7. war with myself

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you think that I want to let go

you think that I want this to be over

and distance between us is the answer

no use to stay and hover.

you think I choose to walk on this path

that I'll turn when the road shall bend

that it's my choice to run away

that I chose for this to end.

you think I wish to say those words

that I didn't wish for this to last

but it's not easy to let this fade

neither the memories, nor the past.

you think I feel a thousand miles away

is where I belong

and you believe I'll be there someday

your faith is quite strong.

you believe it is my destiny

to be well and to be free

but this is not the truth, my friend

this is not reality.

you think I leave because of you

that I'll just let you be.

but alas, my war is with myself

and it is I who is my own enemy.


this was written in my writers block phase so eh. I hope it turned out to be okay.

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