me, then I’d have a simpler way to get to what I really want. 

I tilted my head back and put my hands behind it. Closing my eyes, I sighed.

Females... boy, I tell yah.

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