Chapter 11

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Gerard and I have been basically inseparable since Portman told me that she was relocating me. Even when we had private sessions, the other was right outside the door, waiting. Portman and I haven't been talking. Every time I'm called into her office, I sit in front of the door, facing away from that bitch. I ignore her when she tries to talk to me, and shrug her off when she puts her hand on my shoulder. According to Gerard, she tries to talk to him about me, but he ignores her and turns his head away.

Luna's been going crazy using my relocation as ammo against me.She talks nonstop about it and even has the other two backing her up. I can only imagine what she'll be like once I'm away from Gerard. It's going to be hell, she's going to fill my head with thoughts about how he's better off without me, how he's relieved that I'm finally gone, etc. I know, since she hasn't stopped threatening me with it. It's not that bad now, though, since I have Gerard to help me, but I won't in another week.

Gerard and I were walking back to the cafeteria after group therapy, which we both were very adamant about not talking there either, when Patrick stopped us.

"You have a visitor, Gerard." Patrick smiled.

"Who is it?"

"He says he's your brother."

"Okay, Frank and I will be right there." Gerard smiled before grabbing my hand and pulling me to the visiting room.

"I'm sorry, but you can't-" Patrick placed a hand on my shoulder when something stopped him.

"Let them." Portman said, taking Patrick's hand off of me.

"But-" Patrick protested.

"I know it's against the rules, Patrick, but let them." Portman said, then nodded at us before guiding Patrick down the hall to the cafeteria.

"Let's go." I said, following Gerard to the visiting room.

In the room was only one awkward-looking teenager. He looked about fifteen and had brown hair that covered his face. His black glasses were tucked underneath his gray beanie and were focused on his phone. Even from across the room, I could tell that he was Gerard's brother. As we got closer, I noticed a bandage on his right arm and how he kind of held his torso like his ribs were aching. He must still be recovering from when Gerard pushed him down the stairs.

"Hey, Mikes." Gerard said shyly. It wasn't until Mikey didn't respond that I noticed that he had his earbuds in. Gerard rolled his eyes before pulling them out from underneath his beanie.

"Hey, Mikes!" He said louder this time. He sat down across from his brother, and so I sat down so that my side was against his.

"Oh, hey." Mikey smiled. "Who's this?" He motioned to me.

"Hi, I'm Frank." I smiled, holding my hand out to shake hands.

"Frank's my boyfriend." Gerard added as we shook hands. My heart fluttered at the way he called me his boyfriend. Even after all this time, I still couldn't believe that I was dating someone so awesome.

Mikey started at the news, "Since when were you able to land a boyfriend?"

"Since about the time I got here." Gerard shrugged, grabbing my hand underneath the table.

"It's nice to meet you, Frank! I hope Gerard hasn't been too much of a handful." He laughed, winking at his brother.

"It's been difficult, but I've somehow managed." I laughed, nudging Gerard a little.

"You guys are so mean to me!" He pouted.

"Aww, I'm sorry. I love you!" I smiled, kissing his cheek.

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