steps to a bachelor's heart chapter 29

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Zayn pov
I can't believe now that the boys just left that I'm waiting on the jeweler when the jewelry gets her I'm going to figure out what exactly gagement ring I'm going to pick up for Pamela yes I've decided that she is w the one for me she may be a bit older and meat but she exactly what I'm looking for she's mature sweet honest caring she's everything that I want the whole package of course I think that the other girl that kept is very sweet them at herself but she's younger than I am and I don't want to go back to stuff like that and I care for her more as a younger sister type thing now that I look at the picture and figure it all out but she's a sweet young girl and she will find the right love to her life when the time comes but I can also feel right now that she's kind of afflicted to let her feelings its just a gut feeling that I have and I can tell from when we are around with each other so ya go with someone that you think you have a better connection with someone that you know you can trust in someone that is willing to put their heart it on the line and Pamela is all those things so I hope Kat will be OK just then the jewelry showed up

Zayn open the door

Tom hello my name is Tom and I am your jeweler I come for Kay Jewelers let's see how I can help you out today because I have a great feeling that you are willing to propose to one of these two girls so which one of the girls was it that you picked because he had to have her input in the ring we have four different rings designed and which one of these girls will like for for each girls that is you get to pick from those for which one you think will send her the most but each for have the girls and put put in so have you decided between Kat and Pamela cuz you get to pick what you bring you think would be good so I have to know which girl you decided on

Zayn yes I have decided between the two girls and I'm going to be taking Pamela I have a better bond with her and better connection with her and I can really get to where I want to be with her and I could see myself having a long caring loving future with her of course I know that her and her son come together as a package deal but she's worth it in the end you gotta fight for what's worth it right

Tom which i think is a very good idea for you to be taking her I have been following you on the show all along me and my wife are big fans of it and I think you have the strongest connection with her anyway so we have here are the rings that she had picked out one looks a little but elegant just playing one with Diamonds one half way between with both and one that looks a little bit over the top because the thing is we let her have her input on all four she was a bit skeptical about the over-the-top when though because she thought it would cost too much money but we told her basically the show pays for it with a little that from The Bachelor so not to worry about the cost and besides even if you were buying it yourself it's only a drop in the bucket for you because you're the popstar and she had to have a great big laugh at that

Zayn that's another thing I like about her she always lets her sense of humor and that glow when I'm around her if she definitely going to be the one as a song with me and the boys song on X Factor goes she's the one

Tom yes and me and my wife watch the British X Factor and we love that year that you were on in 2010 yeah and we remember you guys singing that song anyway here is the ring so which one will you be picking

Zayn I think I'm going to take the one is a little bit more over the top because that is really her personality in one describes everything about her that's right I can't wait to give this ring to her hopefully she'll say yes because far as I'm concerned she's my baby my one and only

Tom well good luck tonight when you go to do this for the final rose wish you the best and I hope you have a great time with the one you pick and I hope she will say oh god bless and I hope everything will be good the way you want it

Zayn thank you and I am praying hope you're right and I just can't wait doesn't know if she's willing to be my wife and then be the love of my life for the rest of my life because once I marry I plan on staying with her and that's it I'm not the type of guy that gets married once and get divorce and that's married again when I get married I'm in it for the long haul

Tom I can tell that you're that type of guy because when you start to arise with you and your first fiancee Perrie Edwards you stopped it before you even got to the altar you didn't even go that far you wanted to make sure that was the right reasons and when you weren't sure that she had the right reasons and he found out that she was cheating on you and stuff you called it quits which was good everybody at first I thought that you were the one doing the cheating but then when your friends as in the guys in the One Direction came out with some proof that she was the one you started getting a lot of support which is really good

Zayn yes it is in a lot of people noticed the me and the boys are still good friends again it was just some crazy stuff is going on when I was hanging around with naughty boy and I don't even know why I was hanging around with him in the first place I just wasn't thinking clearly I guess but now I know who my true friends are and that will be always the boys have always had my back even if I'm in the group or not we're still close friends

Tom which is a really good thing anyway I'm off good luck when you make the final girl happy wish you the best bye

Zayn with that the jewelry left I couldn't believe it I finally have the perfect ring to give to the perfect girl the perfect girl is going to be my wife hopefully because I can honestly see myself with her and she's coming with a teenage son nothing wrong with that I'll just give me someone to bond with for when we do have her own children down the road

Well right now I'm going to go out for lunch because I'm not allowed to see the girls til tonight I hope there both feeling alright now

Meanwhile with Pamela

Pamela POV

I can't believe yesterday I picked four different rings and one of them is definitely going to be my engagement ring if he picks me cuz if he gets down on one knee and asked me to marry him hell yes I'm definitely gonna say because it's about time I find the right person then do what I have to do and my heart is telling me that Zayn is the one and I'm going to love him and be there for him if he wants me me to I just can believe how far I have come

Steps To A Bachelor's Heart Zayn Jawaad Malik Love story book #1 In The BachelorWhere stories live. Discover now